Dynamite Indicators aka the indicator guys

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Hi guys

I just thought I would warn everyone that this is just the indicator guys re-branded with Chris Leonard still running it. I got an email yesterday saying that he was relaunching it and has been overwhelmed with all the interest shown.

Knowing Chris it is a complete lie but if there is anyone considering them please stay well away. He takes your money doesnt give you what you pay for then makes excuses and gets abusive when you dare ask for what you paid for.

Anyone considering dynamite indicators please look at these reviews on the indicator guys. The fact that this is the third time the company has changed its name should tell you everything. Chris keeps conning customers then runs away and changes the name when he runs out of excuses. I am in the process of taking him to court. Please everyone else stay away

I am not going to defend anything from the indicator guys as I know there were some unhappy customer when we closed. This is one of the reasons I have started Dynamite Indicators. To try and continue support.

The Indicator Guys was started with a few traders in 2014. Unfortunately all 3 of us had very different ideas how to run the business. In 2015 one of the traders started selling his own software through our company and thats where the problem started. We were never in this to upset anyone. Trading is a big deal for me and its what I do for a living. The software is brilliant and had helped hundreds of traders. While I see maybe 10 bad reviews on my company I have hundreds of emails and 40 great reviews praising us.

One big thing about this industry is that we are dealing with peoples money, this is inheritance sometimes and I have never taken that lightly. I have had people come in to my offices for free so I can help them. The problem is that people STILL buy software with their last pennies and want to make money trading so they can quit their jobs. These are the people that go on the Internet and rant and get abusive when they fail and realise they need to work for a living.

I have explained time and time again, if you have 1000 to trade, great but dont expect to be cashing in any time soon. You need to grow accounts by trading very small lots and keep building your accounts.

It used to frustrate me when I would spend 2 hours training someone and showing them exactly what I do, only to hear they went home and did the opposite with no money management. Just trying to double their account. I guess thats why I not longer do 121 training.

On the other hand the people who came to me who already had money who had 10k - 100k account have NEVER complained, they are making money still to this day.

This splits the deck. The people with money understand money and they continue to make it. The people who will do anything for money are so desperate they fail and then they come on forums trying to bring me down. I usually ignore this but today I thought I am starting fresh so I will try to set the record straight.

I dont have any customers called Henry so I guess its a fake name which does not really help anyone.

Any previous customers of the Indicator Guys, I am willing to continue to support the software you purchased/get it reinstalled and invite you to my webinars. None of you have to feel alone or like you have lost any money. Feel free to contact me and arrange a time to get support.

When the Indicator Guys closed I went back to trading for nearly 2 years but still had people asking to purchase the software so I done a joint venture with someone. Still I didnt like the way people want to sell software so I am now alone running a site called dynamite indicators. This will just sell the software which I have brought down in price by 60% to make it much more affordable. All training is via video and bi-weekly webinars.

This has been working out very very well so far. Taking away 121 training has helped a lot.

I say again, anyone who needs their software re-installed from a previous sale then I am more that happy to help.


Just thought I would share the abusive message i received from Chris today. This proves everything the other threads that he constantly turns abusive when things dont go his way. Phrases like I feel sorry for your family and grow a pair sums him up perfectly and its amazing he is still able to run a company

He finds it interesting I amusing a fake name(which isnt fake anyway). I find it interesting he has screwed over so many customers and cant tell whose who.

As for everyone's problems being resolved the other threads are still full of angry customers so thats just a lie

Joined Mar 2017
Fake Name
Hi Henry

I find it very interesting that you use a fake name everywhere. Very interesting indeed.

Why not man up, use your real name. It does not say a lot about your character or mentality if you hide behind a fake name.

This means you are malicious, you are not trying to resolve an issue your mentality tells you to sign up to forums under fake names and spread information but behind a fake name because your scared. I am sure we will find our your real name soon.

I feel sorry for your family and yourself if you need to hide. No one else has hidden behind a fake name and all their problems have been resolved.

