I would really appreciate some help from members on choice of ISP. As I live out in the sticks, BT have told me that there is no demand for Broadband locally and that our exchange will not be enabled for the foreseeable future. Therefore I am stuck with a dial-up connection. Currently using NTL, but there is a 2 hour cutoff and I have been getting dropped connections at random in addition to this. Also sometimes they won't connect to MyTrack, my dataprovider. An emergency metered service has no problem, so it is definitely a problem with ntl. It is driving me mad, and costing a lot in ruined trades! Had to call up CMC to get out of a FTSE100 cfd trade this morning cos I was blind - lost 21 points whereas if I had stayed in I would have made over 50 points. A very expensive dropped connection.
Satellite may be a solution in the medium term, but in the meantime I need an unmetered dial-up connection that does not cut off after 2 hours, and doesn't drop connections at random. Can anyone recommend a reliable provider?
Satellite may be a solution in the medium term, but in the meantime I need an unmetered dial-up connection that does not cut off after 2 hours, and doesn't drop connections at random. Can anyone recommend a reliable provider?