DESPERATELY Slow Access to t2w Pages


Legendary member
The last couple of weeks has become a bit of an energy-sapping experience for me on t2w. It's just so damned SLOOOOWWWW.

A couple of other members I've asked have noticed no change to their access speed, but it takes an absolute age for me on most occasions to get even the most recent threads or posts up on my screen.

Every other site and all my other Internet based access and traffic remains as fast as normal.

Anyone else suffering?
I'm suffering, too. I have reported it but I'm not sure if there's anyone around at the moment to look into it and provide a fix if necessary.
Hi folks,

It's slow for me too at the moment. We recently made a change to the way the ads are served and that might be contributing to the slowdown. But as far as I can see there isn't any specific problem, so no quick fixes I'm afraid. I'll try and see how we can go about increasing the speed, whether we need up upgrade the server or tweak the software.
I'll add a "me too" to the list of slowbies... this page took about 30 seconds to load up
Taking 3 to 4 secs to load, normally 2-3 secs even with several other programs running.
This is a dual core machine, but I don't know if that makes a difference.
me too

wheezergeezer said:
Probably the t2win server, needs a "service"
I thought it was cos I was only on 512 meg but other sites seem fine.Most frustrating but in a way not horribly am glad to hear that I am not the only one.Sarah.
The site pretty much ground to a halt this morning. We've reverted back to the old system of tracking ad stats and this seems to have now fixed the speed problems. Apologies for the slow access, we'll look into upgrading the site hardware before making any further site upgrades.