Terrorist Attacks in London?

We seem to be straying further and further from my original points without now bringing religion into it, but just to say that Roman Empire and Roman Catholics had no connection until much later. I think the Romans preferred other Gods. It wasnt until something like AD 300 that the Roman Empire stopped persecuting Christian and other religions. Following that it then changed over the latter years it then adopted Christianity

Are Roman Catholics the new English in the British Isles.

Catholicism may well have been assisted in spreading by the Roman road system though, and the very good cruise facilities with the keep fit rowing centres.

Devolution for all
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Churches back then were what governments are today they preach economic security today instead of spiritual security. But yes its strayed off topic as discussions can do, but pete I ask as you as your brother to embrace your fellow men and women as your brothers and sisters, you will find peace friend.
God(dess) bless you pete.
ok pete did you see the film passion of christ ? when jc said "If they can hate the son of god,know too that you will be hated " ? very rough memory quote, but strangely I find comfort in that makes great sense old jc died for holding true for what he stood for, he didnt fear death and lived completely free.. so if you do get slapped just hold onto to the jc image.

best wishes. and keep the faith.
There is no doubt that after Constantine became emperor (after converting to Christianity), then the Roman Empire was used as a vehicle for spreading Christianity throughout the entire Roman occupied World. However, I disagree with much of the views given on the negativity of this. Bear in mind that much of the modern democratic nations on Earth are as a result of Christian influence in the true sense of what real Christianity was about. Before anyone starts telling me how violent some history has been for this, I would just like to say that any belief can be usurped and altered in an attempt to use it as a banner for actions that is was never intended to be used for and this applies to all beliefs whether political or religious. In my view the true essence of almost all religious origins have been for higher human existence. One of the problems, and this is seen in history time and again, is that it is far easier to degrade from something that is of high value than it is to maintain it which is why almost all cultures at some point collapse.


They also helped with the plumbing and built walls in the right places.

Showed us how harmful wearing wode could be
deepete said:

They also helped with the plumbing and built walls in the right places.

Showed us how harmful wearing wode could be

Yes true but 2,500- 3'500 years previous to the jolly romans circa 3000 B.C. neolithic age at Skara Brae , drainage systems ,toilets etc had already been constucted within dwellings.
....Deep words.....

Isn't it a shame that the more advanced the world becomes, equally the more backward in many respects.
Yes it is true.....Mankind in a way was on a path to higher form of 'Civilization'......but it appears to have regressed.....even cavemen had a better code of civil conduct of existance than what we see in some quarters today...!!
zambuck said:
....Deep words.....

Yes it is true.....Mankind in a way was on a path to higher form of 'Civilization'......but it appears to have regressed.....even cavemen had a better code of civil conduct of existance than what we see in some quarters today...!!

But what illusions were being peddled to the caveman ? We've not yet reached the point in our current cycle evolutionary growth? where all mankind are long the dollar market and theres no-one left to buy.
The great length that this thread is running at with the misinfomed, inaccurate and out of context tone that that pervades it is remmarkable.

Given the prosperity of our nation it seems the lack of enlightenment shinning in this thread is equal to the economic / financial nonsense that the masses of our nation embracess in crowds (repeatedly infact).

Sadly I go so far as to say that I would not be surprised if the ratio of eligtened : sheeple is close ot the ratios of profiteering : loosing market participants.

Here are a few details that to demonstate the nonsense that seems the norm.

Ilford said:

The shariah law is probably the greatest violation of human rights that ever existed on earth. Yet they are supposed to be a 'peace loving people'..

During the Spanish inquisition why did the Jewish People settle in Turkey? And prosper in peace there? Why was France or Italy not there resting place??

Ilford Said:

The only decent government in the entire middle east is in Israel.

Yes western governemnt would love you to believe this and much is expended on this illusion.

I dont think there is any government worhthy of that name there are just all authorities and not representive of the peoples motives at all across the whole region.

Even Isreal against which many jewish isreilies demonstrate against but the media covers it all up. There are thousands of people in prision because they refuse to serve on principle in the Irsreili Army. Many Isreili academics are promoting the boycott of academic collaboration as a show of thier displeasure with Isreal and encourage academics across the west to boycott Isreali academia.

