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      tomorton replied to the thread pull back.
      You can't know that. But what you can know is that trends continue more often than they reverse and all trends have pull-backs. This...
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      Technical analysis is real. But using it to make a profit is difficult. This makes many doubt that it works. This viewpoint just proves...
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      Start with simple objectives from your charts - identifying uptrends and downtrends, and assessing which trend is more likely to...
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      tomorton replied to the thread Best pair to trade ?.
      A technique I use is a simple and objective way to determine the comparative strengths of the 8 major currencies. It is purely visual...
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      tomorton replied to the thread any old timers out there!.
      Joined 28/02/02. It seems I saw somebody mention the site on the ADVFN forum - which I haven't used for many years.
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