
Typical night out in UK towns I'm afraid to say. :(

Lost youth and souls. Work hard all week and **** it off in the weekends.

Youth culture is engineered these days to have a good time, consume and get laid. No effing hard work, responsibility or the drive to do better.

Bring back national service imo.

Take a typical 18 year old bringing home just a few hundred quid* a week.

I imagine he would look at the world around him and say to himself
" what the feckin hell chance have I got of ever having a family and owning my own home "

I don't blame em for just wanting to have a good time.

Not that I approve of their behaviour or anything but I know I wouldn't want to swap places with any of them.

I think growing up in the seventies my generation had it much easier.


* 1 quid = 1 GBP
X fACTOR - I was welling up....

Crikey saw x factor and brought tears to my eyes, feeling the emotion those guys n girls are going through..... some good talent on the show... I was almost blubbin.. (i was really) :cry:

Great telly. :p
Crikey saw x factor and brought tears to my eyes, feeling the emotion those guys n girls are going through..... some good talent on the show... I was almost blubbin.. (i was really) :cry:

Great telly. :p

IMO - it is OK (at best) TV. They certainly make a drama/hero's out of it - eg. "i'm doing this 'cos i want my mum & family to be proud of me, i want to buy my mum a better life. i want my family to have something to look forwars to - my family deserves something to look forward to......" etc. etc. I'd certainly rate it higher if the audience didn't have to hear each contestants sob stories, but thiss all adds to the drama/storyline i suppose.
The main thing about it thats strikes me is that it is a huge money spinner for all the judges & presenters. They gain the most from it. One person is crowned the winner, gets a million, releases a few dodgy cover version singles, and then dissappears off the radar :confused: completely - whats happened to the peoples champion shane ward et al :confused:

I do enjoy watching the initial auditons though. They can be funny!
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Crikey saw x factor and brought tears to my eyes, feeling the emotion those guys n girls are going through..... some good talent on the show... I was almost blubbin.. (i was really) :cry:

Great telly. :p

Brought tears to my eyes for different reasons....:rolleyes:

Awful singers this year, no real talent.

How can this be entertainment, apart from the voyeuristic/schadenfreud element?

This year the producers have decided to make a feature of the emotional side, whipping up all the poor wannabes into a frenzy of false hope, desire and self delusion.

Hence all the shots of desperate young people with their equally tone deaf families, clinging onto these delusions, all proclaiming that they have to be chosen because 'it is their life's purpose', and because 'they wannit so much.'

ITV and Simon Cowell must be rubbing their hands with glee.

Bit like trading perhaps?
Brought tears to my eyes for different reasons....:rolleyes:

Awful singers this year, no real talent.

How can this be entertainment, apart from the voyeuristic/schadenfreud element?

This year the producers have decided to make a feature of the emotional side, whipping up all the poor wannabes into a frenzy of false hope, desire and self delusion.

Hence all the shots of desperate young people with their equally tone deaf families, clinging onto these delusions, all proclaiming that they have to be chosen because 'it is their life's purpose', and because 'they wannit so much.'

ITV and Simon Cowell must be rubbing their hands with glee.

Bit like trading perhaps?

Agree with cranking up the emotion. Exploitation of youngsters ? yes it does seem that way but I felt it . Now as for the talent, hmm again I know what you mean but Out of the final 12, one stood out to me... as wow, and that was 15 year Emily, her voice and I only saw that episode just gone her singing for 1 minute, but shes got soul. When she sang she looked empty though, drained with numb with pain almost, but her voice had (i thought anyway) star quality to it ?

Of course the TV guys want their pound of flesh and yeah , they did milk the "look at me, Ive made the decision, and only 3 can go through etc"

Those kids got balls to get up there, no ones got a gun to their head?

I liked watching it because I like hearing the people sing, (some are rough as f...) but the odd diamond shines through, anyway Emily I thought was the best so far....

im not looking for people to flop , i think , like ive said takes guts to get up and try.. I thought that Paul Pots bloke did well ? noticed he's banged an album out ...

If I remember the final 20th oct, i'll have a look, I'd like to hear that Emily girl sing a bit longer , hmm also thought (i think it was from the girls groups) one girl sounded like a Lauryn Hill, pretty funky I thought :) that was the group who had the crim, sent out in the "shock scandal" bit :)

when that Paul Potts bloke one his show, might of been brits got talent, I welled up then too :) when he was bangin nessum dorma out, I felt for him, I feel it and see it happy emotion.. of course and the whincing too, sad emotion when some on the youngsters are devastated.... hope they recover..

And yes some of them are bloody funny too :) god bless Icaro ...

hope no one thinks he should of won it.... ooops..

Im cheerin on for Emily.
IMO - it is OK (at best) TV. They certainly make a drama/hero's out of it - eg. "i'm doing this 'cos i want my mum & family to be proud of me, i want to buy my mum a better life. i want my family to have something to look forwars to - my family deserves something to look forward to......" etc. etc. I'd certainly rate it higher if the audience didn't have to hear each contestants sob stories, but thiss all adds to the drama/storyline i suppose.
The main thing about it thats strikes me is that it is a huge money spinner for all the judges & presenters. They gain the most from it. One person is crowned the winner, gets a million, releases a few dodgy cover version singles, and then dissappears off the radar :confused: completely - whats happened to the peoples champion shane ward et al :confused:

I do enjoy watching the initial auditons though. They can be funny!

