Slow Access To Pages

Demag, you say you've set ZoneAlarm to accept cookies for T2W. Well with us moving domain recently, it's as if we're a completely different site - so please would anyone who has set up their firewall/IE software to grant access for T2W please update it so that it uses the new domain - AND NOT

How's the speed tonight folks?
We implemented a new menu system over the weekend which significantly reduced the size of the html pages across the website (the menu being served from every page). You may not have even realised the change since the old and new version purposely look identical.

I'd be interested to know whether members have noticed a difference in speed over the last fews days, particularly those on slower connections?
I had really slow access yesterday (Sunday) and put it down to either maint or large numbers of traders with no markets to annoy.

But it's just the same today. REALLY SLOW....Not all the time. Just now and again.

Now, what worries me is that nobody else is mentioning it - which makes me wonder if it's just me.

I've tried on more than one machine and it's equally poor. Maybe my ISP, but all other sites are running as quickly as normal.

Anyone else suffering?

Any site admins have any ideas?

It isn't you. I have been having the same problem to-day and at times last week. It occurs in fits and starts.
It is this site, I have no problem with the other sites I visit.


I agree. In my view access to the site (i.e. to threads and posts) has been slower than usual for the last couple of weeks.
I have also found that todays access is extremely slow. I have also had erros indicating problems with database access
Sharky, the 'mishaps' on Friday midnight - are they anything to do with the current problem?
Sorry about the delayed response. I've been busy moving home/office this weekend (but more about that later).

Since last Wednesday we have had an intermittent problem that is locking up the database that we use causing the pages to freeze. Although we are looking into the cause of this at the moment, we're not able to pinpoint the problem - so unfortunately the problem isn't likely to go away immediately. So apologies for the disruption to normal service, I'm currently exploring various options open to me to help rectify the situation and can ensure members that speedy service will be resumed shortly.

And in answer to earlier questions, no this has nothing to do with the move to .com or the weirdness on Friday - it's more probably a symptom of the ever growing demands placed on the existing T2W server.
Since we moved the database over to a different server the site seems to be a lot quicker to access. Can anyone else confirm whether this is the case? Particularly those on a dial-up connection.
Sorry lads, but I think it's slow tonight, but first time I've been on for a day or two.