Anyway if you do grow a pair and decide to act like a man, why not reveal your identity.

Doubt you every could.


chrisleonard82 is offline
Hi everyone

Wanted to let you all know Chris Leonard is now re-branding with a different name...Leon Stuart. He is still using the dynamite indicators website. See below picture proving Chris Leonard is Leon Stuart (Leon Stuart<[email protected]>)....

Like Henry3214 mentioned, they steal your money and don't give what you paid for. In October 2018 I paid 200.00 GBP for the "upgraded 3.2 system" as well as included training videos for the software. 6 months later Chris still hadn't fulfilled my order, and kept using excuses like he will be back in a few days, wife having a baby, etc. Chris eventually came out and said he fulfilled my order and had proof of it, specifically email proof. Naturally I asked him for it and every single time he changed the conversation that resulted in a derogatory comment towards me.

Fast forward to today, still no upgraded software and they still have my money. Chris has since blocked me emailing him which is what all scammers do when they get exposed. For anyone reading this, STAY AWAY from these people. This is fraud at its ugliest. And if you see an email from Leon Stuart ([email protected]) know that it is still Chris Leonard in an attempted disguise.

Chris Leonard email.jpg
well done Jobie for letting everyone know. nobody wants to deal with scum

I would just like to set the record straight. I am Leon the owner of Dynamite Indicators. I don't think the above statements are true or fair.

Firstly I am not Chris. You can check this at companies house. I had to show my passport to register the company.

I purchased the software and website from Chris a while back.

I have read through all of the emails between Chris and Jordan Link (jobie1234) and it appears that everything promised was sent to Jordan. I don't really want to get involved as the transaction was through PayPal and away from the website. From what I can see everything promised was sent though I don't know and I am not involved. I just wanted to clear my name as I had nothing to do with how it all ran last year. I purchased the website and software as I was once a customer of Chris's and found the software very useful and started teaching people to use it so when I left my full-time job this seemed a great opportunity.

The reason the email still came from [email protected] is the fact I didn't know how to change the owner in my email software agilecrm, nothing more than that. Since then tech support has changed it to reflect my name (Leon Stuart).

The information above is not factual, I got into this to help people and to give them as much useful information and service as I can, it's my passion in life to help, I have always helped anyone I know with anything I can do to the best of my ability and really do not want any negativity projected on me because I do not deserve it.

Many Thanks

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There is absolutely no way you read all the emails between Chris and I. If you did, you'd know I wasn't provided anything regarding the upgraded 3.2 system, training videos, etc that Chris mentioned. And being that it's your company now, don't you think you'd want to make it right with everyone Chris scammed? After all I did cc you on every email between Chris and myself since your introduction. But sadly you sat in a corner the whole time while Chris vomited lies and hateful comments the whole time.

I feel nobody should trust you anymore than they trusted Chris Leonard. And we all know how trustworthy Chris was.

To anyone reading this, Dynamite Indicators is a United Kingdom based company. Please know that they are not bound by the same laws we are in the United States, thus making it far easier to try and scam individuals out of their money. Any trustworthy individual would not have purchased a company from a scammer, so what does that say about Leon Stuart?

This company and the individuals behind it are not to be trusted. Stay away. Period.

I would just like to set the record straight. I am Leon the owner of Dynamite Indicators. I don't think the above statements are true or fair.

Firstly I am not Chris. You can check this at companies house. I had to show my passport to register the company.

I purchased the software and website from Chris a while back.

I have read through all of the emails between Chris and Jordan Link (jobie1234) and it appears that everything promised was sent to Jordan. I don't really want to get involved as the transaction was through PayPal and away from the website. From what I can see everything promised was sent though I don't know and I am not involved. I just wanted to clear my name as I had nothing to do with how it all ran last year. I purchased the website and software as I was once a customer of Chris's and found the software very useful and started teaching people to use it so when I left my full-time job this seemed a great opportunity.

