Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

zamf**k, you seriously need to get your head sorted out.

this clearly implies that you accepted the facts what i gave you.

this is similar tirade that your mullahs have been preaching in London streets for a long time now

and like i said there your mullahs not mine , so clearly you are the mad hindu preecher.

and stop making a fool out of your self by blaming isi and pakistan, if they are supporting taliban then why the hell are taliban doing terroism in pakistan and attacking the army. please stop making a joke out of your rubbish.
clearly isi is in the fore front in the war against terror, catching and killing more terroist then any other country, they have caught most of al qaidas top men, and ofcourse uncovered the nexus what they have with the indian military and RAW who are supporting them to do terroism in pakistan,
why is it that all these terroist caught are using weapons same as the indian military?
well i cant blame you cause you are no worse then the idiots in indian army and raw who are born with a pakistani phobia.
you seriously need a head check.
Taliban gunmen shooting couple dead for adultery caught on camera

Video footage shows Taliban firing squad killing a man and a woman after accusing them of having committed adultery.

The two, who appeared to be in their 40s, were gunned down in the presence of their relatives.

According to sources the incident took place in Hangu district a few days ago. In the video, the woman is heard appealing to the Taliban for mercy.
‘Have mercy on me, please have mercy, the charges against me are false and no man has ever touched me.’

Taliban first pump bullets into woman’s chest and then fire a burst from Kalashnikovs at her and the man. As the woman appeared to be breathing, some Taliban are heard shouting, ‘she is alive, kill her’.

Taliban gunmen shooting couple dead for adultery caught on camera - Telegraph

In the past few days the footage has circulated among Pakistanis who usually show little interest in the rough ways of the distant frontier regions.

They have now started to wake up to the fear that al-Qaeda-linked rebels from the frontier could take over their nation.


.....Keep it coming...as it slowly but surely exposes what is the pakistan today...

....after years of sleeping in bed with taliban, your leadership has been asked to sort them out.....slowly and relunctantly your leadsership has been forced by international community to sort your bed fellows out....

.....Mushie was forced to break his relationship with al queda and taliban after US said that either you are with us or with them....

.....As pakistan survives on monetary dribble that is handed out to them by US, they have no choice but to do all this..

...the result is hat taliban has now started on pakistan leadership and the whole country....they were happy for 20 odd years when isi and your dictators were funding them....

...and Indians are helping taliban, what a ****ing joke, although I must say it is a good idea to get rid of all pakistani corrupt goverment in one sweep...so I am all for that....BUT then why did pakistani government gave taliban freedom to implement their own laws in swat valley...??...I thought you said that Indians were helping taleban...??....****ingthewall...??

...afghanistan has pointed finger at pakistanis.....Indians have huge problem with pakistanis...US has pointed fingers at pakistanis.....UK has pointed finger at pakistanis....

...US regularly sends drones out to weed them out...pakistani army is even not capable of taking talibanis on....they are doing deals with them in swat...and when they were 90, miles away from your capitol did pakistan's army act....

....pakistanis want nuclear link with US, and were publictly told by Rice that Indians are special case....you Pakistanis cannot be trusted with anything as your dr khan went and supplied nuclear secrets to all MUSLIM nations....

...these are the global facts.......but one lone scrwny idiot says otherwise....

....keep it coming, I will as and when respond when I have time....
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.....Keep it coming...as it slowly but surely exposes what is the pakistan today...

....after years of sleeping in bed with taliban, your leadership has been asked to sort them out.....slowly and relunctantly your leadsership has been forced by international community to sort your bed fellows out....

.....Mushie was forced to break his relationship with al queda and taliban after US said that either you are with us or with them....

.....As pakistan survives on monetary dribble that is handed out to them by US, they have no choice but to do all this..

...the result is hat taliban has now started on pakistan leadership and the whole country....they were happy for 20 odd years when isi and your dictators were funding them....

...and Indians are helping taliban, what a ****ing joke, although I must say it is a good idea to get rid of all pakistani corrupt goverment in one sweep...so I am all for that....BUT then why did pakistani government gave taliban freedom to implement their own laws in swat valley...??...I thought you said that Indians were helping taleban...??....****ingthewall...??

