Reborn Clean & Green

Hi guys.

Wild day today.

We were up, we were down big & then came back to end up with a small down.

We did have a good week tho & for that we should be thankful.



Thread Total


We have plans for a family picnic tomorrow at the park. If Maxwell & Mabel come, I will try to get some pictures to share with you all.

Everyone have a nice night & enjoy the nice weather. It's been kind of a hectic week for us. As much as I enjoy to follow the market, it's nice to take a break & spend some time with family.

Take Care

Hi guys.

I was able to see my mom & sister today.

We had guacamole, fresh salsa & pork tacos for lunch. Very delicious & different. Our family dog Chloe is doing well. She is always so happy to see me. She loves me & I enjoy seeing her every week.

Anyways, hope you all are doing well. Wish you all happiness & good health. Its really nice weather here in Michigan. Everyone enjoy the great weather, have a nice day & good weekend.

Let's keep this Thread alive & grow our return percent. Market seems to becoming a little more stable & producing some solid results.

Life is what you make of it. Let's make the most out of every day we do get to live.

Looking forward to Monday Morning. We should be able to achieve some great results together.

Glad to be able to post again. Feels awesome to be hospital free & living life in a nice home.

Be happy, stay healthy & love life.

Speak to you all soon.

Take Care

Hi guys.

Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow Morning.

The market seems to becoming more stable. Would be really nice to have another good week.

If I upset anyone with my posts or perspectives I apologize. All I was doing is sharing my voice with anyone who wanted to listen. My only goal was to help improve the world. I love living in America & was just attempting to restore some faith in each other, the stock market & in our Government.

My goal is to unite people who would like to improve our country & world as well.

Anyways, hope I'm able to post again tomorrow morning. I believe everything should be fine here, but sometimes it feels like a witch hunt is going on. All I do is love & appreciate every day I am alive. If anything should happen to me, it would be a shame, but the world wouldn't come to an end. I just believe in positive changes that help save people's lives & save planet earth.

Please keep hope alive.

A sustainable planet earth is my goal.

Everyone enjoy the weekend. Have a nice Sunday afternoon. Look forward to another good week.

Stock market really is a great way to support positive changes & help improve the world.

Everyone take good care of yourselves & your loved ones.

Really glad I'm alive to be an uncle for my nieces & nephew. I refuse to quit on life, love & family. I'll just continue to make the most out of every day I do get to live. I would love to be able to be there for Maxwell & Mabel for a long time. I'm not planning on quitting on them or giving up on life.

There are mental health hospitals to protect society from suicide & homicide. To protect society from people who want to hurt or harm others or themselves. Stabilize folks who become unstable. The goal is to keep everyone safe. If I become unstable I will just reach out & get some help from the hospital.

I believe we should all be ok.
Good Morning Folks.

Renewable Energy is up big.

Help 2 Save

Save people's lives, homes & planet earth.

Protect planet earth from war, rising tides, melting ice caps, fires, floods, hurricanes & tornadoes.

Embrace the latest & greatest advancements in technology. We didn't have access to efficient renewable energy solutions a few decades ago. Now that we do have the ability to convert we can change for the better.

Embrace a new clean & green planet earth. When we invest in renewables, we also will have money from our return to help other's out. If you could contribute to saving someone's life imo you should save them. So many folks struggle with hunger in the world. Maybe we could take a small portion of what we make on the market & save someone from starving to death. We won't be able to save everyone, but we could at least make an effort to share with the poor folks in the world struggling with starvation.

It is pretty sad to think about but many people don't have any food to eat & won't make it another day. We could be doing more to help those folks in poverty that have no food to eat.

Sorry for the sad subject to discuss. In my opinion if you have the ability to save someone's life you should.

Anyways, not trying to bring anyone down.

It's been a pretty decent day today.

Electric Vehicles & Renewable Energy are awesome. Investors will be rewarded with big returns that they can utilize to help improve our planet & save people's lives.

Go Green for the Green Graphs.

Everyone have a nice day.

Love for Life

Love for People

Love for our Planet

Take Good Care

Great Day Today.

We are on our way back home.

I'll try to post our results after dinner tonight.

Everyone have a nice night.

Take Care

Good Morning T2W

We were up +0.96% yesterday.

Thread Total +2.10%

Looks like another great day for today.

Enjoy the green graphs.

= )
Hi folks.

We had potential for a great day. All the early numbers looked awesome.

We ended up with a small down for the day.

Not a huge deal.

Our Thread is still up.

Tuesday -0.35%

Clean & Green Thread. +1.75%

Considering we started off down 5%, up 1.75% isn't all that bad.

I was really hoping to achieve more success early, but at least we have made some decent progress.

The stock market can't always gain big. There are dips and valleys we all have to persevere through.

It does seem like we are starting to stabilize some. People are interested in trading & investing in our future.

When you support renewable energy & electric vehicles you are supporting a sustainable future & looking after planet earth. Looking after people's lives, homes & environment.

Believe in each other, the stock market & in Great Success. We will eventually achieve big gains & returns. With those returns we can do something awesome for our people and planet.

Anyways, everyone have a nice night.

Tomorrow is a new day & great opportunity to make a positive difference.

Take Good Care

Good Morning Folks

Wednesday brought us a down day.


Thread Total


Eventually we will achieve success.

Don't be discouraged & keep supporting a sustainable earth. Things will improve for us.

Everyone have a nice day.

Take Care
