FTSE100 Intraday Trading - September 03


Veteren member
FTSE100 Intraday Trading - Sept

<img src="http://www.proudtobebritish.co.uk/ptbb/intropics/uk.gif">....................................SEPTEMBER STARTS HERE ..........................................<img src="http://www.proudtobebritish.co.uk/ptbb/intropics/uk.gif"></img>

<img src="http://chart.neural.com/servlet/GIFChart?sym1=ls:ukx&cbcku=FFFFFF&cbckl=EBF5FF&cbckd=cccc99&ctxtu=000000&ctxtd=000000&ctxtl=000000&csym1=000099&csym3=000000&cbckg=FFFFFF&cind7a=FF0033&cind7=009900&cind8=blu&cind9=6666CC&avg1=60&avg2=510&ind7=macd&periodMACDLow=100&periodMACDHigh=60&height=550&width=700&source=SP&multipane=1&watermark=splogoblue.gif&dres=min&plottype=range&ignore=1220025226&dperiod=days&coname=1&image=PNG"></img>

<img src="http://cchart.finance.ukl.yahoo.com/z?s=^ftse&a=v&t=1d&l=on&z=l&q=c&i=uk">
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<font color="blue" size="4">

S&P 500 Futures on Globex = After the Close

<img width ="500" height="400" src="http://money.cnn.com/markets/morning_call/globex.png">
<a href='http://www.investtech.com/subscr/uk/' target='window'><IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/invest.gif"></a><FONT COLOR="#cfd7df">.<a href='http://www.timesonline.co.uk/section/0,,5,00.html' target='window'><IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/times.gif"></a>.<a href='http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/default.asp?siteid=mktw' target='window'><IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/cbs.gif"></a><a href='http://news.ft.com/markets' target='window'><FONT COLOR="#cfd7df">.<IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/ft.gif"></a><FONT COLOR="#cfd7df">.<a href='http://finance.lycos.com/home/livecharts/default.asp?symbols=INDEX:INDU' target='window'><IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/lycos.gif"></a>.<a href='http://www.signalwatch.com/signalwatch.asp' target='window'><IMG SRC="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/thomas.mcphillips/DS.gif"></a>.<a href='http://www.raptorgroupresearch.com/' target='window'><FONT COLOR="#cfd7df"><IMG SRC="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/raptor.gif"></a>
<a href="http://investor.stockpoint.com/quote.asp?Exchange=&Mode=CHART&Symbol=LS:UKX" target='window'><img src="http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gawgaw/charts/er2.gif"></a></font></p></font></p>
<marquee scrollamount="7" direction="left" bgcolor="#000080"style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #FFFF00; font-weight: bold"><img border="0" src="http://fastcounter.bcentral.com/fastcounter?3228370+6456747">Tuesday 30th Results Reports Manchester United (F) Benchmark Group (F) Clinton Cards (I) Forbidden Technologies (I) James Halstead (F) Laura Ashley (I) London Security (I) Maclellan Group (I) Misys (AGM) Oxus Gold (F) Proteome Sciences (I) Sportech (I) Sibir Energy (I) 07.00 Sept Nationwide House Price Survey 09.30 2nd Quarter GDP q/q 09.30 2nd Quarter Current Account 15.00 Sept Consumer Confidence 15.00 Sept Chicago PMI 11.00 EMU Sept Economic Confidence 11.00 EMU Sept Flash CPI y/y 11.00 EMU Sept Consumer Confidence </marquee>
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just checking.
Is the size of the charts O.K ?
seems to me, you have to fiddle with the scroll bar on every refresh. But it depends on the resolution you are using I guess.

Let me know please.

btw, I suspect sharky would prefer you to put the url in notepad
and do your refresh on your own computer rather than keep hitting his servers.

if you are not sure how to do this , sing out.
Good morning.
Chart could be a little smaller so i dont have use the scroll bar.
I have a resolution of 1024x768.
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Bonsai - Personally I like the chart/s but it is important to make it user friendly for everybody. Might need a dummies guide to the notebook option though!
did you download the file I left for you on the August thread ?
looking at my daily candle chart, with the dow closed
beginning to think we may have an inside day.
In which case the mm's have stolen most of the points ?
Given the range on Friday an inside day is likely. Without
DOW opening looming today might show whether the recent
pattern of strong opening hour or two followed by fall away
owes more to worries about potential DOW weakness than
anything else. Not that it matters much why it goes up and
down I suppose.

Be interesting if it has another look at 227.

there seems to be an air of optimism in the markets this week, note that the dow often moves up the day after its labor day holiday i think we may well be testing the top of the ranges soon
well, rightly or wrongly, I closed my long a few minutes ago

and now waiting for short signal
so hope it doesnt go to 227 !

looks a good call so far - was exit your MACD or just a feeling
in your water?

I've got resistance fibs at 224 and 218(based on closing values)
- still testing which works best!!

good trading

macd was the exit when it got overbought.

a/d line is holding up too well to go short yet.
currently 86/14

pinched the download file you did for lambchops, thanks.

ain't fame wonderful - now we've all got lambchops on our

some gravy but not much mint sauce today ?

may be a bit of a hot-pot tomorrow ?
just posting a test chart to see whether its bigger than
yahoo chart


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bit late off the mark today with all this web site upping and downing.
havent gone with the current rally even though there was a higher low on macd.
top trend line looks a bit cramping ? and my rsi was falling.
but it may still be a good move up, who knows ?
a/d is uninspiring at the mo.
Tiny range today,so the dow may move?My trading for the day was curtailed with the mind-blowing profit of £35.