Terrorist Attacks in London?

Bang them all up together and let them plot another terror attack nice one¬
Anyone got anyviews on V OG.L - Victoria oil and Gas?
commanderco said:

" How did the seemlingly unaffected WTC 7 building demolish inside its own footprint within a few hours of the plane strikes and within even less time following the instruction to "pull the building" given by its Owner Larry Silverstein"

ALL I want to know is the answer to my question .. only consider what they see in front of them and ignore the peripheral data as being dellusional

The person who called him knew it was rigged or that it could be done by methods not widley known.

Some individual or group in command of appropriate resources must have either had WTC7 pre rigged on the off chance that it may wish to pull it at some time. Or becuse this command structure knew of the attacks and knew they would not be faughted and did so in advance of 9-11.

Or because there are methods for doing so that are not reported that enable the pulling in the time after the evacuation of the building or from the time the planes stuck with the serendipity as required.

Is there anything more or less to this?
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And keeping to this thread of reasoning, how (not lady why) does Bruce Lait who sat closest to one of the tube bombs and suvied, is reported to have said;

"As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said."

And later in hospital he was visited by the Queen (Not likley to be mentally unstable then!).

sp1 said:
And keeping to this thread of reasoning, how (not lady why) does Bruce Lait who sat closest to one of the tube bombs and suvied, is reported to have said;

"As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said."

And later in hospital he was visited by the Queen (Not likley to be mentally unstable then!).


Yes, I remember that
only just looked at this thread - I can now reveal that I was the secret second gunman on the grassy knoll. Granted I was only, what, 8 or so at the time, but I confidently expect that at some point I could find a lunatic to swear he strapped me into the time machine for the round trip. I was trading (and caught out long) when I got up to watch the live satellite news from WTC, where I for one am perfectly convinced Al Q flew some passenger planes into both towers and tried damned hard to hit a number of other high profile targets at the same time. Conspiracy theorists postulating drones hitting other sites might care to explain where all the crew and PAX went from he planes that allegedly didn't actually impact.

I take my hat off to the conspiracy theorists who are, I would agree, doing little for the memory of victims or their relatives - I will understand if you don't return the gesture, it must be hard to lift a hat when your jacket has both arms securely fastened at the rear.
There's a lot more to 9/11 than meets the eye, and ignoring it is the insult to the victims, not the investigation and wanting clear answers...

And the idea that 'drones' or missiles were used at other places is stupid and used to discredit all other theories which are not stupid. Same with the 'face' in the smoke, a distraction from the real questions.

Of course, with anything like this there are those with an interest in digging deeper, and there are those who see the story and take it at face value - like those who still think the police were justified in shooting Charles De Menzes on the tube, even though the police now admit they lied about all the reasons they shot him in the first place...

I think this is very much a personal thing, whether you wish to question the official line or not. If you see something and you yourself question it for whatever reason, then you'll naturally carry on questioning things. If you don't see something for you to begin questioning, then you won't be inclined to question other things. For those who question to argue with those who do not is pointless as those who do not question don't have the reason to not believe that's all. Damn I hope that makes sense?!

anyway, a quick link for those interested:


thepoliteone said:
There's a lot more to 9/11 than meets the eye, and ignoring it is the insult to the victims, not the investigation and wanting clear answers...

And the idea that 'drones' or missiles were used at other places is stupid and used to discredit all other theories which are not stupid. Same with the 'face' in the smoke, a distraction from the real questions.

Of course, with anything like this there are those with an interest in digging deeper, and there are those who see the story and take it at face value - like those who still think the police were justified in shooting Charles De Menzes on the tube, even though the police now admit they lied about all the reasons they shot him in the first place...

I think this is very much a personal thing, whether you wish to question the official line or not. If you see something and you yourself question it for whatever reason, then you'll naturally carry on questioning things. If you don't see something for you to begin questioning, then you won't be inclined to question other things. For those who question to argue with those who do not is pointless as those who do not question don't have the reason to not believe that's all. Damn I hope that makes sense?!

anyway, a quick link for those interested:



If you apply this kind of reasoning to your trading, you must be making good money
shooting Mr De Menze on the tube was an obvious case of somebody at the sharp end making a bad call with tragic consequences, yet at the same time it's a conspiracy when some poor sod running the USAF can't decide quickly enough to gun civilian airliners out of the sky, Huh? Where's the logic?

To down airliners full of civilians you'd have to be very sure of hostile intent, flying around off the planned route and not replying to calls etc is certainly suspicious but I doubt any sane person would start ordering fighters to down airliners on the strength of that. (Remember the Korean airliner the Russians downed a few years back? Do you now think that was justified?)

Plus there's the other problem - burning airliners coming down in the middle of your city having just been shot down by the USAF.

