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Darwinex: the good , the bad and the ugly


Senior member
Here I would discuss about the recent hostile attitude of Darwinex:
  1. Traders equity in Darwinia
  2. Pivot
  3. New DScore
  4. Censorship and closure of the community.
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My thoughts on the Community Going Down: (Long Read Warning)

They got uncomfortable with people dissecting star Darwins, questioning the decisions of the star traders, and questioning the decisions made by the company. Period.

Putting it on regulation is a convenient cop out. The worst case of self-promotion was last seen with Darwin providers like BUX who hasn’t posted in ages so why use that as an excuse now? It’s okay to use the community when they need opinions of people, but discard it when there’s a bit of disagreement and when people started to point out how the company has started to veer off the initial USPs that attracted traders with small capital. Lol.

One of the users (or staff?) also joined in and recently started a campaign against descriptions and what is contained therein, but that’s just another straw clutching as well if we look at it deeply.

Someone saying “best to invest for X periods” doesn’t qualify as investment advice, especially as all the Darwins on the platforms are covered by Darwinex’s risk warnings plastered everywhere. Even on the third party websites, there are disclaimers everywhere so it’s not a reason. But hey, we’ll keep adapting to whatever new rules. Until we no longer need to.

Might as well close down all broker websites where they advertise different products and strategies. Isn’t the whole point of Darwinex the fact they provide blanket cover for the small guy? A disclaimer on the website supersedes everything else posted by a user or guest.

After all that drama and restrictions, you can’t stop investors from following the newest shiny toy—even if they also remove descriptions. Some of the most followed Darwins that bombed recently didn’t have a description. Others had a description but never had a thread on the community or posted until recently.

Those of us that had community threads from day one saw it was largely pointless. Regardless of what you explain or do, the investors only want regular profits. If it comes with a straight line curve (doesn’t matter if it was manufactured), even better!

Making people that had threads or talked about what’s best for investors on their strategy feel like they’ve done something wrong is funny because all through my years on the platform, some investors were looking for exactly that kind of thing. They wanted traders to talk more about the strategy.

If the problem was “self-promotion” and “giving unsolicited investment advice”, what stopped them from just making new rules and banning people that start posting like BUX was doing back then? So, anyone that believes those are the only reasons must be pretty naive.

Only a matter of time now before the Darwinia ends as well, then everyone apart from the 20-25 lucky darwins with all the money can finally disperse and stop dreaming. At least they won’t have to worry about the outrage in the forum when that happens. :D

It’s funny they are supposedly clamping down on people encouraging others to make investment decision because of regulation, while the most invested Darwin on the platform has promoted tweets all over Twitter!
Exact they are becomeng short sighted.
The care more about the revenue of the next quarter than what will be in 1-2 years.
There aren't even up to 20 big traders on the platform yet. Can you choose 20 Darwins you can stay in with your eyes closed and walk away right now there? No. What you have are 20 big Darwins that have been lucky to attract investors with past returns and bogus technical speak, and perhaps 3-5 actual quality traders.
Only a matter of time now before the Darwinia ends as well, then everyone apart from the 20-25 lucky darwins with all the money can finally disperse and stop dreaming. At least they won’t have to worry about the outrage in the forum when that happens. :D

What will be left of DarwinEx then?
Exact they are becomeng short sighted.
The care more about the revenue of the next quarter than what will be in 1-2 years.
It's a shame tbh. Instead of focusing on lowering the entry bar for as many potential good traders as possible, they are jumping forward too quickly. Of all the Darwins that were supposed to be at the forefront of the White Label etc when the talk first started, only SYO is still standing strong.

But I guess they have done the maths. Hopefully it all works out for everyone.
What will be left of DarwinEx then?
Hopefully they'll have enough of the type of clients they seem to be going after to remain profitable. For the small guys that are yet to have hundreds of thousands in AUM, you can keep trading with them as only a broker, focusing on growing your money and nothing more, or leave to another broker.
Hopefully they'll have enough of the type of clients they seem to be going after to remain profitable. For the small guys that are yet to have hundreds of thousands in AUM, you can keep trading with them as only a broker, focusing on growing your money and nothing more, or leave to another broker.
what is the alternative? I think there is one Australian broker similar to Darwinex, I forgot the name.
Investable attributes were too Darwinian
Old DScore was too Darwinian
Community was too Darwinian

Now money has the priority, and making a good "professional" impression to fat cats.
If you have 10 millions to play with you are a pro, even if you are a mediocre trader. ;)
what is the alternative? I think there is one Australian broker similar to Darwinex, I forgot the name.
I haven't found a decent alternative apart from the scam sites that ask for upfront fees. Still, it's too early to be talking about alternatives for me. When they scrap the Darwinia, then yep.
what is the alternative? I think there is one Australian broker similar to Darwinex, I forgot the name.

Oz. brokers do not put you under ASIC rules but off shore.
When shit hit the fan ( ex. SNB flash crash ) then you will sleep less good.

Trade with regulated brokers even if returns are lower.....
Oz. brokers do not put you under ASIC rules but off shore.
When shit hit the fan ( ex. SNB flash crash ) then you will sleep less good.

Trade with regulated brokers even if returns are lower.....

Globalprime :
Gleneagle Securities PTY Limited trading as Global Prime FX is a registered Vanuatu company (Company Number 40256) and is regulated by the VFSC.

About FSA
FSA is the financial services regulator in Seychelles responsible for ensuring that financial markets in Seychelles are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers. The Seychelles Financial Services Authority is the autonomous regulatory body responsible for the non-bank financial services in the Seychelles. Established under the Financial Services Authority Act, 2013.
Personally, I more or less comprehend most of every of the 4 moves.

I have nothing to say against 1). Traders need to get some meat in the game for credibility towards potential investors. I find the amounts requested very reasonable to comply with, especially for those with some success other than random.

About 2), it rather suits my style directly (high activity facing a reduction of commissions) so I will be one of the last to complain unfortunately. Overall, like I explained on their forum, the tactic comes with arguments and I‘m willing to give this orientation some time to mature. It’s not void of logic. I’m not condemning it right away. If it were to become a failure, I believe they would apply flexbility enough to revert backward or head towards a fresh direction again. We’re all on the same boat and Darwinex has as much interest than us to shine, giving satisfaction to all the parties involved. Since always, some parties have been more or less favoured by the conditions and rules. There always have been some compromises about the adventure, either on the investor or trader side for example. Surely, the transition comes with its share of losers and winners, so I understand and hear arguments. But it’s nothing more than yet again a rebalance, not a deal breaker (imho)

3) Again, I was never a fan to complicate the trading with Quant metrics which are vaguely arbitrary. Although I’m ready to admit some Investible Attributes can be useful with a little anticipation power. Aft the end of the day, measures don’t fill your pockets with money and I do not mind at all to have rankings and a tournament whose rules are stripped down / simplified.

4) I think we will do good and well on trading forums that come with broader horizons and are free. I regret that it didn’t happen before. In other words, I won’t miss the in-house Community which was too inbred to my taste and out of sight of the mainstream public to federate, aka too much of a niche. I’m welcoming independence day !
As for censorship, I was never a victim of it myself but it‘s something I’d disapprove by principle. To mitigate, I also realise that Darwinex is more than a broker, has bet on a concept which by all accounts looks like “mission impossible” to begin with, surfing at times around grey borders with merit, so I’m also expressing support and gratitude for the challenge accepted... Overall, I find attenuating circumstances, especially compared to nastier situations that happen online, on sites with open commercial interests and zero ethic at all. I still believe that Darwinex remains above the crowd.
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Darwinia will be the next victim.
If it does get terminated I'd like to at least win it (before I get too old)


Captain Currency
I’m not buying that DarwinIA will cease, or it will mean that natural incentives (AuM) have taken over to replace the position it takes.
Facing the traders’ equity lock in DarwinIA, they’ve also continuously extended the count of rewarded rankings and the max possible trophy enveloppe... which proves otherwise.
Anyway, reasons enoughto take the opportunity to participate NOW (unlike me, which is regularly postponing my entry)
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About Traders equity in Darwinia

I gave my opinion about it at the time. It was the first major shift from the company’s message as the platform for the small guy without 10K to immediately put in a trading account. Hard as it is for Europeans and Americans to believe, not everyone has such money lying around. Talk to anyone in Africa, South America or some parts of Asia. The bulk of forex traders, are dreamers looking for a way to make money online.

No genuine trader that has more money to invest in their strategy that won’t do it unless they don’t trust the strategy (in which case the genuineness is called into question).

The talk about trackrecord farming doesn’t mean much because there are tons of other ways they could have changed the rules to prevent that. For example, they could have placed a limit on number of participating Darwins a trader can have per year and made sure only one Darwin can actually compete even if the trader is farming trackrecords locally or with other brokers.

In the end, it saved them from paying out an extra 60-100k per year or so. So, I guess we know where the focus was. But it meant they missed the chance to encourage more little guys to move from peanuts.

About the Pivot

I liked the move initially as they promised it will bring in more institutional funds, but I haven’t seen that yet. So, until then, it looks like it is yet another move that is aimed at reducing Darwinia winnings. Investors mostly use leverage anyway so they’ll still get the same returns as with the 10% Darwins. Only that this time, the trader will only get 15% of the performance fees :)

About the New DScore

It was a really shocking move. Again, they have done the maths and must think it is worth it to roll back on everything they’ve worked hard on for the last few years and just use a ranking system that is no better than what you have everywhere else.

I still love the platform (for as long as it allows me to dream), but some of these changes were pretty hard to take, especially after becoming a fanboy of the original core product.
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The promise of 10x was a pure BS ! :D

Something to keep calm customers waitng for everyone to forget and get used to new conditions.

Customers are not so engaged, a couple of week of complaints and than silence.

If you complain soon you are hater and you have to do the homework.
When you take your time and you do the homework eveything is already forgotten .
Also this "compliance" issue is pure BS.
When they demoted me from moderator on february the official reason was that I had access to personal details like emails of other customers without being an employee.
Yes and they noticed it after THREE years...
Regulations are the default excuse when they want to make unpopular changes.
The community was successful and they were jelous, and they wanted total control.
Public communication has to be 100% under control.
A forum is the only way where users manage their communications, whle on messaging channels content is not public and on blogs everything is approved by the owner.

Juan Colon never liked the forum and manaced for 3 times to close it, at the end they found an excuse to do it.