my journal 3

Nothing much to write today. I'm on a bus, travelling across the island, to reach other relatives. Gold and silver are rising. JPY is falling so much... I regret not closing my position when it was 10k higher.

Corn seems to be willing to rise lately.

Bumpy roads.

Very bumpy.
In another part of the island I stumbled upon my historian uncle and he recommended a book by William Shirer:

which I found here:

Yeah, and it turned out to be 1000 pages. I don't think I am going to read it. He said it is so interesting that you read it in a few hours and once you start, you can't stop. Yeah, bull****, because I know it takes me 3 days to read 100 pages, so it would take me at least 1 month to read this book.

This really sucks, because I wanted to learn German, and this book was clearly written in English:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (1960)

Yeah, cocksucking historian uncle. It's actually six books.

But you know what? The .pdf on is searchable. So I'll use it as an encyclopedia and search it when I need information. I am not going to read it as a novel.

At any rate, it starts like this:
It was Hitler’s boast that the Third Reich would last a thousand years. Instead it lasted only twelve. But into its short life was packed the most cataclysmic series of events that Western civilisation has ever known...
I'll read a bit further.
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3 am and still can't sleep. Probably have caught a fever, as half of my relatives are sick, with fever or worse.

I am staying at my grandmother's house, but the only person living here any longer is the maid. She's raised 3 generations already. Now that she's sick, given that she's been working full time for all these people (from cooking to cleaning to teaching us how to talk and walk), you'd expect everyone to help her out, and yet there's only half as many people as there should be. They all contribute money but they're not here all the time. And I am not doing 1% of what she has done for me either.

The same happens with parents. Parents do much more for their children when they're growing up than their children do for them when they're growing old.

Can't sleep, have a fever, if I don't write again within two days, it means something is wrong and you have to come and assist me, too. Right now here there's more sick people than healthy ones.

Tomorrow I won't even tell them that I have a fever, or just to explain why I am not helping our maid out, that is because I am sick as well. I just expect to be able to wear my pajamas and sleep longer. And not shave.

Oh, and here it is so cold, and we're so inefficient with heating and insulation, that I am using 3 blankets, 3 t-shirts, and so on. I don't know if my positions and I will get through these Xmas holidays.
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Hi Travis

hope the fever hasn't got any worse. Not the best way to spend Christmas.

Anyway I was just surprised you quoted the Bild. It's the cheapest tabloid 'boulevard press' newspaper in Germany, practically. Maybe thats a reason to use it, I don't know - but you can get the same thing from the Frankfuter Allgemeiner Zeitung which is more like the WSJ or the FT, with a better standard of reporting:
Oh, I had no idea. Thanks for the link. I got mine from an English-speaking website.

Anyway, guys, prepare because if they're returning the German gold at this rate, it means they don't have much left, so I can't wait for prices to show the real situation.

Also, I've been checking on peak oil, and production is always there, at 75 million barrels per day:

Whereas consumption is always 10 million barrels higher. The Chinese keep increasing their need for oil... price will rise there, too.

I can't wait to make some money on my positions.

I tell you what. From now on, I won't add any more positions until I reach 45k again. I am sick and tired of these margin calls that force me to close profitable positions.
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In another place of the island I stumbled upon my historian uncle and he recommended a book by William Shirer:

which I found here:

Yeah, and it turned out to be 1000 pages. I don't think I am going to read it. He said it is so interesting that you read it in a few hours and once you start, you can't stop. Yeah, bull****, because I know it takes me 3 days to read 100 pages, so it would take me at least 1 month to read this book.

This really sucks, because I wanted to learn German, and this book was clearly written in English:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (1960)

Yeah, cocksucking historian uncle. It's actually six books.

But you know what? The .pdf on is searchable. So I'll use it as an encyclopedia and search it when I need information. I am not going to read it as a novel.

At any rate, it starts like this:

I'll read a bit further.

I have already read 28 pages of the 1000 pages of the books. Only 972 pages to go.

It is indeed engrossing. You can't help but feel sorry for young Adolf and his unhappy years in Vienna:
...Instead he preferred to putter about at odd jobs: shoveling snow, beating carpets, carrying bags outside the West Railroad Station, occasionally for a few days working as a building laborer. In November 1909, less than a year after he arrived in Vienna to ”forestall fate,”he was forced to abandon a furnished room in the Simon Denk Gasse, and for the next four years he lived in flophouses or in the almost equally miserable quarters of the men’s hostel at 27 Meldemannstrasse in the Twentieth District of Vienna, near the Danube, staving off hunger by frequenting the charity soup kitchens of the city...