Occams razor applies here.
One thing i must admit in this De Menze's case is that our police do a really hard job. Not only working the beat but fighting terrorism. We take it for granted that just beacuse we pay our taxes we should be protected in cotton wool at all times. The police in london are perhaps in some cases 1000/1 police to people and that provides a massive problem for them. NEVER forget these people are ruthless murderers and i am sure innocent people get killed in the USA and in china under supposed capital punishment laws. Europe is one of the most liberal societies around, we head social reform around the globe, but if your son was killed in the london bombings or in New York or in any other terrorist attack one may understand why a liberal gov.t will never be elected in the UK. The backbone of the UK is Conservative, perhaps not in a political sense at the moment, but we all remain English and that is such.
It would be interesting to see your votes now if both political parties had the same characters, who you would vote for?
Police do a great job fighting terrorism here lets not forget what the terrorists are fighting for which is at the end of the day a repressive muslim dictatorship.
Irish paddy,
I would avoid croydon shopping centre anyway. Full of single mothers!
A year on now! amazing how London has battled on. So much loss of life 1 year ago. Terrorism has officially LOST.... When will they realise this!

Any views now a year on?

MarvinS said:
A year on now! amazing how London has battled on. So much loss of life 1 year ago. Terrorism has officially LOST.... When will they realise this!

Any views now a year on?


"battled on" ?? "so much loss of life" ??

Tell that to the 500,000 Iraqis who died (mostly poor INNOCENT people) as we (US and UK) imposed food and medical aid, prior to the attacks to "free" the people of Iraq.

Why are there no minutes of silence for them ?
Wrong skin-colour?
Wrong nation?
Lesser humans?
Cant pronounce thier foreign-sounding sames ?

We spend how many BILLIONS to defend our way of life ?
How many pennies would it take to save a life from dying from water-borne diseases?

If by winning you mean WE get to rape innocent women, and SHOOT their 5-year-old children, and MASSACRE their villages, how are we different from the savagery of Saddam ?
The uniforms, and accents have changed, the barbarity remains the same.

Winning means:
01: treating all people as equals, irrespective of race, colour or creed.
02: endowing all people with dignity, and worthy of respect.
03: realising our wasteful consumerist way of life needs changing. ( its so easy to blame others so far away, rather than expect our own citizens to change their life-habits. I am referring to OIL, and our dependence on it being CHEAP )

mathematically, if A=B, then B=A. does that make sense ?

you have really p1ssed me off on this one.
wise words......one thing id love to know, before we jumped into bed with the village idiot, we didnt have any terrorism...
Oh dear Trendie,
I have pissed you off for commenting on the terrorists that committed murder against someone that could have been sitting next to me on the underground next to me a year ago on my way to work. I f we as tax payers are funding our govt to invade and protect us against further attacks then so be it. I would give my right arm to the soldiers that have risked their lives in Iraq or the rest of the world to protect us. We live in a democratic society and live a great life, but yes compared to the innocent lives that have been sacrificied to provide us with this freedom was it worth it. We will never agree in this life!

When it is closer to home it hurts more yes but when Saddam murdered and when Hitler murdered, i believe we as not a superior race came to the forefront. No more appeasing the liberals! Time to get realistic all this oppression must end and unfortunately sacrifices from both sides will occur.

My opinion!
MarvinS said:
Oh dear Trendie,
I have pissed you off for commenting on the terrorists that committed murder against someone that could have been sitting next to me on the underground next to me a year ago on my way to work. I f we as tax payers are funding our govt to invade and protect us against further attacks then so be it. I would give my right arm to the soldiers that have risked their lives in Iraq or the rest of the world to protect us. We live in a democratic society and live a great life, but yes compared to the innocent lives that have been sacrificied to provide us with this freedom was it worth it. We will never agree in this life!

When it is closer to home it hurts more yes but when Saddam murdered and when Hitler murdered, i believe we as not a superior race came to the forefront. No more appeasing the liberals! Time to get realistic all this oppression must end and unfortunately sacrifices from both sides will occur.

My opinion!

my original remarks were knee-jerk and perhaps over the top.
I acknowledge your post MarvinS, and its valid points, as I agree with a great majority of them.

I just find it difficult to see how we can consider some people more worthy of remembrance than others. Why cant we offer equal respect to innocent Iraqis who have been sacrificed in the name of our freedom.
Why only tears for some?

With regards to Saddam, my point is, if we toppled Saddam in order to install freedom and order (WMD being discredited), then why have the abuses continued, and the random killings.
My point that the only thing that has changed are the uniforms is valid.
If we consider ourselves better, we need to "show" that we are, and that is by showing greater respect, and exercise equality, so that the fearful population learn to seek out our justice on seeing british and american soliders, not hide in the houses, wondering whose family is going to get wiped out, or who is going to get a kicking, complete with souvenir photos.

In the rush to "liberate", we must be careful not to replace one form of oppression with another one.

I still think the key word here is "innocent", and I re-assert my belief the Iraqi names deserve their place alongside the uk victims.