Why Am I Losing So Often Compared To Wins??! + Why I Always Choose Wrong Direction??!


Established member
Aloha people ive been trading via BetOnMarkets.com for about 6months now on and off, and had losses there of about £500, but profit of about £450. 😕:|😱

But have now also been trading via spread-betting platform for 2weeks now.

On my 1st day i was free for 15mins in the morning before college, and so bought into the Ftse morning session, as since the Dow had finished up and and the Ftse was trending up i wanted to cash in.
But since it was only my 1st day using the platform i used demo account only..., less than 2minutes later i had earnt £84 of virtual money! 😕:|

(However as i dont finish college completely till April/May that was the only time i have and am likely to be able to cash in on the morning Ftse session) :!:
Which is by far my favorite to trade as its normally easily predictable as it mirrors close of Dow, and will trend straight in 1 direction for atleast 15 - 20mins straight!

But back to the current reality....
Over the last 2weeks ive tried almost every different stratergy there is!!!

1. Ive read the topics by the most traders on here and other forums.
2. Ive metup with a sucessful trader from here.
3. Ive tried slowing my trade frequency down.
4. Holding for on longer even when im in loss.
5. Only trading on the trend lines, and in dips.

But over the last 2weeks ive lost about £400-£500 on here, and only made about £250 - £300.

The max profit ive ever had in my account was £45, and then i lost all that + £60 more out of the £100 i had put in there from creditcard!
(I havent even made 1 withdrawal yet as just have been topping my account up everyday, just to lose end up losing most of it!! :!:😡😕🙁🙁😢😢😢🙁😢😢

My favorite market is the Ftse and oil, but i also trade a lil on the dow when its trending sharply, and from today going to try AUD/USD as it seems more stable and consistent straight then Ftse or oil.

I am a student currently, have about £1600 creditcard debt, and so my current capital left in account is about £60 now!! 🙁😢😢

I want to become a fulltime trader when i leave college, and i know it takes lots of experience before you start being 'sucessful'..,
But i simply cannot afford the risk of holding a position for more than a few mins, let alone a few hours:!: 🙁🙁

So my preferred and current style of trading is:

1. Looking at graph and trying to see if there is a trend starting in direction over the last minute to few minutes..

2. If there i either buy or sell into it, with minimum stoploss available (20pips on ftse/ 30dow oil and fx).

3. If it continues to go in my favour i will hold till i have about £6 - 8 profit and then close, unless its trending in my favour very fast and constant.

4. Once close i then look and if it still trends more over next 10 - 15secs i will trade again, or if its moving opposite way i will try to cash in on that too.

5. However when i open a trade and it starts to go against me i will normally try and hold till minus 6 or 7, and then either will close and be sad at loss, or try and hold out till it turns again, but then more than likely end up hitting stoploss and being even more upset and sad and depressed!! 🙁🙁😢😢

I dont just jump onto every tick and every trade randomly just to pass the time...
i do actually wait and only trade when i see a trend line forming...

But how come about 80 - 90% of the time when i trade in the direction of the trend line it either suddenly changes direction against me after a few seconds - few minutes???!!

Yesterday i made £230 profit with 15secs - few minute sclaping back and forth on oil in its last 2nd last hour, but at the same time lost £230+80 by it hitting the stoploss or having to close in loss before it hit S.L:!: 😡🙁🙁😢😢

I try so so hard to research all the news and market data, even though i dont rely on just news,
and i watch and evalute so carefully to when i think a trend line is formed and going to continue in the same direction...,
but 80 - 90% of time it only goes in my favour 2-4pips max, and then turns against me and goes to loss!! 😢😢

But so how do some many others of you get the trend direction correct 80 - 90% of the time, and not have it change direction against you after 15secs - a few mins????!! :?::!: :-0:-0🙁🙁😢😢😢

Please plyz help me and tell me how you all manage to not have the trend turn against you always, even when i research into the market just as much as anyone else, and think before i trade??? 😢😢
From what you have said I have the feeling you are using too short a time frame to find a trend and getting caught out by a retracement back to your instruments point of value.

Try upping the timeframe to 1 hr or more, trends will be clearer here and yes, you will still be able make a very short term trade off these higher timeframes, although I realise that you are time short so a setup may not present itself...

...in which case check out the Captains thread, and do a trade in the direction from that setup.

You really should not to be using your cash, save it and demo trade only, get it right in demo first...