In Mein Kampf Hitler discusses the art of reading:
By "reading", to be sure, I mean perhaps something different than the average member of our so-called "intelligentsia". I know people who ”read” enormously... yet whom I would not describe as "well-read". True, they possess a mass of "knowledge" but their brain is unable to organize and register the material they have taken in... On the other hand, a man who possesses the art of correct reading will... instinctively and immediately perceive everything which in his opinion is worth permanently remembering, either because it is suited to his purpose or generally worth knowing... The art of reading, as of learning, is this: retain the essential, to forget the nonessential... Only this kind of reading has meaning and purpose... Viewed in this light, my Vienna period was especially fertile and valuable.
See, he wasn't crazy.

This German radio just played this Italian song (cfr. above youtube video), and all the other songs are top quality:

Page 33 of the .pdf file:
Though refraining from actual participation in Austrian party politics, young Hitler already was beginning to practice his oratory on the audiences which he found in Vienna’s flophouses, soup kitchens and on its street corners. It was to develop into a talent (as this author, who later was to listen to scores of his most important speeches, can testify) more formidable than any other in the Germany between the wars, and it was to contribute in a large measure to his astounding success.

from page 34:
In the spring of 1913, Hitler left Vienna for good and went to live in Germany, where his heart, he says, had always been. He was twenty-four and to everyone except himself he must have seemed a total failure. He had not become a painter, nor an architect. He had become nothing, so far as anyone could see, but a vagabond – an eccentric, bookish one, to be sure. He had no friends, no family, no job, no home. He had, however, one thing: an unquenchable confidence in himself and a deep, burning sense of mission.
Sounds familiar to me. I've been in his same situation quite often. With a crappy curriculum and a "burning sense of mission", and seeming a failure to everyone but myself.
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...continuing from above...

page 35:
His destiny in that land he loved so dearly was to be such as not even he, in his wildest dreams, could have then imagined. He was, and would remain until shortly before he became Chancellor, technically a foreigner, an Austrian, in the German Reich. It is only as an Austrian who came of age in the last decade before the collapse of the Hapsburg Empire, who failed to take root in its civilized capital, who embraced all the preposterous prejudices and hates then rife among its German-speaking extremists and who failed to grasp what was decent and honest and honorable in the vast majority of his fellow citizens, were they Czechs or Jews or Germans, poor or well off, artists or artisans, that Hitler can be understood. It is doubtful if any German from the north, from the Rhineland in the west, from East Prussia or even from Bavaria in the south could have had in his blood and mind out of any possible experience exactly the mixture of ingredients which propelled Adolf Hitler to the heights he eventually reached. To be sure, there was added a liberal touch of unpredictable genius.
You see, his ideas were common at the time. The question is not whether he was crazy or not, because he wasn't. He was very intelligent, although with ignorant racist ideas and the real question is why were his ideas successful, and the answer is because the common people were like him. So don't blame Hilter for being racist but blame common people in general, who followed him (he was voted into power). And people haven't changed much today. Just like I don't blame berlusconi for being a dishonest crook but his voters, my fellow countrymen.

Careful who you vote for... in the last election before Hitler was sworn in as chancellor, he got 33% of the vote, without cheating:,_November_1932

He became by far the first party (the second one had 20%).


But at page 35 I am still in 1913-1914, and Hitler was still unsuccessful:
But in the spring of 1913 his genius had not yet shown. In Munich, as in Vienna, he remained penniless, friendless and without a regular job. And then in the summer of 1914 the war came, snatching him, like millions of others, into its grim clutches. On August 3 he petitioned King Ludwig III of Bavaria for permission to volunteer in a Bavarian regiment and it was granted. This was the heaven-sent opportunity. Now the young vagabond could satisfy not only his passion to serve his beloved adopted country in what he says he believed was a fight for its existence – ”to be or not to be” – but he could escape from all the failures and frustrations of his personal life.
100 years later, I, too, am in the same situation, looking for a catastrophe to get me out of my misery.