Bet you never knew or thought there could be Jewish people protesting against Isreal but that cos the mainstream media is far from balanced in its editorial bias, and voloume of reporting isnot equal. ANd as a result of it is far from free.

Read some of the material on this site to see the other side that you never hear about cos you accept and beleive what is fed to you through the mainstream media...




I charge any of you to rationally read the web site and watch the videos and then tell me the media has conveyed all sides of the coin to you. And then that Isreal is any better than its geographical neighbours.

In fact I think the same bias in the media is at work in forums (its another mass media channel after all) to promote the views most usefull to the authorities for the political ajenda, domestic and foriegn.

Here is a rational view.:

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peoples views are usually based on simplistic interpretations and short-memories.

We all know we, the west, were providing weapons to Iraq, when Iraq was fighting Iran.

We all know, that in the eighties, the US provided finance and training to the Mujhahedeen (sp). This very training in guerilla tactics so effectively used against western interests in the late nineties and now.

Because it is embarrassing, we prefer to ignore it.

Colonel Gaddafi was held up as a mad-dog terrorist. Recently, Tony Blair met him, and shook his hand !!

We dont have politicians with any real honour. We make short-term decisions, and to hell with the consequences. ( Kyoto: Bush wont be around to see the world die, so why should he care ? Tax breaks for the rich = short term popularity )

The consensus seems to be that "they" ( those baddies in the Middle East ) started the war on terror when they attacked New York on Spetember 11th. Lovely, graphic pictures helps us to shut our brains off.

What is not told, is the sequences of sanctions, supported by the UK which resulted in the deaths, through starvation, and lack of medical supplies, of close on 250,000 people in Iraq, before Sep 11th.
No pictures. No news. Therefore, we almost think it never happened.

Recently, a poster suggested, that pictures of broken bodies be shown on tv to illustrate how evil the attacks in London were. Great idea.
However, this poster would probably prefer NOT to show the bodies of innocent people killed by daisy-cutter bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq.

You are quite right. Selective views dont work. Doesnt help. Gets us nowhere.

Not quite sure what my point is, but, keep posting to make sure the simple-minded dont forget the other side to these issues, and to investigate things themselves. But the problem is, they wont.
Totally agree trendie
instead of concentrating on Muslim bashing people should go to the root of the problem
that is the " America have created the biggest network of terrorist the world has ever seen"

Also being a forex trader, what sickens me is the way America steals money from the developing nations. It consumes most of the world production and pays for it in Dollar - all it has to do is go to th eprinting machine and print the money and the emerging economy morons accept it.

Imagine in december, Russia, India and China were selling the dollar and buying the Euro, as they were led to believe that the dollar will collapse.

I think they need to subscribe to T2W! :)

guess you have gained, americans yes, cos they bought the dollar at the bottom, Europeans - yes cos they sold the Euro at the top

So Who has lost?

trendie said:

peoples views are usually based on simplistic interpretations and short-memories.

We all know we, the west, were providing weapons to Iraq, when Iraq was fighting Iran.

We all know, that in the eighties, the US provided finance and training to the Mujhahedeen (sp). This very training in guerilla tactics so effectively used against western interests in the late nineties and now.

Because it is embarrassing, we prefer to ignore it.

Colonel Gaddafi was held up as a mad-dog terrorist. Recently, Tony Blair met him, and shook his hand !!

We dont have politicians with any real honour. We make short-term decisions, and to hell with the consequences. ( Kyoto: Bush wont be around to see the world die, so why should he care ? Tax breaks for the rich = short term popularity )

The consensus seems to be that "they" ( those baddies in the Middle East ) started the war on terror when they attacked New York on Spetember 11th. Lovely, graphic pictures helps us to shut our brains off.

What is not told, is the sequences of sanctions, supported by the UK which resulted in the deaths, through starvation, and lack of medical supplies, of close on 250,000 people in Iraq, before Sep 11th.
No pictures. No news. Therefore, we almost think it never happened.