The reason the email still came from [email protected] is the fact I didn't know how to change the owner in my email software agilecrm, nothing more than that. Since then tech support has changed it to reflect my name (Leon Stuart).

The information above is not factual, I got into this to help people and to give them as much useful information and service as I can, it's my passion in life to help, I have always helped anyone I know with anything I can do to the best of my ability and really do not want any negativity projected on me because I do not deserve it.

Many Thanks


everyone has the right to defend their name and reputation.....so welcome to T2win ....and good luck ....


There is absolutely no way you read all the emails between Chris and I. If you did, you'd know I wasn't provided anything regarding the upgraded 3.2 system, training videos, etc that Chris mentioned. And being that it's your company now, don't you think you'd want to make it right with everyone Chris scammed? After all I did cc you on every email between Chris and myself since your introduction. But sadly you sat in a corner the whole time while Chris vomited lies and hateful comments the whole time.

I feel nobody should trust you any more than they trusted Chris Leonard. And we all know how trustworthy Chris was.

To anyone reading this, Dynamite Indicators is a United Kingdom based company. Please know that they are not bound by the same laws we are in the United States, thus making it far easier to try and scam individuals out of their money. Any trustworthy individual would not have purchased a company from a scammer, so what does that say about Leon Stuart?

This company and the individuals behind it are not to be trusted. Stay away. Period.

Hi Again Jordan Link

I won't respond again after this but to be fair we have never worked together and I have never sold anything to you. You can see by the dates of your transactions and also by the date of incorporation.

I have read through all of the emails between yourself and Chris and while you were very abusive towards Chris I can assure everyone you got everything you paid for and judging by the logs you still are using the software.

I am very sorry you feel you had a bad experience but that's nothing to do with me. I have taken on support of so many of the previous customers which I have never made a penny from and I do this because they are polite and ask nicely. All I have ever seen from you is abusive behavior and threats.

As mentioned I think maybe have a break from trading for a bit. Stop buying everyone's trading systems. Most of them are the same with a few different bells and whistles, they are just a tool to help traders, not a magic bullet. Spend a bit more time watching the markets and paper trading. There is no quick way to make money here. Just time and effort. You will get there I am sure.


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To all,

For the sake of transparency, and just so you can see how "abusive" I was towards Chris Leonard, please read the attached email strings. Clearly you can see it was the other way around. My favorite is "Let's hope your manager understands you have an addiction to porn and trading as you stated to me".

If Leon Stuart were in fact real, he would have never posted that I was abusive or made threats to Chris. This adds to the fact that in all likelihood, Chris Leonard and Leon Stuart are the same person. And on the small chance they are not, then Chris is still involved behind the scenes.

Again, I'm putting it all out there so everyone can read these emails and make the decision for themselves who's right and who's wrong. All the lies and abusive comments are right here for all to see.

NVP, let's not forget your post on the thread "The Indicator Guys / Zen Indicators". Absolutely nothing has changed with this company since then.


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  • Chris Leonard and Leon Stuart email string 2.pdf
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To the mods at trade2win, this thread is really inaccurate and painting me in a very bad light. I am happy to send you a picture of my passport and all of the documents where I purchased the company from Chris. You can already see I was incorporated AFTER Chris and Jordan had dealings.

@jordan. You are missing a few emails. I have access to all emails ever sent through Zoho mail and there are multiple emails you have missed where you are begging for help along with the threatening emails at the end. I never meant threatening and abusive like physical but more if you don't do this I will do this.

@trade2win, I am all for a complaint but to be fair I have been dragged into this for no reason other than he does not believe who I am. I am an innocent guy who purchased a website and software to sell. It's paining me in a light I don't deserve. I can prove anything you need but this guy is just doing this for no reason other than he didn't get what he wanted for Chris and now has nothing better to do than come on forums accusing me. It's not helping. I have started this business in a positive manner. Would never sell anything to anyone without them knowing all about trading first. I am not in this for a quick buck and I am starting to regret even purchasing anything if this is the manner in which people act.