”To me”, he wrote in Mein Kampf, ”those hours came as a deliverance from the distress that had weighed upon me during the days of my youth. I am not ashamed to say that, carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment, I sank down on my knees and thanked Heaven out of the fullness of my heart for granting me the good fortune of being permitted to live in such a time...
I guess I'll do the same when I'll see hyperinflation or something similar happen, such as the collapse of the dollar.
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Last day of the year and losing more than ever... my positions are taking a beating: gold, silver, corn, JPY... everything.

Only advantage is taxes. I have made some money this year, but not enough to worry about taxes. In other words, if I get caught, there will be a small fine maybe and I won't even get caught anyway. Maybe I'd have to pay 1000 dollars or similar for what I made this year. This is the only advantage. I don't have to worry about the tax expert, which would cost me more than what I have to pay.

Had I ended the year with what I had a month ago, 45k, I definitely would have to pay taxes. But I have less than half that amount, and a year ago I already had about 15k (or maybe it was 10k), so basically another year without worrying about taxes, and without success.

...right, I am lying to myself. I wish I had the burden of paying taxes. Unfortunately, I don't have that problem.I wish I had that 45k I had a month ago, or two, and had to worry about taxes. Unfortunately the mother ****ing gold and silver didn't deliver according to my expectations. Nor did corn.

Those that delivered (GBL, natural gas, etcetera), I closed them almost immediately. I regret not keeping at least one contract of GBL back in March, not keeping GBP I had bought at 1.48 and it is now at 1.65. I would have made so much. From now on, I know what to do: one contract of each, no doubling up... just one contract and keeping it open. I really really sucked.

In fact let me go and close one of those Corn contracts, so I can get to keep one CL contract, which is being threatened by a margin call.
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Continuing from post #3769.

A very interesting page 40, as every page has been so far:
The prospects for a political career in Germany for this thirty-year-old Austrian without friends or funds, without a job, with no trade or profession or any previous record of regular employment, with no experience whatsoever in politics, were less than promising, and at first, for a brief moment, Hitler realized it. ”For days”, he says, ”I wondered what could be done, but the end of every meditation was the sober realization that I, nameless as I was, did not possess the least basis for any useful action”.

related video:

been looking everywhere but can't find the audio book.


page 42:
Immediately after the
Communist regime was overthrown Hitler began what he terms his ”first more
or less political activity.” This consisted of giving information to the commission
of inquiry set up by the 2nd Infantry Regiment to investigate those who shared
responsibility for the brief soviet regime in Munich.

Apparently Hitler’s service on this occasion was considered valuable enough
to lead the Army to give him further employment. He was assigned to a job in
the Press and News Bureau of the Political Department of the Army’s district
command. The German Army, contrary to its traditions, was now deep in
politics, especially in Bavaria, where at last it had established a government
to its liking. To further its conservative views it gave the soldiers courses of
”political instruction,” in one of which Adolf Hitler was an attentive pupil. One
day, according to his own story, he intervened during a lecture in which someone
had said a good word for the Jews. His anti-Semitic harangue apparently so
pleased his superior officers that he was soon posted to a Munich regiment as an
educational officer, a Bildungsoffizier, whose main task was to combat dangerous
ideas – pacifism, socialism, democracy; such was the Army’s conception of its
role in the democratic Republic it had sworn to serve.

One day in September 1919, Hitler received orders from the Army’s Political
Department to have a look at a tiny political group in Munich which called itself
the German Workers’ Party. The military were suspicious of workers’ parties,
since they were predominantly Socialist or Communist, but this one, it was
believed, might be different. Hitler says it was ”entirely unknown” to him. And
yet he knew one of the men who was scheduled to speak at the party’s meeting
which he had been assigned to investigate.
You see, as I said before, Hitler started his political career by infiltrating the DAP. He went to his meetings as a shill, then later became the leader, and later he turned it into the NS-DAP. Quite fascinating. What would seem huge from the start, the nazi party, had in fact a very modest start, the DAP, with Hitler infiltrating it. Holy cow.

