Terrorist Attacks in London?


The people of spain removed their Prime mstr from power and then they got the troops out of Iraq. Now they are no longer a target. :cool:

This war is: GW Bush and Blair .v. Terrorists.

The terrorists motive is to remove the above TWO from power and to remove the troops from Islam Land.
The only way they can do this is by terrorising and attacking the innocent, in the hope we the public get the message and ACT to remove the troops and those TWO world leaders from power. They see it as an invasion from the west and they dont see it any other way.!

Do you think Spain did the right thing? and now have secured peace and safety to their people.

Do you fink we [londoners] would have been attacked if we followed spains example?

Please dont tell me that Spain gave in to terrorism. :cool: They simply found a better solution to the problem then we did!

If we give them what they want [troops out] and they continue to attack the innocent? then we will have to find a way to crush them.

Interesting concept Bulldozer but it does not answer a few questions:

1) The attack on New York was made before the decision to go to war in Iraq and in many ways the war in Iraq was as a consequence of the attack in New York

2) It is by no means certain that Spain will not get another attack and it is pure assumption that their decision to withdraw troops means they will no longer be a target.

3) Since the war in Iraq the US has not had any attacks made on it (yet)

4) Pesonally I dont think following Spain's example would have made any difference to what has happened and only time will tell who is correct in this.

The people of spain removed their Prime mstr from power and then they got the troops out of Iraq.

I thought that Al Qaeda were instrumental in that, not the people of Spain.
"Interesting concept Bulldozer but it does not answer a few questions:"

1) "The attack on New York was made before the decision to go to war in Iraq and in many ways the war in Iraq was as a consequence of the attack in New York"

Interesting post.

The US had already declared war on Iraq BEFORE the twin towers attack!
Allow me to xplain:
The fanatical arab/terrorist see GWB as an enemy to their land. GWB first invaded Iraq when he sent the inspectors in their land WITHOUT invitation and against their wishes. And they see him as an intefering brute who puts his nose where it does not concern him! GWB likes to demonstrate HIS POWERS to the rest of the world. He elected himself to be the POLICE of the WORLD.
Its OK for GWB to have and to make the NUKE weapon! but other nations CANT.
The fanatic arab defends his religion his country and his people with his OWN life.
This war was started by the west and not the terrorists.You kick a sleeping dog you will get bitten! :cool:
There was no terrorists before the BUSHES declared war on the ARAB countries.
You need to go back to Iraq.v. Kuwiat
If Iran declares war on another arab country will george put his nose in again?

bulldozer said:
Please dont tell me that Spain gave in to terrorism. :cool: They simply found a better solution to the problem then we did!

If we give them what they want [troops out] and they continue to attack the innocent? then we will have to find a way to crush them.

I'm sorry but this makes no sense, what you're saying is that we should do what the terrorists want, but that's not giving in to them?

If we withdraw troops from Iraq as the terrorists appear to want, then we are saying that all anyone has to do is threaten us with violence and we'll do whatever they want. IMHO that doesn't seem like a good isea to me.
There was no terrorists before the BUSHES declared war on the ARAB countries.


The BUSHES ( as you like to call them ) are terrorists although they like to think of themselves as God's terrorists.

For good measure, the BLAIRSES are terrorists too.
danfreek said:
I'm sorry but this makes no sense, what you're saying is that we should do what the terrorists want, but that's not giving in to them?

If we withdraw troops from Iraq as the terrorists appear to want, then we are saying that all anyone has to do is threaten us with violence and we'll do whatever they want. IMHO that doesn't seem like a good isea to me.
Read my posts again when ur a little bit sober! :rolleyes:

The west is the invader and the fanatics [as most people like to call them] are the defenders.

They dont like the west telling them HOW to run their countries! in the same way we dont like to be told how to RUN ours.

kick a sleeping dog/snake at your PERIL :!: :cool:
The west is the invader and the fanatics [as most people like to call them] are the defenders.

Sorry, but I thought that fool GEORGE W. BUSH was the terrorist.

He appears to be the invader and the fanatic to boot.

