Sandy Jadeja Fib Course


Junior member

My first post

I completed Sandy Jadeja Fib course and was seeing if any one had put it in practice

I am re-reading the notes to catch up again lol
I have applied what I learned from the course and am doing much better than the previous method I was using which was generating signals too late and big losses.

With the method learnt on Sandys course I have much better and precise entries and I am more confident as a trader. My exits are still something I am working on though. I am using a fixed exit as taught rather than going for the big kill. This is what has helped me become more confident.

I must admit though, I still look through the manual and things just fall into place - sometimes after the trade is executed and I realise the mistakes I have made. All in all though, I am a better trader for now but will see how I get on over the next few months as I did not trade for a short while due to illness.

Good luck.
Is this course the free one thats at finspreads?

I'm supposed to be going to finspreads on friday for a free seminar by him.
Keep going

John Cyprus said:
I have applied what I learned from the course and am doing much better than the previous method I was using which was generating signals too late and big losses.

With the method learnt on Sandys course I have much better and precise entries and I am more confident as a trader. My exits are still something I am working on though. I am using a fixed exit as taught rather than going for the big kill. This is what has helped me become more confident.

I must admit though, I still look through the manual and things just fall into place - sometimes after the trade is executed and I realise the mistakes I have made. All in all though, I am a better trader for now but will see how I get on over the next few months as I did not trade for a short while due to illness.

Good luck.

Keep going John. At least you are working at trading with the tools given you rather than expect riches to fall into your lap straight away. Keep plugging away and it will all fall into place ;)
Anyone been to the Sandy Jadaeja seminar at finspreads?

Im supposed to be going down to 'dat London tomorrow but I haven't decided if i'm going or not.

Does anyone know of it's worth it?
I am too thick to understand Fibs !!

Does anyone use the Sandys Fibs as a trading method ?

I went on the course, early-2004, and made paper-trading decisions based on them.
( My preferred route for real-trading is swing-trading by the way .
Thats why I liked the SandyJ course; it was effectively position trading over a few days, so no rush !! )

However, I am getting confused over my analysis.

Would anyone be prepared to offer their analysis, in the context of Frbs, for the Dow ?

Early June, my analysis showed a potential SHORT on the DOW around 290-310 area
However, Sandys newsletter of May 31st made references to a Bullish Gartley.

But his latest newsletter makes reference to a Short on June 9th.

NB: Actually I took a short at 10,340 on the Dow, but that was because of a swing-trade set-up, of 3 days of up-days, ( UP retracement in a DOWN market ), with a pivot-high, leading to a close breaching previous days low.

I dont understand why the Fib-short was taken, when there was bullish Gartley.
At what point do you decide the Gartley has failed ?!

I am hoping someone who uses Fibs, and feels confident to share their analysis, will enlighten me.


I was on his course, and sent him an email asking him if he could meet up for a quick 0.5/1 hr to go over a couple of things but that was the last i heard of him ...

I think that says everything !"

Hi Pervaz,

I did email him a question late May - and to be fair to the guy he did reply.
He said that of the 328 emails he got, mine was the only one that showed I failed to understand what was happening.
Hence my "I am too thick..." heading !!!

He did focus on the fact I may not have a trading plan, and that I need to decide what my time-frame was.
On the course day, this made sense.
But if you think about it.....
You cant really have a trading plan as to "how much" money you want to make.
You take what the market has to offer. If it is a good trending market, you make money.
If the market is sideways, you wont make as much.

I take whats given !! ( I cant force the market to give me more than it wants to )

Secondly, my time-frame is a few days, ie, not intra-day.
This I believe to be the norm.
He also mentioned that he took a BUY on the DOW around 9900 ( dont quote me, but it was around that ).
BUT, the strategy is about waiting for a retracement - so I couldnt understand why he was buying into a DOWN market, ie; AGAINST the trend !

Whenever I ask a question, the answer I get back refers to "trading plan", "time-frame", " aggressive or conservative", but never in the context of the STRATEGY.
I am applying the strategy correctly, as far as I know.

Thats why I wanted to know if others use Fibs successfully.

I am getting less confident about Fibs, but I will persevere, as I have planned to paper-trade for a bit longer, as the problem may be down to me, and I shouldnt reject this just in case it may be my fault.
But as the weeks go by, I am not so sure about Fibs.

Pervaz, are you still using Fibs ( profitably ) ?
Hi trendie,

I was just wondering if you had mastered fibs yet or not and if you still feel that sanys course was worth it or not.
No, not yet !!
I still find them ambiguous.
Maybe I should try them out on other instruments, as I tend to be primarily a DOW trader.

The patterns and lines are very pretty.

But, I dont have sufficient confidence in them to trade them.

I have another e-newsletter - again the commentary is contradictory to the course.

I hope the recent 3 glowing reports can shed light on them :)
need time to dig out the e-newsletter ( to make sure I dont mislead readers ), and put something together.
but I will do.

I attended Sandy's course at the end of June and I have taken the last week to go over the lessons and put together my trading plan which pretty much follows what was taught in the course, although I have decided on a slightly different exit strategy.

I thought that the Fibs are relatively straight forward as long as you take the time to confirm each pattern by doing the calculations to ensure that the correct risk to reward ratio is there. This can be time consuming at first but I have found it a worthwhile learning experience.

So far I am tracking a dozen stocks (after screening about 80 using that I think are shaping up to tradeable conditions. I tried to monitor more but have found this to be too difficult and time consuming at this stage.

If anybody is interested in progress let me know.

I have found Sandy to be very approachable and have had replies to all my mails.

Hi timaru,

I'd be very interested in your progress as I have booked aplace on his course for 31st july so maybe we could help each other out if we get stuck.
Hi Andrew

Hope you enjoy the course, just remember to go with an open mind and a calculator.

I'll let you know how I get on by the time you go on your course.

Hi timaru69,

Can I join ? :)
I have been on the course, but am having difficulty applying the lessons.

However, this may be cos I mainly trade the Dow.

If we can work on this together, perhaps we can have a sort of self-help group !

If there is sufficient interest, how about a Fib thread ?
Yes i'd be very interested in a Fib thread.

Btw Timaru, how is it that you can possibly know which retracemant is the correct one except for hindsight?