Recently, a poster suggested, that pictures of broken bodies be shown on tv to illustrate how evil the attacks in London were. Great idea.
However, this poster would probably prefer NOT to show the bodies of innocent people killed by daisy-cutter bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq.

You are quite right. Selective views dont work. Doesnt help. Gets us nowhere.

Not quite sure what my point is, but, keep posting to make sure the simple-minded dont forget the other side to these issues, and to investigate things themselves. But the problem is, they wont.

I don't think that said the staement attributed to me below.....

Perhaps you would care to confirm that is the case.

I will be more then willing to accept any statement that I make, but not any that I do not have recollection of making.

Zambuck Said:

The only decent government in the entire middle east is in Israel.
Caveman was lucky.....he lived not in a illusionary world, but a real one......If he killed an animal, he would feed his family.....if not he would go hungry

He did not indulge in theories or discussions reaching nowhere.....!!

fxmarkets said:
But what illusions were being peddled to the caveman ? We've not yet reached the point in our current cycle evolutionary growth? where all mankind are long the dollar market and theres no-one left to buy.
I'm sorry Zambuck. Quite right it was Ilford not you.

Though pehaps now you may see the danger to ones integrity of agreeing with statments of others because they concur with ones own prejuduices without questioning the foundations through wich you adopt them (some one having told you like the consensus of popular culture and the mainstream media ie authorites).

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One more fro trendie

Trendie said;
Not quite sure what my point is, but, keep posting to make sure the simple-minded dont forget the other side to these issues, and to investigate things themselves. But the problem is, they wont.

Small token of justice in the "war of terror":


In interesting interview with the mother can be seen by the video button in the top right and then the link in the right of the video player (was the case for broadband connection).

The solders motive and intent was likey to kill the peace demonstrator and thus spread fear into the people. IS THIS NOT TERRORISM.
Sounds like cold blooded terrorism to me!
Another Example of where this world is going....
And Another

Former Government MP Meacher

Says "He is critical of Britain for allegedly colluding in propagating the myth of a global war of terrorism. He asks: "Is collusion in this myth and junior participation in this project really a proper aspiration for British foreign policy?""


And in a video interview with him on 11 August 2005 he relates details that really blow the war on terror apart.

Like the video of anti-israeli protest this interview will widen you pecpectives and show you the real criminals - If your ego allows objective critical assement of ideas and institutuions that you may be proud of.

Again after watching question if the mainstream media has given fair attention to all sides of the coin?


enjoy sp1
Hi SP1, liked very much your views and videos. If anyone has been directly involved in a situation that gets into the press or television or, if you have access (and are able to understand) non UK news channels you will be very surprised to see just how controlled UK media is. How very much it is politically correct!
We think that there is freedom of the press (and I include television), there maybe but non the less it is controlled.
If you dont believe me then whenever there is a "situation" in the UK that is unsavoury then flick to CNN (also controlled by US politics) and see the major change in slant. If you understand French, for example, then see what how they report.
I am not slagging off UK media, all countries practice the same covert control.

While I am in this mode, here is my slant on the Gulf coast disaster in the US, would be nice to hear US opinion:
I find it absolutely amazing that the worlds no1 superpower is so hopelessly incompetent at looking after their own people.
How can it be that prior to Katrina hitting those poor towns that the US military and other institutions were not prepared. It was certainly known that a disaster was imminent, New Orleans was evacuated, partially,, so why the hell were the troops and other relief agencies not prepared to assist to alleviate the tremendous suffering after the hurricane struck. Why did the people whom you pay to care for you allow days to pass before a relief effort was mounted?

The whole scenario of immense suffering in the affected states made significantly worse by incompetence makes one wonder it the US is really a super power.
What about the looting? There is a difference between a starving and thirsty person going in search of food and fresh water and an ******** stealing jewelry or TV's.

Dear Americans, the world is shocked at how your "seniors" have treated you in those states.
Of course our hearts go out to those who have suffered. When you get back to some level of normality it is time for you to have a very critical look at your administrations objectives.