A few weeks before, in one of his Army educational courses, he had heard
a lecture by Gottfried Feder, a construction engineer and a crank in the field
of economics, who had become obsessed with the idea that ”speculative” capital,
as opposed to ”creative” and ”productive” capital, was the root of much
of Germany’s economic trouble. He was for abolishing the first kind and in
1917 had formed an organization to achieve this purpose: the German Fighting
League for the Breaking of Interest Slavery.
Holy cow, again. This sounds very familiar. "Interest slavery". This is what I am hearing every day in the online conspiracy theorists circles, against the Fed, and central banking. And I guess they are all right, both the conspiracy theorists and Hitler. The only problem with Hitler was that he was racist and oppressed people, and a dictator, that, too. But at least he got some parts right. The part against central banks, for one. And maybe also other parts were successful, such as not having any hesitation to have people killed. We might disapprove of such actions, but they probably work better than being peaceful.

page 44:
Later that day Hitler was astonished to receive a postcard saying that he
had been accepted in the German Workers’ Party. ”I didn’t know whether to
be angry or to laugh,” he remembered later. ”I had no intention of joining a
ready-made party, but wanted to found one of my own. What they asked of
me was presumptuous and out of the question.”75 He was about to say so in a
letter when ”curiosity won out” and he decided to go to a committee meeting
to which he had been invited and explain in person his reasons for not joining
”this absurd little organization.”
Shirer tells fascinating facts and has an amazing and engrossing story-telling ability.

One remark I have is that Hitler at this point hadn't turned violent yet, in his political struggle. He was still a peaceful observer, albeit a violent speaker. And he was still working for the army as a shill.

page 45:
...Adolf Hitler was then and there enrolled as the seventh member of the committee
of the German Workers’ Party.

page 46, great summary of DAP:
Such was the weird assortment of misfits who founded National Socialism,
who unknowingly began to shape a movement which in thirteen years would
sweep the country, the strongest in Europe, and bring to Germany its Third
Reich. The confused locksmith Drexler provided the kernel, the drunken poet
Eckart some of the ”spiritual” foundation, the economic crank Feder what
passed as an ideology, the homosexual Roehm the support of the Army and
the war veterans, but it was now the former tramp, Adolf Hitler, not quite
thirty-one and utterly unknown, who took the lead in building up what had
been no more than a back-room debating society into what would soon become
a formidable political party.
At 30, he was accepted into a formidable team that was ready to start changing the world and that would change his life, from that precise moment. But he was still a shill for the army: I wonder when he quit that job.

Truly an amazing book, thanks to my uncle. Great book, just 950 more pages to read.

Hitler could be modest, too, in Mein Kampf:
All the ideas which had been bubbling in his mind since the lonesome days of
hunger in Vienna now found an outlet, and an inner energy which had not been
observable in his make-up burst forth. He prodded his timid committee into organizing
bigger meetings. He personally typed out and distributed invitations.
Later he recalled how once, after he had distributed eighty of these, ”we sat
waiting for the masses who were expected to appear. An hour late, the ’chairman’
had to open the ’meeting.’ We were again seven, the old seven.”

But he
was not to be discouraged. He increased the number of invitations by having
them mimeographed. He collected a few marks to insert a notice of a meeting
in a local newspaper. ”The success,” he says, ”was positively amazing. One
hundred and eleven people were present.” Hitler was to make his first ”public”
speech, following the main address by a ”Munich professor.” Harrer, nominal
head of the party, objected. ”This gentleman, who was certainly otherwise honest,”
Hitler relates, ”just happened to be convinced that I might be capable of
doing certain things, but not of speaking. I spoke for thirty minutes, and what
before I had simply felt within me, without in any way knowing it, was now
proved by reality: I could speak!”81 Hitler claims the audience was ”electrified”
by his oratory and its enthusiasm proved by donations of three hundred marks,
which temporarily relieved the party of its financial worries.
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continuing from previous post and commenting on the last quote:
Hitler, once again, was not a madman, as everyone says today, but a hard-working person, committed to his cause. I can relate so much to him. He's probably close to my father. Not a genius either (of course, very intelligent, and, probably like Hitler, he's hardened by life and lacks empathy), but a person who worked his whole life, incessantly, towards one single specific cause, and achieved very much, whether good or bad. I mean, even a serial killer is a hard-working person - I am not judging anyone morally right now. Of course I don't think Hitler should have started all the trouble he has started, but I now understand him. Finally I can say I understand Hitler.