:!: don't blow your dosh experimenting :!:

EDIT: Oh my gawd!!! I didn't spot in your post that your funding this on credit 😱

One huge, big car crash coming 🙁
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1) pull back your charts to a wider time frame - (you cant make ANY sound decisions in a 1 minute time frame) - try at LEAST 1 HOUR - or better still a DAILY chart - !! Otherwise, youll constantly be getting caught in " minor trends" ...


3)DONT TRADE CRUDE OIL or High Grade Copper or ANYTHING too volatile when starting off ... !!

4) Dont " think " you know when a trend forms - just WAIT until it does - and THEN jump on -(and use one or two SIMPLE indicators to help you establish "trend ".... !!

5) Forget the financial news/ TV channels - PRICE is ALL that matters .. !!

6) DO NOT SCALP - (it has its place, but until you learn how to read charts correctly, your just burning your cash) -

7) Dont chop and change instruments - pick ONE or TWO and get to know their behaviour.

8) use a mechanical entry/exit rule - NO EMOTIONS....!!

9) use a SMALL amount of money - and run the position LONGER - !! - DO NOT SCALP/DAY TRADE - (when starting off) - !!!!!

10) Learn the basics of Dow Theory and Candlestick charting .. !!

11) Trade WHAT YOU SEE - not what you " THINK " YOU SEE... !!


6th MAR - 12,267 (SHORT)
7th MAR - 11835 (LONG) - to close

432 x 10.00 (GBP) = 4,320.00 (GBP)

Trying to make TOO MUCH money - TOO QUICKLY - invariably leads to DISASTER....!!

Learn the basics,Just take your time and enjoy the journey - !! 👍

So, you're an aspiring athlete. You've had a go at all the events and thought the 100m sprint is the one for you. Then you've dashed straight off and entered yourself in the World Champs. Hmmm 😱

I think short term trading by instinctive reading of the market is the very pinnacle of the business and it's not many who rise that far successfully. For most, it's a question of establishing (and testing) a clear strategy and a set-up that will trigger a trade. Creating a trading plan in other words - there's a good article here T2W Day Trading & Forex Community


Aloha people ive been trading via BetOnMarkets.com for about 6months now on and off, and had losses there of about £500, but profit of about £450. 😕:|😱

But have now also been trading via spread-betting platform for 2weeks now.

On my 1st day i was free for 15mins in the morning before college, and so bought into the Ftse morning session, as since the Dow had finished up and and the Ftse was trending up i wanted to cash in.
But since it was only my 1st day using the platform i used demo account only..., less than 2minutes later i had earnt £84 of virtual money! 😕:|

(However as i dont finish college completely till April/May that was the only time i have and am likely to be able to cash in on the morning Ftse session) :!:
Which is by far my favorite to trade as its normally easily predictable as it mirrors close of Dow, and will trend straight in 1 direction for atleast 15 - 20mins straight!

But back to the current reality....
Over the last 2weeks ive tried almost every different stratergy there is!!!

1. Ive read the topics by the most traders on here and other forums.
2. Ive metup with a sucessful trader from here.
3. Ive tried slowing my trade frequency down.
4. Holding for on longer even when im in loss.
5. Only trading on the trend lines, and in dips.

But over the last 2weeks ive lost about £400-£500 on here, and only made about £250 - £300.

The max profit ive ever had in my account was £45, and then i lost all that + £60 more out of the £100 i had put in there from creditcard!
(I havent even made 1 withdrawal yet as just have been topping my account up everyday, just to lose end up losing most of it!! :!:😡😕🙁🙁😢😢😢🙁😢😢

My favorite market is the Ftse and oil, but i also trade a lil on the dow when its trending sharply, and from today going to try AUD/USD as it seems more stable and consistent straight then Ftse or oil.

I am a student currently, have about £1600 creditcard debt, and so my current capital left in account is about £60 now!! 🙁😢😢

I want to become a fulltime trader when i leave college, and i know it takes lots of experience before you start being 'sucessful'..,
But i simply cannot afford the risk of holding a position for more than a few mins, let alone a few hours:!: 🙁🙁

So my preferred and current style of trading is:

1. Looking at graph and trying to see if there is a trend starting in direction over the last minute to few minutes..

2. If there i either buy or sell into it, with minimum stoploss available (20pips on ftse/ 30dow oil and fx).

3. If it continues to go in my favour i will hold till i have about £6 - 8 profit and then close, unless its trending in my favour very fast and constant.

