I don't feel the need to be needy...am I in the minority?


Black Swan

I see posts thanking Dante, posts thanking James 16, continual fawning over guys who do 'live trading sessions' (but who never take a trade)...folk who buy system after system; hoping in vain the next one will be 'the grail', folk cuddling up to gurus...

WTF does trading attact so many weak minded folk? Is it some form of general mental conditioning, the belief that in order to be consistently profitable you need; tutors, books, systems, gurus, subscriptions...?

Perhaps, given the lonliness of remote trading, it's a natural tendency to seek out those who may give a glimmer of hope or comfort...
I didnt post on that thread but i have thanked a few people for help and advice on this forum. Dont see a lot wrong with that to be honest, or am i being weak minded :rolleyes:
B Swan,
I take it this is partially aimed at me as I've openly said I have learnt much from J16 & TD.
What I always try to do is give thanks where thanks is due. Its a matter of good manners apart from anything else, and as simple as that. If giving thanks is a weakness nowadays times have changed.
I know there are a few natural born traders. I'm not one of them.I tried long enough thinking trading was somehow 'instinctive' if you tried hard enough. So I know I'm not able to pull an ability to trade out of thin air - but I am able to identify my trading styles derived from and I've respect enough to acknowledge those that have helped me and thank them for the unpaid effort they put in.
And gurus, lonely remote trading, live trading sessions, neediness never came into it.
I see posts thanking Dante, posts thanking James 16, continual fawning over guys who do 'live trading sessions' (but who never take a trade)...folk who buy system after system; hoping in vain the next one will be 'the grail', folk cuddling up to gurus...

WTF does trading attact so many weak minded folk? Is it some form of general mental conditioning, the belief that in order to be consistently profitable you need; tutors, books, systems, gurus, subscriptions...?

Perhaps, given the lonliness of remote trading, it's a natural tendency to seek out those who may give a glimmer of hope or comfort...

I can see where you are coming from, although I don't agree with all of it. I wonder whether, when anyone starts a thread, it is with the intention of generating page after page of congratulatory posts. It can be very trying to someone, like me, to come home, after work, and have to plough through pages of junk to get to the nitty gritty of a thread that interests me.The fact is that, after a while, I don't bother.

Surely, that is what the rec is for, if it is of any use, at all?
Originally Posted by Technically Fundamental
How the hell would you learn without either a tutor or books/study material lol

by DOING by OBSERVATION, by TRIAL AND ERROR, the same way you learn anything else worth knowing

If your dependant on someone else coming along and showing you I suggest you stop wasting your time right now because it isnt going to happen.

Do both.
i don't know, but i don't care either. i've learnt the best way to go in this bull**** "industry" is to look out for yourself, mind your own business and keep your mouth shut.

plus if you want any peace, you'll keep any opinions you have to yourself
by DOING by OBSERVATION, by TRIAL AND ERROR, the same way you learn anything else worth knowing.

I learnt to spell from a schoolteacher.
Same for maths.
I had a driving instructor too.
Scuba diving was very much the same.
Wakeboarding - wouldn't have done it without the snowboarding experience.
Hats off to the snowboarding teacher.
You can check the "education helped my career" box too.
To be honest, I needed a few pointers with women.

In fact, looking back the only significant thing in life I taught myself was jerking off and that was never a very productive exercise...
I'm sure someone will be along soon to do the obvious and call you a ******.

I wonder how long someone would take to twig that you can use support and resistance and trend lines to trade off if they were presented with a 5 minute basic line chart displaying close prices a la IG Index basic charts when you first sign up and they were not allowed to use any books, online tutorials or people to help them. I'm curious from an academic viewpoint.
I'm sure someone will be along soon to do the obvious and call you a ******.

I wonder how long someone would take to twig that you can use support and resistance and trend lines to trade off if they were presented with a 5 minute basic line chart displaying close prices a la IG Index basic charts when you first sign up and they were not allowed to use any books, online tutorials or people to help them. I'm curious from an academic viewpoint.

Reminds me of the room of monkeys and works of Shakespear adage.

I think you'd be hard pushed to learn based on nothing. I know a marketmaker who runs a foex desk in Thailand and he comes across as a bit of a cockney barrow-boy type lad. He's obviously very bright but he is not an academic...
:LOL: Erm, I don't mean is it something only academics can do. I mean I am interested, with an academic hat on, to see if someone can do it.
:LOL: Erm, I don't mean is it something only academics can do. I mean I am interested, with an academic hat on, to see if someone can do it.

They probably could, but perhaps only one in a hundred students would be successful.

My first degree was in engineering science, I along with around 120 other students attended lectures on thermodynamics, I suspect that a maximum of 2-3 people really understood a word of the material delivered. The rest of us reguritated enough parrot fashion to pass an exam. The point I'm trying to make is that even with a cut and dried subject based on hard science, and taught by someone who actually understood his subject, and taught within a first class teaching environment, and based on a foundation of previous experience of A level maths, physics, chemistry etc its still possible for students not to really get it. It's therefore not surprising to see people stuggle with a concept that possibly requires discretion, without the benefit of the educationa support mechanisms available in a more formal setting
They probably could, but perhaps only one in a hundred students would be successful.

My first degree was in engineering science, I along with around 120 other students attended lectures on thermodynamics, I suspect that a maximum of 2-3 people really understood a word of the material delivered. The rest of us reguritated enough parrot fashion to pass an exam. The point I'm trying to make is that even with a cut and dried subject based on hard science, and taught by someone who actually understood his subject, and taught within a first class teaching environment, and based on a foundation of previous experience of A level maths, physics, chemistry etc its still possible for students not to really get it. It's therefore not surprising to see people stuggle with a concept that possibly requires discretion, without the benefit of the educationa support mechanisms available in a more formal setting
I've often thought that learning to trade is so difficult because not only do you have to learn it, but you have to set the syllabus too! Essentially you have to be the student AND the lecturer. Perhaps students who have done a higher/research degree will have a better understanding of what it takes.
I see posts thanking Dante, posts thanking James 16, continual fawning over guys who do 'live trading sessions' (but who never take a trade)...folk who buy system after system; hoping in vain the next one will be 'the grail', folk cuddling up to gurus...

WTF does trading attact so many weak minded folk? Is it some form of general mental conditioning, the belief that in order to be consistently profitable you need; tutors, books, systems, gurus, subscriptions...?

Perhaps, given the lonliness of remote trading, it's a natural tendency to seek out those who may give a glimmer of hope or comfort...

With the recession, many "gurus" have started experiencing a dwindling in the followers as "wannabes" are pulling the plug on paid "live-trading services".

The "gurus" rely very heavily on this flock of sheep to fund their personal trading accounts, which may not be very healthy :rolleyes:

I'm finding this phenomena of calls/links/refs etc to paid live trading room sites increasing and one can really sense the desperation in the tone of the "gurus" and their merry band :LOL: