Hi Folks.
May not be able to make another post tonight.
Still Believe in America & in American Government.
Our roots & fundamental core come from our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Our Government as written was established to protect our citizens equally.
Please believe in fairness & equality for all Americans.
Our government was intended to serve & protect its people from things like tyranny.
Believe we should serve & protect all our citizens equally.
There are correctional facilities in place to correct peoples mistakes.
There are no perfect human beings in the world.
Everyone makes mistakes in life.
If people are unsafe for society please allow them a chance to learn & improve.
Correctional facilities are in place to provide individuals the opportunity to learn and correct their mistakes.
Society provides us with a judge & jury to prove someone innocent or guilty.
The Bill of Rights entitles all individuals accused of crimes the right to a fair speedy trial.
Fair & speedy trials are essential in protecting citizens from witch hunts.
Individuals are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
We have law enforcement in place to keep society safe and protect peoples rights.
The 8th Amendment of the Constitution ensures if you are found guilty of a crime, you receive a fair & equal punishment.
Americans are protected from Cruel & Unusual punishments in the Constitution & Bill of Rights.
Police Officers are heros of society in my opinion.
Law enforcement risk their lives to keep society safe from people who believe they are above the law.
If you are homicidal or suicidal please seek help from a mental health facility.
Mental Health Hospitals are in place to keep all of society safe.
They focus on stabilizing folks who believe in homicide or suicide.
Mental health facilities are in society to protect peoples lives.
Saving lives while keeping society safe is the goal.
Saving Lives While Keeping Society Safe is my goal as well.
For over 20 years I've experienced voices recommending I commit suicide.
You tortured me for weeks with no sleep.
Offered to do anything anytime anywhere for my family & never gave up.
Giving up on my family was never an option.
Risked my life to be there for my family.
Honestly did my best to keep all of society safe.
Advised ppl to invest in Bitcoin @ 1k & Nvidia @ 60.
Secret Society advised me to commit suicide & threatened me with homicide.
You all are insane. People who believe in homicide or suicide belong in the insane asylum until they are stable.
At least I had some decent advice to share with the world.
Voices were mad at me because women began to start trading stocks. That's insane as well.
Should be happy for me & proud that woman are more involved in their families finances.
Stock Market is at an all time high right now & you all are angry???
Choose love, peace, prosperity & pursuit of happiness.
In my opinion the Secret Society is insane, chooses to hate, is always angry, believes in death, madness & war???
Adolph Hitler believed in Genocide, Hated Jewish folks & choose death for people who believed in the Jewish Religion.
In my opinion, Hitler was a mad human being who used his power for wrong & decided to convince good folks to kill innocent people.
Somehow he convinced his country, army & part of the world to believe in exterminating people.
He was really sick & full of hate for humanity.
Most of the Jewish folks he killed were happy peaceful people.
What a horrible period of time for the world.
Such an atrocity for man kind.
Thank Goodness people united & came together to put an end to his senseless killings.
Building a Beautiful Country & Uniting with the World.
Instead of unity we divide.
Believe in trading crypto, revolutionizing currency, improving the world & global economy.
View the world as one big family & would like to protect the people on planet earth equally.
Save folks from dying in war.
Save folks from cancer, covid, starvation & unclean drinking water.
Go green to reduce carbon emissions. Protect our people, planet & homes from climate change.
Inspire folks to believe in renewable energy & electric vehicles to help prevent more floods, fires, hurricanes & tornados.
Believe in maximizing profit when trading on the stock exchange.
Affordable care act allows health care to prioritize on maximizing profit instead of max recovery rates???
Study a graph. Insurance premiums aren't getting any more affordable.
Poor folks are dying bc they cant afford the cost associated with cancer treatments.
Feel free to read bitter pill.
Truth is America & American Health Care is out of control, a real crisis & only getting worse.
Its a bitter pill, why are medical bills killing us?
I'm far from perfect, but attempt to tell the truth, whole truth & nothing but the truth when speaking.
Affordable Health Care is, in my opinion, the most important part of being an American.
Its really a shame that America has the most least affordable health care in the world.
Over and over asked the society to stop listening to me and set me free.
Why not thank me for my good Bitcoin and Nvidia advice?
Why not leave me alone and or set me free?
Never asked anyone to follow me or even to listen to me.
Never wanted to be rich or famous.
Stock piling money while ppl in the world are starving to death with nothing to eat would make me miserable.
I love Detroit and would like to get back into working in the automotive industry.
My dream job was in engineering & design not acting or politics.
Achieved straight As in my computer aided design studies in college.
Actors are fake.
Politics are filthy.
I'm from the D & believe in all in grit.
Real, honest & genuine.
A hard working human being.
Nothing but love for our people & planet.
Happy, Thankful & Grateful for my Life, Family & Good Health.
I may be a bit strange, but I'm happy to be me.
Over the past 20 years I've dedicated myself to positive changes & mental health improvements.
Please set me free so I can utilize my education, design and engineer for the auto industry once again.
Maybe I'm a bit foolish?
After 20 years, still have love for folks in Hollywood & Washington.
The secret society of serial killers & stalkers never gave me a fair & speedy trial or chance to prove my innocence?
How could you sentence me to death for something I didn't even do?
You call me evil???
In over 20 years I'm guilty of crossing the road without using a crosswalk & minding my own business.
Secret Society is guilty of robbing me of my freedom, violating my rights & invading my privacy.
You tortured me tormented me & terrorized me all day everyday for over 20 years?
Where is the love?
Believe in love, unity, fairness, equality, hugs & friendship.
You believe in cutting my arms off so i would never be able to hug my nieces & nephew again???
I found a way to stay positive & survive over 7,000 days.
When the voices have been threatening me with homicide if I don't commit suicide I found my way to the hospital for help.
My own inner voice reassures me that everything will be ok.
The worlds not coming to an end. If its not ok its not the end. In the end everything will be ok.
I believe in keeping America safe, sane, calm & stable.
I view the world as one big family.
I offered to do anything, anytime, anywhere for my family & to prove my innocence.
Keeping the secret society safe, sane, calm & stable has been my mission for over 20 years now.
My therapist used to reinforce the idea of happiness in life.
As long as you don't hurt anyone, harm anyone or break the law, you have every right to live your life however you choose.
Big day for Detroit & the Lions tomorrow.
Awesome opportunity to advance into the NFC Championship.
Believe they have a great chance to make it into the super bowl for the first time in NFL history.
Wishing both Tampa & Detroit a great day & exciting game of football.
Go Lions!
Maybe everything happens for a reason.
I may be able to dedicate my life to society as a peer support specialist.
Helping people through crisis can be very rewarding.
Giving back to society & helping others in their time of need fills me full of joy.
Donating time to help communities improve is really cool.
Volunteering at the humane society, public library & food banks is an awesome way to spend a day.
Passion for helping others improve & embracing positive changes into our lives is awesome imo.
Always put forth an effort to contribute here at T2W when I share my voice.
My posts are genuine my opinions are real.
Almost all my posts I've decided to share here have had good intensions.
Views I share are intended to help raise awareness to potential changes folks could implement & improve their lives.
My main focus in life right now is on achieving sobriety & mental stability, so I can stay in balance.
Balanced emotions don't override intelligence.
Speaking up in an appropriate sensible & assertive manor is my work in progress.
Attempting to be real, nice, kind & considerate every day.
Living a passionate life full of good Integrity & great intentions for others.
Contributing to our community here.
Be brave, share my thoughts, feelings & voice with the world.
Please Take Good Care Everyone