4. Once close i then look and if it still trends more over next 10 - 15secs i will trade again, or if its moving opposite way i will try to cash in on that too.

5. However when i open a trade and it starts to go against me i will normally try and hold till minus 6 or 7, and then either will close and be sad at loss, or try and hold out till it turns again, but then more than likely end up hitting stoploss and being even more upset and sad and depressed!! 🙁🙁😢😢

I dont just jump onto every tick and every trade randomly just to pass the time...
i do actually wait and only trade when i see a trend line forming...

But how come about 80 - 90% of the time when i trade in the direction of the trend line it either suddenly changes direction against me after a few seconds - few minutes???!!

Yesterday i made £230 profit with 15secs - few minute sclaping back and forth on oil in its last 2nd last hour, but at the same time lost £230+80 by it hitting the stoploss or having to close in loss before it hit S.L:!: 😡🙁🙁😢😢

I try so so hard to research all the news and market data, even though i dont rely on just news,
and i watch and evalute so carefully to when i think a trend line is formed and going to continue in the same direction...,
but 80 - 90% of time it only goes in my favour 2-4pips max, and then turns against me and goes to loss!! 😢😢

But so how do some many others of you get the trend direction correct 80 - 90% of the time, and not have it change direction against you after 15secs - a few mins????!! :?::!: :-0:-0🙁🙁😢😢😢

Please plyz help me and tell me how you all manage to not have the trend turn against you always, even when i research into the market just as much as anyone else, and think before i trade??? 😢😢

The first thing you do, mi lad, is to get that credit card paid off. If you don't, you will be owing that plus a sizable interest by the end of next month. And it is compound.

This statement --- interesting.... i would be suprised to know if "anyone" on this site is hitting these kinds of targets consistently ...

I think you may have the wrong impression about the so called "experts" on these forums....

I would love to hear how you have formed this opinion ?

"But so how do some many others of you get the trend direction correct 80 - 90% of the time, and not have it change direction against you after 15secs - a few mins????!! "
Oh ... and I whole heartedly agree with Splitlink ... I would take his advice and pay off that card before continuing .... compound interest is great, but only when you are not on the recieving end...

and one more thing... these could well be the most volatile markets anyone has seen for sometime...which can turn in a flash.... you have not picked an easy period in history to begin trading in any instrument... i would sit it out for a while re-coup you cash and come back later when the waters have calmed.... the market will still be here...

there are changes afoot....
Oh ... and I whole heartedly agree with Splitlink ... I would take his advice and pay off that card before continuing .... compound interest is great, but only when you are not on the recieving end...


Too true about volatile markets. I started day trading just after everything brown hit the fan. Fortunately, I realised and made a hasty retreat before I wiped out my account, backing off on the amount I was risking and also demo trading.

Risking £10/point as a newbie is going to kill an account very quickly.
Indeed.... those big swing days can leave you nursing a sore wallet...

I am wondering if we might see the volatile markets continue for some time... perhaps this is the way it will stay ? this could be it !!! :cheesy:
ahhh leverage... this retail trading thing is really quite worrying... and brown is concerned about the casino's !!!

scary if your really think about it.. can you imagine going to your local casino with £1200 quid and being give a x 10 leverage on your black jack..., :-0

I have only been on this site for a week and it seems to be clear that some are not calculating the size of the postion they are taking and wondering why they get wiped out when the market moves a tad away from their price... classic ...
Aloha people ive been trading via BetOnMarkets.com for about 6months now on and off, and had losses there of about £500, but profit of about £450. 😕:|😱

But have now also been trading via spread-betting platform for 2weeks now.

On my 1st day i was free for 15mins in the morning before college, and so bought into the Ftse morning session, as since the Dow had finished up and and the Ftse was trending up i wanted to cash in.
But since it was only my 1st day using the platform i used demo account only..., less than 2minutes later i had earnt £84 of virtual money! 😕:|

(However as i dont finish college completely till April/May that was the only time i have and am likely to be able to cash in on the morning Ftse session) :!:
Which is by far my favorite to trade as its normally easily predictable as it mirrors close of Dow, and will trend straight in 1 direction for atleast 15 - 20mins straight!

But back to the current reality....
Over the last 2weeks ive tried almost every different stratergy there is!!!

1. Ive read the topics by the most traders on here and other forums.
2. Ive metup with a sucessful trader from here.
3. Ive tried slowing my trade frequency down.
4. Holding for on longer even when im in loss.
5. Only trading on the trend lines, and in dips.