At the start of 1920, Hitler took over the party’s propaganda, an activity
to which he had given much thought since he had observed its importance in
the Socialist and Christian Social parties in Vienna. He began immediately to
organize by far the biggest meeting ever dreamt of by the pitifully small party. It
was to be held on February 24, 1920, in the Fest-saal of the famous Hofbrauhaus,
with a seating capacity of nearly two thousand. Hitler’s fellow committeemen
thought he was crazy. Harrer resigned in protest and was replaced by Drexler...

basically it was a success.

here's more on it:

He read the 25 points, which was never changed in the ensuing 25 years:

1. We demand the unification of all Germans in the Greater Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination of peoples.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in respect to the other nations; abrogation of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people, and colonization for our surplus population.

4. Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently no Jew can be a member of the race.

5. Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.

6. The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We combat the corrupting parliamentary economy, office-holding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.

7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-citizens is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since the 2 August 1914, be forced immediately to leave the Reich.

9. All citizens must have equal rights and obligations.

10. The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all Consequently we demand:

11. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery.

12. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).

14. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.

15. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.

16. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.

17. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.

18. We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, Schieber and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.

19. We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.

20. The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the State must be striven for by the school [Staatsbuergerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the State of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.

21. The State is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young.

22. We demand abolition of the mercenary troops and formation of a national army.

23. We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press. In order to enable the provision of a German press, we demand, that: a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the German language be members of the race: b. Non-German newspapers be required to have the express permission of the State to be published. They may not be printed in the German language: c. Non-Germans are forbidden by law any financial interest in German publications, or any influence on them, and as punishment for violations the closing of such a publication as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-German concerned. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life, and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands.

24. We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: common utility precedes individual utility.

25. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general. The forming of state and profession chambers for the execution of the laws made by the Reich within the various states of the confederation. The leaders of the Party promise, if necessary by sacrificing their own lives, to support by the execution of the points set forth above without consideration.

Very interesting. They kept their promises, unlike most politicians. This is really amazing. And many of the points of course make sense even today. Anyway, gotta be careful when a german party says it will do something, because, unlike Italian parties, they really do it.

page 48:
Inflammatory oratory and a radical, catchall program, important as they
were for a fledgling party out to attract attention and recruit mass support, were
not enough, and Hitler now turned his attention to providing more – much more.
The first signs of his peculiar genius began to appear and make themselves felt.
What the masses needed, he thought, were not only ideas – a few simple ideas,
that is, that he could ceaselessly hammer through their skulls – but symbols
that would win their faith, pageantry and color that would arouse them, and
acts of violence and terror, which if successful, would attract adherents (were
not most Germans drawn to the strong?) and give them a sense of power over
the weak.
See, even according to American historian Shirer, Hitler was a genius. Genius of evil, but nonetheless a genius.

page 49 and 50, the story of how the swastika was chosen:
...Hitler reveled in his unique creation. ”A symbol it really is!” he exclaims
in Mein Kampf. ”In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the
nationalist idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of
the Aryan man.”
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the maid

3 am and still can't sleep. Probably have caught a fever, as half of my relatives are sick, with fever or worse.

I am staying at my grandmother's house, but the only person living here any longer is the maid. She's raised 3 generations already. Now that she's sick, given that she's been working full time for all these people (from cooking to cleaning to teaching us how to talk and walk), you'd expect everyone to help her out, and yet there's only half as many people as there should be. They all contribute money but they're not here all the time. And I am not doing 1% of what she has done for me either.

The same happens with parents. Parents do much more for their children when they're growing up than their children do for them when they're growing old.

Can't sleep, have a fever, if I don't write again within two days, it means something is wrong and you have to come and assist me, too. Right now here there's more sick people than healthy ones.

Tomorrow I won't even tell them that I have a fever, or just to explain why I am not helping our maid out, that is because I am sick as well. I just expect to be able to wear my pajamas and sleep longer. And not shave.

Oh, and here it is so cold, and we're so inefficient with heating and insulation, that I am using 3 blankets, 3 t-shirts, and so on. I don't know if my positions and I will get through these Xmas holidays.

Still at my grandmother's house, keeping company to our "maid", who by now has become like a relative, after 65 years working for our family. First they moved in, then the children grew up and moved out, then the grandchildren (including myself) came back in, and all the while she was taking care of everyone. Then my grandfather died, then many years later, my grandmother. Now she's the only one in this big house.

They (my mother and her sisters and brothers) recently hired a maid to take care of the maid.

The beautiful world of my childhood is slowly disappearing.

The more it disappears, the more it seems beautiful.

