FX-2007: Jan 15 > Jan 19

JohnG FX said:
Morning everyone

Thanks for the welcome yesterday :)

Well made some on a short from the trendline break yesterday and then got some more on the bounce from the 9640's so at least came out ahead. currently flat on cable

A not unusual move yesterday, strong CPI makes everyone buy the USD and then after 15 minutes thinking about it everyone comes to the conclusion that it's irrelevant and won't change the Feds stance in the ST so treasuries come back and USD goes back to where it started.

Fundamentals purely on the interest differential support a stronger GBP against the EUR and USD, but...... we have had a pretty big move of 500 pips straight up in the last 2 weeks so even though I don't doubt we will have a go at breaking 9850 for an attempted run at 2.0 in the next couple of weeks there's not much momentum from current levels.

The fly in the ointment is swissy being stretched to the topside and looks like i wants to correct lower, similarly EUR/GBP stretched on the downside. so if those 2 converge then cable could still head up unless there is a correction on the crosses.

A bit of a conundrum. I'm asuming swissy and EUR/GBP will converge so have taken the obvious cross trade to take advantage of that,

Shorted GBP/CHF this morning @ 2.4612 potential shooting star on the daily and big negative D on the 4hr. No firm downside target, will use the 4hr chart for an exit, bit 2.4311 looks like a potential first target

On cable going to wait to see what happens after the retail numbers but have taken a 1 week long call with a 9860 strike for 35 pips and a 1 week long put with a 9585 strike for 24 pips.

Not looking so much for those to make money more as a forward hedge so I can short from the 9850's or long from 9580's within the next week with no downsid risk.

Anyway - just my views :|

Interesting stuff John. Im also looking to short the GBP/CHF after spotting the bearish engulfing pattern, however, I dont have an entry signal until around 4585. As for Cable, I still have my shorts from yesterday (Aggregate 9705), with a stop at 9790. Very concerned that daily close was above strong 9730 res yesterday, however, I think there could be a bearish engulfing pattern forming on the hourly. Im hoping for a run down to 9608.
Trend still down, selling ops on that spike. I'll post when I next see my trend shift to up... stop me rambling so much.
City Bound said:
Stopped and reversed on the other side of the breakout range. Long at 767.

Not looking good.

Well that was rubbish; stopped out again.

Question is, do I bother rearming? So far, I think not. Official end of day is 09:42 for -67 pips, which, frankly, is pathetic.
Well a quick spike after very strong retail sales,. EUR/GBP bouncing

So if London/Europe is not buying on those numbers and instead using the spike for longs to take profits then I think we are heading down on cable for the rest of the day into the close. (I missed the short on the spike)

GBP/JPY looking overdone, getting way too far ahead of the daily Tenkan and Kijun. not willing to risk an outright spot short with the Yen so weak but instead have a taken a 2 week put with a 235.00 strike for 31 pips.


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City Bound said:
Well that was rubbish; stopped out again.

Question is, do I bother rearming? So far, I think not. Official end of day is 09:42 for -67 pips, which, frankly, is pathetic.

Was always going to be a difficult call if you trade b/o's or on the figures. Despite good retails sales, PSBR still high. Probably would have been better to re-arm long once 9780 res had been broken...easy in hindsight though mate.
City Bound said:
Well that was rubbish; stopped out again.

Question is, do I bother rearming? So far, I think not. Official end of day is 09:42 for -67 pips, which, frankly, is pathetic.

I am very sorry to hear that.
hornblower said:
interesting day !

I may not trade today
unless things settle down

Me too! Im not ashamed to admit that Im not clear on whats going on. The doji on the hourly looks ominous, but all signs on my 5 and 15 charts point downwards.

Upside pressure, ive gone long 30, see if they sell into it but have to consider potential new direction and risk to short position, might get better value mid 20's if they pull it back.
jacinto said:
sorry to ask, but where exactly is your stop?

Sorry not to reply sooner, J, but the answer in this case was 783, which thankfully wasn't triggered by the 9.30am spike. Moved stop to 720 after plunge down again, so out with +20pt.
I think DC must be the expert on this, but I find that experimenting with stop distances while paper trading always seems to show that 40-50pts works better on non-scalping fx (which I'm trying again after dismal lack of recent success on indices) if there's any possibility of major wobble on news.

... Now thinking of forming a NOT Killed By Morning Spike Club!
I think it is pretty full but I'll set up an offshore branch if that will help :cheesy: Not a laughing matter I know but it is that or cry
im affraid i wont join the club. i am a member of another club.

the "Premptive Breakout Club" with a -15 earlier than you guys, and which made me not want to trade after a very early loss.
mad skermish, still may pop back up yet these next couple of 5 nin bars will tell me more hopefully on extended session.
come on you guys
all this hand ringing is getting on my nerves

we all have wins a losses, and some of you lost big time
but we all have had, big wins as well

and after all there is always Monday
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