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im not a moderator or owner at T2win ....just a member but ....

this isnt judge rinder here .......just a trading forum

if you guys want to go trade spit in court then do it ......

this thread has now seen comments and statements from both parties

I would leave it there and let members decide if they ever chose to deal with the vendor concerned ....end of .....

im not going to take sides as i am a trader 24/7 and have also been a vendor (at times) .....so I know how anything can be spun in either direction ........no offence intended to either party here

personally as a vendor if i ever had someone unhappy with my services...then I was happy to refund their money regardless of the situation............its not worth the aggro.......you can sell the holy grail to some people and they will still say it doesnt work ....(like the guy at the impromptu picnic for 5,000 who complained his wine was off)

Personally as a buyer of many systems and educational courses over the last 40 years ....if i felt what i bought was poor value i gave feedback and negotiated regarding getting money back or other things i considered of value in return......if the vendor was fair and they could not refute my reasons they coughed up a little .....if they were not in that mood they told me to F*ck off..... and you dont need to guess were the majority of the responses were !

so my last comment here .............cheers guys

im not a moderator or owner at T2win ....just a member but ....

this isnt judge rinder here .......just a trading forum

if you guys want to go trade spit in court then do it ......

this thread has now seen comments and statements from both parties

I would leave it there and let members decide if they ever chose to deal with the vendor concerned ....end of .....

im not going to take sides as i am a trader 24/7 and have also been a vendor (at times) .....so I know how anything can be spun in either direction ........no offense intended to either party here

personally as a vendor if i ever had someone unhappy with my services...then I was happy to refund their money regardless of the situation............its not worth the aggro.......you can sell the holy grail to some people and they will still say it doesnt work ....(like the guy at the impromptu picnic for 5,000 who complained his wine was off)

Personally as a buyer of many systems and educational courses over the last 40 years ....if i felt what i bought was poor value i gave feedback and negotiated regarding getting money back or other things i considered of value in return......if the vendor was fair and they could not refute my reasons they coughed up a little .....if they were not in that mood they told me to F*ck off..... and you dont need to guess were the majority of the responses were !

so my last comment here .............cheers guys


Thank you for this post, I do appreciate it and I have exactly the same mindset as you. My ONLY problem with this is that I purchased a website and some software in January this year. I have run the business since then its mine now and I would refund anyone unhappy. But this deal was done with Chris last year in October. I am just trying to fight that Jordan Link is saying I am Chris when I have proven multiple times I am now. I am a LTD UK company with myself and my Fiance on the books. Chris is now a full-time trader and wanted out of the industry due to people like Jordan.

I am just trying to clear MY name nothing more. I have done nothing wrong.
Thank you for this post, I do appreciate it and I have exactly the same mindset as you. My ONLY problem with this is that I purchased a website and some software in January this year. I have run the business since then its mine now and I would refund anyone unhappy. But this deal was done with Chris last year in October. I am just trying to fight that Jordan Link is saying I am Chris when I have proven multiple times I am now. I am a LTD UK company with myself and my Fiance on the books. Chris is now a full-time trader and wanted out of the industry due to people like Jordan.

I am just trying to clear MY name nothing more. I have done nothing wrong.

when you take over a business, you are also taking over its name (the business name) the name of the person, be that Chris or Poppet is pretty much irrelevant. whats to say you p1ss off someone else, and then next year Joe comes along and says the exact same about you. oh you dealt with Chris, its my business now therefore your issue is with him
NO. the issue is with the business. your business now whether you like it or not
There is a legal term for this, its called the "veil of incorporation"
get this to court immediately Jobie, you are in the right
People should learn how to investigate. Google would be a good start.

Legit businesses don't use virtual office addresses.

And a previous business operated from another virtual office.

Did you know that there are 1921 companies registered at 483 GREEN LANES, LONDON, N13 4BS in Enfield?423 companies are active, 1497 companies are dissolved and 1 company is in liquidation.
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