I tend to forget that:
1) my grandmother was always treating me as the black sheep, blaming me for not getting grades as good as my cousins.
2) some uncles weren't sensitive enough not to ask me how school went when they knew it hadn't gone well (such as failing classes and similar)
3) I considered some of these uncles and aunts like assholes and bitches.

Now that this world disappears, I only remember the good things (a large majority, especially if compared to any other place in the world -- this is my favorite place).

Now that this world disappears, I am sad.

Remembering the past always allows you to paint a prettier picture than it was, and it makes you sad, regardless of whose past you're painting, whether mine or Hitler's. Indeed, a similar kind of thing goes on in my mind now that I am reading Shirer's biography of Hitler.

Like Salinger wrote, "dont' ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody". But actually it's not even like that. It is rather like: "don't ever think of the past. If you do, you start missing it".

As we grow older, we start missing the past. No matter how crappy. No matter how much we disliked it when we lived it. No matter how much, when we lived it, we were looking forward to the future.


This house, with all its rooms, with all its memories, is sinking.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

The same applies to every human who has a history and who has memory to remember it.

People go, places stay. This house hasn't changed, but there's no one living in it anymore. I remember I was in this same room, so many years ago, writing my journal about some japanese girl, who had hurt me. Not much has changed in this room since then.

People go, places stay, and they break our heart.


I have a huge debt to all these relatives and the maid. I have been so selfish and they cared so much about me. I've been spoiled by all of them. Even the bitch aunt.

I feel indebted to them. I hope I make some money with trading so I can buy them something expensive, like powerful binoculars, or do something for them. I have a list of about 30 people that I am indebted to. Damn. I am such a failure for not being ready to repay them by now. I am so unprepared. Damn.
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resuming from penultimate post, page 50:
In the summer of 1921 the rising young agitator who had shown such surprising
talents not only as an orator but as an organizer and a propagandist
took over the undisputed leadership of the party. In doing so, he gave his fellow
workers a first taste of the ruthlessness and tactical shrewdness with which he
was to gain so much success in more important crises later on.

Absolutely interesting:
Early in the summer Hitler had gone to Berlin to get in touch with North
German nationalist elements and to speak at the National Club, which was their
spiritual headquarters. He wanted to assess the possibilities of carrying his own
movement beyond the Bavarian borders into the rest of Germany. Perhaps he
could make some useful alliances for that purpose. While he was away the
other members of the committee of the Nazi Party decided the moment was
opportune to challenge his leadership. He had become too dictatorial for them.

...Sensing the threat to his position, Hitler hurried back to Munich to quell
the intrigues of these ”foolish lunatics,” as he called them in Mein Kampf. He
offered to resign from the party. This was more than the party could afford, as
the other members of the committee quickly realized. Hitler was not only their
most powerful speaker but their best organizer and propagandist. Moreover,
it was he who was now bringing in most of the organization’s funds – from
collections at the mass meetings at which he spoke and from other sources as
well, including the Army. If he left, the budding Nazi Party would surely go
to pieces. The committee refused to accept his resignation.

Hitler, reassured of the strength of his position, now forced a complete capitulation on the other
leaders. He demanded dictatorial powers for himself as the party’s sole leader,
the abolition of the committee itself and an end to intrigues with other groups
such as Streicher’s.
This was too much for the other committee members. Led by the party’s
founder, Anton Drexler, they drew up an indictment of the would – be dictator
and circulated it as a pamphlet. It was the most drastic accusation Hitler was
ever confronted with from the ranks of his own party – from those, that is, who
had firsthand knowledge of his character and how he operated.

Hitler was also impressed by Rosenberg’s
”learning,” and he liked the young Bait’s hatred of the Jews and the Bolsheviks.
Shortly before Eckart died, toward the end of 1923, Hitler made Rosenberg
editor of the Voelkischer Beobachter, and for many years he continued to prop
up this utterly muddled man, this confused and shallow ”philosopher,” as the
intellectual mentor of the Nazi movement and as one of its chief authorities on
foreign policy.