...afghanistan has pointed finger at pakistanis.....Indians have huge problem with pakistanis...US has pointed fingers at pakistanis.....UK has pointed finger at pakistanis....

...US regularly sends drones out to weed them out...pakistani army is even not capable of taking talibanis on....they are doing deals with them in swat...and when they were 90, miles away from your capitol did pakistan's army act....

....pakistanis want nuclear link with US, and were publictly told by Rice that Indians are special case....you Pakistanis cannot be trusted with anything as your dr khan went and supplied nuclear secrets to all MUSLIM nations....

...these are the global facts.......but one lone scrwny idiot says otherwise....

....keep it coming, I will as and when respond when I have time....

So th ebottom line is PAKISTAN
well first time the yanks have come out in open, when obama said to the pakis to stop being obsessed about the indians
you are no worse then the idiots in indian army and raw who are born with a pakistani phobia. you seriously need a head check.[/QUOTE said:
hey wallstreet - obama said that the pakis have a phobia against India
lets face it if Pakis did not have this obsession against India, then Pakis would be a superpower by now

Jinnah, was a "MODERN" Muslim leader, who believed in secularism. 5 years after partition the Pakis were ahead of India in every counts, it had higher growth, higher gbp, higher literacy.

Had the stupid military and stupid extremist not have got involved Pakistan would be a modern power today.

All the Pakis have been brainwashed by the mullahs
you f***ing morons, with a thick head, it seems you are fighting an India vs Pakistan match
dont you morons reliase that you eat the same food, are of same colour, have similar language, have similar culture and tradition. The only thing that separates you gus are religion

This is what the Super Power wants!

These Morons will never grow
....Just stay out of it you patronising little ****....

....when elders are talking, little twerps should shut up.....
hey wallstreet - obama said that the pakis have a phobia against India
lets face it if Pakis did not have this obsession against India, then Pakis would be a superpower by now

Jinnah, was a "MODERN" Muslim leader, who believed in secularism. 5 years after partition the Pakis were ahead of India in every counts, it had higher growth, higher gbp, higher literacy.

Had the stupid military and stupid extremist not have got involved Pakistan would be a modern power today.

All the Pakis have been brainwashed by the mullahs

jinnah was a modern leader, ofcourse he was one of the best, pakistan was ahead of nearly all countries in asia untill 1970s/80s. PIA was worlds no.1 airline, habib bank was asias tallest tower. now blaming this all on the military is stupid, the pak army are the heros who have saved the country from cia backed politians.
all that growth you say is thanks to military presidant ayub khan, politians have only drowned the country and mush brought it back to its knees while zadari took it back down.

and get your facts right, if pakistanis have been brainwashed by mullahs then why is it that in the same tribal areas where cnn and fox make a perception that bin laden is worshiped and a big hero, for the first time in pakistans history religous leaders were defeated and secular maxist party ANP has won in last years election?
get your facts right, pakistan has always been moderate, just cause a few terroists form a group and media exaggerates and gives them only (0.001% of the population) coverage, ignoring 99% of the pop, doesnt mean mullahs rule here.
you f***ing morons, with a thick head, it seems you are fighting an India vs Pakistan match
dont you morons reliase that you eat the same food, are of same colour, have similar language, have similar culture and tradition. The only thing that separates you gus are religion

This is what the Super Power wants!

These Morons will never grow

what was i saying to zamf**k.

well atleast there are some sane indians here,

i dnt have a problem with india, nor do pakistanis, we only have a problem with some elements in your goverment and politial system.
rss, bjp, baj rang dal, shiv sena etc.
i wonder which one zamf**k is from.

as they have supported ppp in pakistan and brought zadari to power and used media to destablize musharraf and army.

i have pointed out israel is under threat from pakistan and they are supporting these groups to put india and pak at war, destablize pakistan so cia can enter pakistan from afgan border while pk army is at war, and then they will put india and china at war soon after, then maybe zamf**k and his extremists will wake up.

...you have been digging your own grave by fables.....so keep it up....here are following fables from you....

.....Indians bringing zardari to power....then getting taleban to shoot down Bhutto......and then doing all to bring pakistan down...?

....Indians supplying arms to taleban for fighting war against pakistan.....and then taleban sending suicide squads and militants to India...?

