Thanks Waytogo and Wysi,I'm useless at this stuff.Perhaps someone could tell me where this other thread is? -- Even better,perhaps someone could do a FAQ on the subject? On a more humerous/sadder note. My computer came ethernet ready,in 'my network connections' there are the dial-up icons and the LAN icon(s).I started off with 1 LAN icon,with a red cross through it (meaning it was not enabled)?.Then quite recently I visited 'my network connections' and a second LAN icon had appeared! After the business with the Belgian hacker,I'm a bit paranoid about the internet.So I dis-installed the 'contents' of this second LAN icon,expecting it to disappear. -- It didn't -- and when I checked the original icon,I'd disinstalled the same components from that! -- Does this mean i'm no longer broadband ready? and more importantly --- Does this mean I won't be able to get ISDN?