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[DARWIN] QQE by QQE - Ruper

Dear Colleagues

The system has closed recently acumulation. Wich up the equity. Here you can to see it:

Dear Colleagues

The System follow giveing us points in positive. Towards upp side. Here you are:

Dear Colleagues

The System close the week in positive. It has increase investors too. Here you are:

Dear Colleagues

The system is sending positions now. We are prepared for to take/leave points from market. For consolidation in level. We will see here:

Dear Colleagues

The System has closed all positions. Taken points today ;P . We are waitting for momentum and new oportunities of markets. Here you are:

Dear Colleagues

Begining to send position at market. Acumulation fase now. We will see what will happen. Here you are:

Dear Colleagues

The system is acumulative fase now. We will see what will happen. Here you are:

Dear Colleagues

System is sending positions to the market now. We begining to acumulation.

Kind Regards :)
Dear Colleagues

We follow in acumulation moment.

Kind Regards :)
Dear Colleagues

We begining session. Begining the week. Here you are the begin:

Dear Colleagues

We take point of the markets. Here you are the up equity:

Dear Colleagues

Now we can to see the points is coming. Market is very slow now. Here you are balance/equity:

Dear Colleagues

The system begining to acumulation fase. We will see what will happen ;)

Kind Regards and a very Happy Weekend Plan
Dear Colleagues

The System follow with positions at the market. We follow waiting for :)

Kind Regards
Dear Colleagues

The System It follows sending positions to the market.

Happy weekend at all :)

Kind Regards
Dear Colleagues

The System follows sending positions to the market. We will see what will happend :)

Kind Regards