Are these forums essentially just the blind leading the blind?

There’s a lot of great stuff on trade2win ...and it’s archives are full of legendary traders and advice that sim just as valuable now admit it was years ago

Wouldn’t be great if the moderators considered bringing back some of the legendary threads of yesteryear and seeing if people,can build and contribute tom their principles ...

Mods ?

At heart, a forum with only one opinion on a subject is going to die out. Especially when it concerns a subject like trading. If you're only told that whatever you say is right and you should do it, there is no opportunity for improvement or development, either at the forum or later through other routes.

Its no wonder trading forums must show a multiplicity of opinion. There are always at least two viable opinions on the potentiality of any single trade - buy because price is high or sell because price is high: both are legitimate responses to a price history.
Regardless of whatever you are thinking, this forum is essential in helping out people who are looking for assistance and suggestion when it comes to forex trading. The result can be either positive or negative.