But over the last 2weeks ive lost about £400-£500 on here, and only made about £250 - £300.

The max profit ive ever had in my account was £45, and then i lost all that + £60 more out of the £100 i had put in there from creditcard!
(I havent even made 1 withdrawal yet as just have been topping my account up everyday, just to lose end up losing most of it!! :!:😡😕🙁🙁😢😢😢🙁😢😢

My favorite market is the Ftse and oil, but i also trade a lil on the dow when its trending sharply, and from today going to try AUD/USD as it seems more stable and consistent straight then Ftse or oil.

I am a student currently, have about £1600 creditcard debt, and so my current capital left in account is about £60 now!! 🙁😢😢

I want to become a fulltime trader when i leave college, and i know it takes lots of experience before you start being 'sucessful'..,
But i simply cannot afford the risk of holding a position for more than a few mins, let alone a few hours:!: 🙁🙁

So my preferred and current style of trading is:

1. Looking at graph and trying to see if there is a trend starting in direction over the last minute to few minutes..

2. If there i either buy or sell into it, with minimum stoploss available (20pips on ftse/ 30dow oil and fx).

3. If it continues to go in my favour i will hold till i have about £6 - 8 profit and then close, unless its trending in my favour very fast and constant.

4. Once close i then look and if it still trends more over next 10 - 15secs i will trade again, or if its moving opposite way i will try to cash in on that too.

5. However when i open a trade and it starts to go against me i will normally try and hold till minus 6 or 7, and then either will close and be sad at loss, or try and hold out till it turns again, but then more than likely end up hitting stoploss and being even more upset and sad and depressed!! 🙁🙁😢😢

I dont just jump onto every tick and every trade randomly just to pass the time...
i do actually wait and only trade when i see a trend line forming...

But how come about 80 - 90% of the time when i trade in the direction of the trend line it either suddenly changes direction against me after a few seconds - few minutes???!!

Yesterday i made £230 profit with 15secs - few minute sclaping back and forth on oil in its last 2nd last hour, but at the same time lost £230+80 by it hitting the stoploss or having to close in loss before it hit S.L:!: 😡🙁🙁😢😢

I try so so hard to research all the news and market data, even though i dont rely on just news,
and i watch and evalute so carefully to when i think a trend line is formed and going to continue in the same direction...,
but 80 - 90% of time it only goes in my favour 2-4pips max, and then turns against me and goes to loss!! 😢😢

But so how do some many others of you get the trend direction correct 80 - 90% of the time, and not have it change direction against you after 15secs - a few mins????!! :?::!: :-0:-0🙁🙁😢😢😢

Please plyz help me and tell me how you all manage to not have the trend turn against you always, even when i research into the market just as much as anyone else, and think before i trade??? 😢😢

The reason for you losing is because you are not a member of Techncial Trader .. This is a no none sence no joke no excuse BB for those serious traders who want to become independent of any JOB, ANY BOSS and rule the market.

Traders of Techncial Trader are the first traders who went SHORT Market around SEP last year while others were buying the market. As I said NO NONE SENCE NO BULL NO NOTHING except fact , evidence for all to go and read them
Members of Techncial Trader Shorted ABK and MBI well ahead of all the current turmoil.

We put our neck on LINE ,, We do LIVE Trading days and win and brag about it ...

You want to improve , you want to learn ,,, then apply to join , how ever if you like to stay behind and fight and argue or just have fun then Techncial Trader is not for you

Muchas Gracias


Sorry but that's a load of bull. Without making any judgements as to the merits of Technical Trader the lack of it isn't the problem here and I think the promotion of it is at best distasteful and may be bordering on reckless when one considers this guy's financial situation. Feel free to flame as I have a very thick skin 🙂.
daytrading nightmares

On reading your experiences, i feel that you have basically in the london marathon before even learning to walk properly.
1. Paper Trade. Frowned on by many, but hey, a few weeks making mistakes and fine tuning what you do will pay dividends....try it.
2. Develop a system, and stick to it.

Try these...

I trade the FTSE after the bell, wait for market direction.
Place resistance points on your chart. Once theve been hit, then make your move.
My chart setups are very simple . 1min, 5min and 10min each with indcators Stochastic , MACD, and on the pricechart , MA and Parab SAR.
Bear in mind the opening of Hong Kong and USA, as these will affect your FTSE positions dramatically.:smart:

Above all, take your time... the market never goes away... enjoy!!!:clap: