Terrorist Attacks in London?

MarvinS said:
It has been said for a while that oil would be priced in Euro's....
I dont think the US would give this up lightly, and what effect would this have on Euro/US relations?
If we are looking at this happening to the Euro, then how would this effect us?

Marvy boy,
You must be new to the financial world!? :rolleyes:
The effect to the futrs and options mrkt will be 10 times that of 9/11
The dow index will go below 6K!? the put buyers will become Millionairs and the writers will commit suicide. :rolleyes:
The investors will come OUT from the DOW and into EUROPE, Japan, China.
Ftse will jump by more than 25% in a few hours, Dax, and CAC by same amount.

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Just take a look at the rise of National debt from 1975 to the present day. [30 yrs]

And then look from 1945 to 1975 [30 yrs]
What does it tell you? by the way its in Trillions dollars :cool:

click >> http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/faq.html [see RED chart half way down page]
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You are all experienced traders i am sure, and what i know about economics pails into insignifcance.
However i did study Finance & Economics to a Masters level, most of it was based on financial engineering, rather than macro stuff. What's your background Bull?

MarvinS said:
You are all experienced traders i am sure, and what i know about economics pails into insignifcance.
However i did study Finance & Economics to a Masters level, most of it was based on financial engineering, rather than macro stuff. What's your background Bull?

My BACKgroung I've put behind me> :LOL:
Heres my fowardground: :cool:
I'm focused on the present / future and the facts. I also like to be ahead of most when it comes to financial/ mrkt matters/strategies. I also like to be prepared for the unexpected when it happens.
I also like to know the future before it happens. :LOL: :cool:

Yesterday is history! tomorrow is a mystery! TODAY is a gift from the almighty hence called present :cool:
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We are one buddy!
Closing out on the GT launch party - and getting more pissed as we go into the night.
Happy trading!
Godbless All...
Hi chaps, visitors and friends,

My daughter has just approached me to put this on here.

She is doing a charity event, walking 60km over a weekend soon! she is doing this for Breast Cancer Research - the aim is to breakthrough this and other forms of cancer.

Please click on link below to make a donation and to read why my daughter Ellena is doing this.

Many thanks from myself and Ellena - this means a lot to both of us!


John Camenzuli
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Gosh, the events of the past few days have really put our 7/7 into perspective haven't they ?
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I will donate £30 of cash to your daughters charity event! And will try to get my company to help sponsor.
Where do i send the cash too?

MarvinS said:
I will donate £30 of cash to your daughters charity event! And will try to get my company to help sponsor.
Where do i send the cash too?

Thanx Marv, we really appreciate your help in this worthy cause.
You can make your donation direct to the orgonisers. Link below will give details how to make payments.


Bull [john]
Hey everyone else get some money donated - you cheap skates!
To Walk 60km is knackering and will probably take 10 hours....
For a great cause!!!!

By the way i am running the London Marathon next year anyone want to sponsor me?
Salty Gibbon said:
Invented Cricket.

and hockey!
and the constitutions which most countries use
and the ENGLISH language......................

2many to list
And now today the government in their wisdom have decided to bring in new counter terrorism measures.
Muslim scumbags pls target the labour gov instead!

democracy, fairness, tolerance of others............separation of religion from state.........loyalty.........old fashioned and unfathomable, huh?
Tea :)
hayesharry said:

what has the british done good for the world ???.
Devised a widely spoken language the basic construction of which appears to elude you.
The wonderful concept of the "queue", which of course has still not caught on in places like India et al.