Reborn Clean & Green

Adding DLTR

Poor folks don't have a Sam's club or Costco to shop at.

The Dollar Tree offers a great selection of goods @ a great price to lower income families.
Please Believe in Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles.

Oil, Gas & Coal aren't sustainable forms of energy. Solar & Wind Power are sustainable. Electric Vehicles can utilize that clean energy. Renewable Energy is available for us to embrace today.

We can help save soldiers lives while preventing conflicts in the Middle East.

We can help save civilians lives & homes from natural disasters. Rising Tides, Melting Ice Caps, Floods, Fires, Tornadoes & Hurricanes all become more frequent the worse climate change becomes.

We can actually do something about it today when we invest in electric vehicles, solar, wind & renewable energy.
This is us kinda challenges the rich & powerful people in the world. I love people equally & believe in our leaders. I'm not here to bad mouth, upset or offend anyone. My mission is to help folks embrace positive changes & improve the world together. Help Raise Awareness to Sensible, Sustainable Solutions to protect & improve our planet.

You know Divided we fall, United we Stand. Equality & Unity are both beautiful ways to live & believe in.

Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles are awesome & here today.

Thank Goodness we are able to have a way to invest in a sustainable future.

Love for the People.

Love for the Planet.
We can make a big difference every day now.

Solar & Wind Power technology wasn't available decades ago. That technology is ready for us all to embrace today.

Everyone have a nice day.

Green Graphs for Green Stocks.
Hi Folks.

Please don't give up.

Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles are the way of the future.

Change takes time.

The big picture still looks great for sustainable energy & EVs.
Hi folks.

Down day today.

Could of been much worse tho.


Thread Total


I had a good but long day.

Everyone have a nice night.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Updated List


Green Graphs for Green Stocks.

Hopefully companies with the opportunity to go green like Wal-Mart & Costco will go green.

More Roof Top solar installations please.

Save the environment from green house gases & lower carbon emissions while saving money on your electric bill.

I love Ikea for leading the way with roof top & parking lot solar farms.

Everyone please shop at Ikea. Let's reward those companies looking after our people & planet.

Subaru helps feed the hungry and save folks from hunger. Not sure about their EV line but maybe your next vehicle could be a Subaru?

Let's support the business folks looking after our people & planet.

Thank you for actually caring about the folks who are purchasing your products.

You are much appreciated.

Go Green Today.

Help contribute to bettering our planet. Let's make it a great success post to recap the day.
Parts of the Midwest and South devastated by catastrophic tornadoes will have almost no time to recover before another round of dangerous storms.

Let's do something about this severe weather. If we invest in electric vehicles, Solar & Wind Power at least we can make an effort towards correcting our climate.
Coal, Gas & Oil aren't sustainable.

We will achieve great success with Electric Vehicles & Renewable Energy.

Electric Vehicles & Renewable Energy will become the way of the future.

= )
5 plays for Today

General Motors

Great Success for Electric Vehicles.

Big Win for Planet Earth.

Oil is becoming obsolete.

Why believe in fossil fuels that are dinosaur age technology?

Embrace the future of vehicles.

Go electric & save your gas money for something good like feeding the hungry.
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Hi guys.

Really ruff morning.

Hope to rebound this afternoon.

Trading stocks can be frustrating, but it's a great way to invest in our future.

Please don't be discouraged if we don't achieve great success every day.

I've been watching the market this morning & becoming upset myself.

I really believe in great success for us.

Please stay patient.

Just don't give up.

The market is always fluctuating.

Solar Power, Wind Power & Electric Vehicles will return great results. It may take time, but they are guaranteed to achieve great success. They are sustainable sources of energy & transportation.

Just stay patient & believe in the market.

Hope we can comeback this afternoon & post up some green graphs. At least our thread is in the green. One day at a time we can build up some big gainers & make this thread a success.

Everyone have a nice afternoon.
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen.

No success post for tonight.

There is always tomorrow.

Stay strong.

Don't quit or give up.

I believe we were down -0.78%

Thread Total


Everyone have a nice evening.

Thank Goodness Tomorrow is a New Day.
Good Morning T2W

Even tho the numbers are a little down, I'm going to stay optimistic.

I'm just too stubborn to quit or give up.

I'm not the most intelligent human being in the world. I do have close to 10 years experience & knowledge when it comes to trading. I'd like to think my selections are solid & that they will eventually net us some big returns. I'd also like to think most my portfolio will contribute to improving our lives & planet. I believe in myself & in my portfolio. I've achieved great success before.

Determination & Devotion to achieve success drives me. I love to see green graphs & big gainers. Commitment to accomplish & write up great success posts keeps me excited & eager to wake up every morning.

I would love to see renewable energy gain big again. Tesla, GM, Ford, Stellantis, EVgo & Charge Point are all great investments for us to consider.

I'm going to check the numbers.

Everyone enjoy a nice morning.
Hi Folks.

When times get tuff you've got to toughen up.

We won't be able to have a great day every day.

Let's make the most out of every day we do get to live.

Let's stay thankful & grateful even when you're having a bad day.

Lots of people in the world don't even have anything to eat. No clean drinking water, shelter, education & health care for some folks. I've heard half the world's population is so poor they can't even afford shoes to wear.

The big picture can really humble you & make you love & appreciate everything we do have.

Hopefully the market will stabilize some & we can get back to producing great Success posts & big Gainers.

In the meantime, we can all appreciate our lives, families & homes. Stay strong & be patient while the market is unstable.

Everyone have a nice afternoon.

I won't give up or quit on Great Success until we achieve it.

One day won't really make or break this thread from achieving that success.

Believe in the market & in each other.

Together we can make a big difference.
Hi guys & gals.

Ended up down -1.31% for the day.

Thread Total -0.32%

We could be down huge.

A third of a percent is not that bad at all.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Stay focused on the big picture.

Gradually we are stabilizing the market again.

Keep Calm, Stay Composed & Believe in Great Success.

I'll do my best to grow this thread & keep it alive.

Everyone have a nice evening.
Good Morning Everyone

If I could wish us a great Success for today I would. Unfortunately tho that's not how it works.

Let's just make the most of it & remember to enjoy life today even if the market is down.

I love green graphs & achieving success so much. It's hard to do but we should all try to remain happy, thankful & grateful even when the graphs aren't green.

The market won't stay down forever. Good things come to those who wait. Even tho we want a great Success post for every day, patients is a virtue. Let's stay positive & make today a great day regardless of the numbers.

Take Good Care

Life is good for us.


Looks possible to end the day in the green after a really rough morning.

Small gains add up over time. Stinks for renewable energy today. Most everything else is producing solid results.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.

I plan to post up our results after we close for the day.