.....Israelis threatened by pakistan rag trade army....army who could not even do anything in Bangladesh Liberation......Indians holed up 100K of them as POW's in bangladesh war........remember 1971..?...Genaeral Niazi surrendering to Arjun Singh....

......CIA does not need to 'enter' pakistan....they can get taliban by drones anyway.....why would they want to enter a hell hole when they can just stop the payments....your leadership will run straight away with a begging bowl.....

....if I have to deal with brainless person like you then I may not need to belong to any extremist group like shiv sena etc.....whose actions, whatwever they are, pale into insignificance with what taleban did to that woman.....

......carry on.....by your points you are digging your own grave....!!
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I thought this thread was about the American Terrorism!
maybe some of you guys will have to create a separate thread for Pakistan & India
This thread is about Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

...While US may not be responsible in it's entirety, it is partly to blame for cuddling up to Pakistan certainly....

...IN 70' and 80's it fully and entirely supported the dictaorship in Pakistan, and condoned all the acts of taleban and mujos because it was Ruskis they were fighting...

....bin laden was also planted by US in that region to organise this....

...But it has backfired in a collossal way for US....These guys have turned on the paymasters....have set up a very strong base in Pakistan border.....have learned all the tactics of a guerrila warfare....and are now all set to set up their kind of sharia way.....

If pakistani dictators were smart, they would have played this better, but as they say, they took the 'eyes off the burgers', and then it was too late.....They were too busy concentrating on India, while water flowed below their uniforms...

...So US was partly responsible for this and it was India's fortune that US completely ignored India....But things have turned now....Indians have slowly and steadily progressed - on their own steam and without any US help - to being a heavy power in Asia and US cannot ignore that fact anymore....

...So issues are interlinked in a big way and it is very crude to suggest to separate the issues of India and Pakistan from this thread.....The issues of terrorism are global now and US will need to take a very big broom out....

....I think that is happening now....

...Read more just don't rely on daily bile....!!
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zamf**k, do you even have a brain.

what is a kid like you doing on a trading forum, even your fellow indian has retracted your comments, now shut your mouth and stop embarrasing yourself over and over again, you are doing nothing but showing your a mental ignorant little kid.

im here for my trading, so i leave it there as there is no point in talking with a little mentaly ill person.

....before you could P and S....I was trading.....

......the only thing you have traded here is terrorism of pakistanis which is according to you is apparently fault of indians....

....my fellow indians know what is at stake with pakistanis...

...just **** off and write something meaningful if you have ability....or shut up..

...or seek an advice of a mulla....

...keep it up.....
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Kindly stop shelling mud like this....
But if someone still says "pakistan ...no.. no ...its a Pure Virgin and not propagating terrorism"
99 out of 100 know the TRUTH & first n last insane is that one only

& yes
U.S has been bitten by the terrorism Snake now, poison is getting in now...

Spread Love N Not War.
This thread is about Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

...While US may not be responsible in it's entirety, it is partly to blame for cuddling up to Pakistan certainly....


My view is USA is TOTALLY responsible for Global Terrorism - Full stop!
US is now saying that Iran is a sponsor of terror - what bull****
They created the monster in taliban!
.....I would with your respect disagree....

IN cold war there were many unknowns....people were afraid.....US had bay of pigs issue.....Russians told US that we will bury you....

...All this had led to doubts and uncertainties....

...Indians choose non alighned movement....no link with US or USSR....but were forced in USSR corner because of US aliggnment and support to Pakistan....Indians were cast off by US....

In East Pakistan war US sent US warship as a threat and warning to India but it was intervention by USSR that US stopped....

...Yes US policy has a lot to answer for, but in my opinion US has not directly sponsored suicide mobs or done anything more than sanctions....

...In some respect US has been reasonably civilised compared to what we see now in this world like al quida and taleban....but they had their moments of direct intervention in South America and conrinues to do so....they played politics, which Indians also play - and like to deal with...but there were no suicide bombers sent...

...Baracks policy on Cuba is a good change...

...I did object to Iraq war and I also objected to Afghanistan war by the way because the real tinder box that went uncked was Afghan pakistan border....

..Now US knows....