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    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      Both countries taking chunks out of each other with human body count just rising. Bit like WW1 and WW2 after it is all over, we'll be...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Wow Wow.
      Whilst it's crystal clear that the ratio of Ukrainian losses to Russian losses is in the region of 5:1 or more, I think this figure of...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Angry Angry.
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Anti-government protesters march ‘against hunger‘ in Moldova German Islamist group calls for Middle East caliphate...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      Shocking! No democracy, no parliament, no freedom, no opposition to debate. No more money to buy mercanaries or drones. Zelensky is...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      Similar story in the UK as our social services are starved of cash, whilst billions made available to fight futile wars. Schools...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Wow Wow.
      Israel’s Year of Killing, Maiming, Starving, and Terrorizing the People of Gaza Taking stock of the human toll of one year of...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      It is interesting to note that around Brexit time, the argument was that migrants were depressing wages and preventing a decent wage...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      This is certainly true and is occuring globally imo. Democracy is just a word that is branded about whilst lobby groups hound anyone...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      ‘If Trump loses, I’m f**ked’ – Musk...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread UK Politics with Haha Haha.
      Comment: An American political commentator has referred to the US Reds and the Blues as "Tweedledee and Tweedledum" — the same would be...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Like Like.
      Comment: The Special Relationship is a term that is often used to describe the political, social, diplomatic, cultural, economic, legal...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Like Like.
      Why Do We Support That ? Why is that OK ?
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      The Russian Federation is the historical homeland of the Donbass – Putin See more at...
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