See what you mean re the stories of the people. And maybe it is over the top , extra pressure ? And I did think a couple of times, bloody judge, you've fallen for the emotional sob story and not chosen the best voice... but if they are asked why they want it whats their inspiration then its just the truth for them anyhow, maybe it might help some to get it out and say I'm doin this for me dad or mum ... :) I'd hope they want it for themselves too though. Bless em...

Heres to the 20 th October :)
This is SOOOOO sad...

Wanted to show the other half something on my laptop a few hours ago and she refused to come downstairs, so I reluctantly brought it upstairs........

I'm now lying in bed with it on my lap, my girlfriend fast asleep next to me....

Ten o'clock news just started (yes I have a TV in the bedroom too).

Very, very sad!!!

I must take it back downstairs, otherwise I'll turn on my charts first thing in the morning and end up trading in bed!!!!

The only thing that will save me is that I actually use 2 laptops for trading, and the other one is still downstairs...

This is the first time I've used it up here, and I actually quite like it!!!

This is a very sad thing, which MUSTN'T be repeated! Whoever invented wireless has a lot to answer to...
using a laptop without a mouse, having to use fingers, is a bloody nightmare. In fact laptops are a nightmare fullstop. IMO. Keys too close together, speklling error after spelloing error et.c etc.
Andy Murray reckons match-fixing goes on in tennis :eek: .

It would be easy to do, but then it would only be the better player who was capable of throwing a tie, and ensuring a loss. The lesser of the 2 players couldn't fix a win over their better oponent.

I'd be surprised if MF'ing was prevalent in pro tennis.
Olive oil apparently makes a very good moisturiser when applied to the skin (as well as taken orally). It is rich in vitamin E & other anti-oxidants. It only requires a few drops.
Extra-virgin, cold pressed olive oil is the best bet. It certainly beats vaseline (petroleum based) whih prevents moisture being absorbed, and burns the skin.
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Another excellent moisturiser is taking two table spoon fulls of linseed oil mornings and evenings.

Also has the highest ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 oils, Omega 3 oil being the wonder goodie that prevents inflammations etc :)
Olive oil apparently makes a very good moisturiser when applied to the skin (as well as taken orally). It is rich in vitamin E & other anti-oxidants. It only requires a few drops.
Extra-virgin, cold pressed olive oil is the best bet. It certainly beats vaseline (petroleum based) whih prevents moisture being absorbed, and burns the skin.

not very good as a sun lotion!! :eek: ;) :LOL:
Another excellent moisturiser is taking two table spoon fulls of linseed oil mornings and evenings.

Also has the highest ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 oils, Omega 3 oil being the wonder goodie that prevents inflammations etc :)

Some more positive effects...

"- Some nutritionists, researchers, and scientists believe that it could be the most important health-promoting supplement next to a multi-vitamin. Nearly every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oil's natural properties, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, circulatory system, reproductive system, nervous system, as well as joints.

- Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet. Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains.

- Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.

- Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function.

- Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.

- Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.

- Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises.

- Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.

- Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.

- Improves the absorption of Calcium.

- Strengthens finger and toenails.

- Can improve eyesight and perception of colors.

- Can often improve the function of the liver.

- Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.

- Can relieve some cases of Asthma.

- Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff.

- Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.

- Can alleviate some allergies.

- Helps prevent Atherosclerosis (the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels, especially the large and medium-sized arteries, that many people experience during the aging process).

- Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers.

- Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression.

- Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.

- Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

- Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics."
Another excellent moisturiser is taking two table spoon fulls of linseed oil mornings and evenings.

Also has the highest ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 oils, Omega 3 oil being the wonder goodie that prevents inflammations etc :)

Absolutely - again, cold pressed extra virgin is the best.

All types of supposed positve health benefits associated with it!
I prefer mine warm.....:cheesy:


RE - olive oil as moisturiser - literally 3 drops is enough for face. Use a vinegar holder :idea: . More than 3 drops & you'll regret it :rolleyes: :!: . Good news is a bottle lasts a very long time - £2.30 for 750ml at asda.
Yup, great stuff olive oil. Moisturising wise another goodie is drinking at least 3 liters of water / day, means trips need some foresight and careful planning as that does keep the bathroom busy, but hey ;-)
Yup, great stuff olive oil. Moisturising wise another goodie is drinking at least 3 liters of water / day, means trips need some foresight and careful planning as that does keep the bathroom busy, but hey ;-)

You don't literally need 2/3l litres of water per day per se. Some of the 2/3l can come in the form of fruit/veg/milk etc. A recent TV documentary experiment showed no significant benefit on skin of drinking excessive water in a day.
You could always drink 1 litre of compressed water (depending on the compression ratio).