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[PORTFOLIO] demo Portfolio with Darwin heroes of 2021


Senior member
After I started the thread Darwin heroes of 2021 , I reset my demo portfolio and bought 12 Darwins with 2k each in the new demo portfolio according to @CavaliereVerde's filter, which I extended with 1 criteria (La > 2).
For eligibility I added that the Darwin must be able to buy and the price must be higher than 150, which means the trader proved 50% profit.
I sorted the list by return last 2 years and took the first 10 of these criteria and as 2 were less than 2 years old, I added the next 2 which were at least 2 years old. (I had to go down to position 35 of 82 for the last one!)
So the demo portfolio covers both points of view.
This is the buy list:

and this the current result after less than 24 hours:

There are no management rules defined until now.
I think the main vulnerability of that filter is not La but Cp.
Low La can be compensated by long trackrecords, survival proves that the strategy is safe.
If you rank by return 2Y it would make a lot of sense to increase "Days in Darwinex" to 700.
10 darwins are better to montor than 12 because Investors Dashboard displays only 10 darwins.
I think the main vulnerability of that filter is not La but Cp.
Low La can be compensated by long trackrecords, survival proves that the strategy is safe.
If you rank by return 2Y it would make a lot of sense to increase "Days in Darwinex" to 700.
10 darwins are better to montor than 12 because Investors Dashboard displays only 10 darwins.
I didn't want to exclude these 2 Darwins only because they traded better results in less time.
One has only a few months until it can also show the 2y.
JTL is a Darwinex native Darwin with 1y 10m, and ULC is also native Darwinex and a real roadrunner in just 1 y with only green months and nearly 60% profit in a year.
First I want to see which point of view is the more successful one after a couple of reviews and a couple of months, then I think I will reduce the number of Darwins to 10.
That is the point with Return, it is very attractive but not so predictive. 🙂
The filter is already based on return, furtherly ranked by return with another condition about... return .
It can be a starting point but I created it not to invest but to prove there are enough attractive darwins.
Darwinex needs attractive darwins, investors need investable darwins.
Update (nearly) end of June, 2021

EOP, who did not trade the whole time and got the last rank, is replaced by UAE, which wasn't in the list last time for unknown reasons.

As you see, the portfolio made small profit in the last 10 days.
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PUL was replaced by BFS which just came in the selection list with profit > 50%.

PUL is the first Darwin of this portfolio which could be sold with profit.

Performance of this demo portfolio is not really exciting, but stays positive in its second month until now:
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PUL was replaced by BFS which just came in the selection list with porfit > 50%.

PUL is the first Darwin of this portfolio which could be sold with profit.

Performance of this demo portfolio is not really exciting, but stays positive in its second month until now:
If it is still positive after 6 months I will be impressed. That will be better than I have been able to achieve with Demo or Live portfolios.
BFS is replaced by PHI which appeared in the filter as its La currently is > 2.
BFS left the portfolio as last on performance sorting with a small profit:

July performance stays slightly positive:
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BFS replaced HZY as it shows better 2y return currently.
HZY left the portfolio with small profit. More than half of the gross profit was cut by divergence:

The portfolio stays in profit for July:

Total management fee paid is about three times what is to pay for performance fee for closed positions:

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I tought your were rotating once a week.
Now are you doing it once a day?
I do it from time to time (not fixed to a week) and if a new Darwin appears I sometimes wait a couple of days to see whether it stays in the selection. I did it today as it is end of a month, even if the figures are not completely final, but I don't expect significant changes.
As JTL is now shown as 2 years old, the last Darwin of the 2y return has to leave.
I was waiting for that.
Now the portfolio contains only one Darwin (ULC) with an age of less than two years.

TKT left the portfolio with the second highest profit made by selling a Darwin:

There were never more than 12 Darwins needed, so I decided to raise the investment on every Darwin from $2,000 to $2,500 for all Darwins which can be bought.
UAE is only available for selling so the position cannot be increased at the moment.

August starts with a nice profit:
JTL left the portfolio as the 6 months return went below the requirement. It didn't recover during the last few days while I was waiting for a potential recovery, but it lost more value.
Unfortunaltely it showed the highest loss to all positions sold in the history of this portfolio and turned the result of closed investments to a small negative number.

BGN replaced it as next in the 2 y return sorting and is new in the portfolio.
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I added divergence > -1.0 to the filter criteria which results in a replacement in this portfolio.
I don't like to have Darwins there which cannot be bought over weeks or months and IMO this value is very tolerant for divergence. I also don't like the Darwinex presentation where a Darwin shows success and a potential investor will lose money.
The number of matches to the filter is reduced to currently 58 from 82 only by the divergence criterion.

So UAE had to leave with a small loss and was replaced by PUL, which was the next one filling all criteria in the 2y profit sorted list including the new criteria.
The small loss of UAE was caused only by divergence as the sell quote of UAE was higher than the buy quote.

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