By the way , does W stand for Walker or Wa*nker ?
I'm sure Hitler didn't want to be told how to run Germany either. The Iraqis are now able to choose how to run their own country, before it was a minority who controled them, there is now a new minority who want to gain control and oppress the Iraqi people again.
pttrader said:
If I remember correctly Benjamin Netanyahu siad shortly after 9/11 that you can't have terrorism without State sponsored terrorism. In other words, countries have to allow terrorist to have training facilities in their country. If these countries do this then they will hve to suffer the consequences. There is no way to fight a war without some innocent people being killed. The U.S. did in fact try to minimize innocent people being killed by using surgical strikes. Nevertheless, innocent people did get killed. That is the way it is in war. However, to just surrender to the terrorist is not the answer either. They intend to impose their idealogy on the the west. So, what are we left with? Stand up and fight or roll over and surrender? Which would be better? Neither is good but life is that way. You are walking the streets a thief pulls a gun and threatens to shoot. A bystanding with a pistol shoots and kills the thief thus saving your life.
In this case a life was taken but to protect the innocent. These killers that knocked down the twin towers and bombed London are cowards. They won't attack the military of either country. They go after the unarmed innocent much like the thief above. Whatever it takes to stop them ...well the price must be paid IMO otherwise our way of life and our freedoms we presently know will be denied us in a State under their control.

So they must be stopped. Or maybe you would prefer living under them????

I appreciate your comments and your reference to Benjamin Netanyahu, who of course is on his own agenda to bring more nationalities into the ME mess.
I do not know you and therefore I do not know what countries you have lived in and what your experiences have brought you.
I say this, because your comments exhibit nievity to a highly complex situation which had it´s origins in 1917 and compounded it´s way into the situation that is currently facing all of us
both in the Western world and the ME and now spilling over into Latin Am and Africa.

"Surgical strikes" are no answer particularly since the overwhelming force acting on munitions prior to impact is good old fashioned gravity.

We live in a time when an enormous amount of thought needs to be given to the problems of our planet. ...deep deep thought ..... no room for Cowboys & BS

Talking of solutions to problems; please answer this if you will PTTrader since you mentioned 9/11
Given that it takes several weeks to wire a 47 floor building for implosion within it´s own footprint, how come the Owner, Larry Silverstein, gave the order to "take down" WT 7 within
6 hours of the first Tower strike .... this has always bothered me.
Salty Gibbon said:
Not much chance of that with George W Bush in charge.

Bush and his cronies are cowboys whilst Blair and his cronies are a*ssboys.

Rawhide !!!!!!!!!

If these guys needed to trade for a living they would starve to death ... now there is a thought!!
At a talk in Minnesota, Mjoes quoted Gandhi:

"When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won.

There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time, they seem invincible.

But in the end, they always fall. Think of it! Always."

Ghandi was vastly over-rated.

The only good thing he did for mankind was to invent the flip flop.

And for that he should be truly venerated.

But nothing else.

Salty gibbon,

i have read all your post on this thread. Idid like it.

so please clarify your last post on gandhi
boys and girls, the world is a balanced place in many ways.
Please let me explain.
This is a universal principle, it is applicable today.
But in the end, they always fall. Think of it! Always."[/QUOTE]


You have just described the laws of karma ... cause & effect ... fear & greed
Welcome to the wonderful world of trading.
This is how we make our money ... volatility
Our greatest enemy is "Balance"

Sadly, balance will never occur in my lifetime, even though I am prepared to give up
trading to see it happen.
Salty gibbon,

i have read all your post on this thread. Idid like it.

so please clarify your last post on gandhi

Ghandi is an over-rated person.

He invented the flip-flop sandal.

Other than that he was completely useless.

Is that clear enough or do you require me to be more expicit ?
Flip flops were invented by a man called Bin ladden to counter excessive damage to camel's when they are being raced across the desert. The soft rubbery pary doesnt dig into the camel and thus nullifies the pain.

Mohammed Ghandi was a legend he only ate 1 grain of rice in his life - he helped the human race!
I disgaree salty...without Ghandi ..Ben Kingsley would still be an also ran
But the movie "Ghandi" did remind us that India still exists.

If only in our sub-conscious.