page 55:
Close to Hitler in these days was Hermann
Esser, whose oratory rivaled the leader’s and whose Jew-baiting articles
in the Voelkischer Beobachter were a leading feature of the party newspaper.
He made no secret that for a time he lived well off the generosity of some of
his mistresses. A notorious blackmailer, resorting to threats to ”expose” even
his own party comrades who crossed him, Esser became so repulsive to some
of the older and more decent men in the movement that they demanded his
expulsion. ”I know Esser is a scoundrel,” Hitler retorted in public, ”but I shall
hold on to him as long as he can be of use to me.”87 This was to be his attitude
toward almost all of his close collaborators, no matter how murky their past –
or indeed their present. Murderers, pimps, homosexual perverts, drug addicts
or just plain rowdies were all the same to him if they served his purposes.

page 56, Hitler ceases to be a shill, less than a year after he infiltrated the DAP:
On April 1, 1920, the day the German Workers’ Party became the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party – from which the abbreviated name ”Nazi”
emerged – Hitler left the Army for good. Henceforth he would devote all of his
time to the Nazi Party, from which neither then nor later did he accept any

page 42:
One day in September 1919, Hitler received orders from the Army’s Political
Department to have a look at a tiny political group in Munich which called itself
the German Workers’ Party. The military were suspicious of workers’ parties,
since they were predominantly Socialist or Communist, but this one, it was
believed, might be different. Hitler says it was ”entirely unknown” to him. And
yet he knew one of the men who was scheduled to speak at the party’s meeting
which he had been assigned to investigate.


page 60-61:
Now at the Fatherland’s lowest moment a secret telephone line brought them
together. Then and there the Socialist leader and the second-in-command of
the German Army made a pact which, though it would not be publicly known
for many years, was to determine the nation’s fate. Ebert agreed to put down
anarchy and Bolshevism and maintain the Army in all its tradition. Groener
thereupon pledged the support of the Army in helping the new government
establish itself and carry out its aims.
”Will the Field Marshal (Hindenburg) retain the command?” Ebert asked.
General Groener replied that he would.
”Convey to the Field Marshal the thanks of the government,” Ebert
The German Army was saved, but the Republic, on the very day of its birth,
was lost. The generals, with the honorable exception of Groener himself and
but few others, would never serve it loyally. In the end, led by Hindenburg, they
betrayed it to the Nazis.
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GATA and Ted Butler have long established and outlined the reasons why this occurs (legally). They have also established the foundation that forms the basis of how the manipulation unfolds. Despite very clear and concise commentary, the message sometimes becomes diluted in its distribution. This situation makes for easy picking from the hard-core opposition who mainly reside, ironically, as part of the professional mining and trading community.

The confusion comes from declarations that on price drops, the bullion banks are selling. This then triggers the frequent and violent down-drafts we have witnessed over the last 2 years and counting. However, the trading data indicates the contrary. Commitment of Traders (COT) data shows that the big banks always buy on these dips and they always sell on rallies. Always. (This is clear evidence of manipulation in and of itself.)
So how do they get the price moving in one direction or another, usually to the downside?

Via high frequency trading, the big banks are able to stack the bid with spoof orders because of their size and privilege. They are able to place the trades in large size because of their already super-concentrated short (and long in the case of gold) corners. This issue, along with no governor on position limits, also constitutes manipulation on its own.

This technique has been around the HFT world for years and is otherwise known as “fill or kill”‚ trades. The volume for these contracts is impossible to fill, so the transaction never closes. However, the bid lasts long enough to trigger speculative funds (hedge funds) to respond (via their own algorithms) into automatic selling and down goes the price.

In the aftermath, the big banks are ready and willing to buy. And they clean up, as it is revealed when the COT data is released a week later. The reverse happens on the way up.

Sun Zhaoxue: The United States Intends To Suppress Gold To Ensure The Dollar’s Dominance:
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Still some thoughts about the maid.

My mom is helping her the most, along with a couple of aunts. Great job, nothing less than nuns.

I am doing the most as far as my cousins: basically I keep her company and listen to her recipes and memories, all day long, with the excuse that I am sick. When the maid was healthy they ate all the cakes she baked for them, let alone all the other meals, and being raised by her for several months every year (for example she taught me how to walk when I was 8 months old). Now, for one reason or another, they're all missing.

I am a bit disappointed.

Also, uncles and cousins are inviting me to their houses, without realizing that I am not here because I am sick but mostly because I want to be with her (the maid).

My father, who always told me that she worked like a slave for our family, and I agree, now heavily disappoints me by showing very little respect in the way he says "hello" and "goodbye" every time he shows up. In other words, he is more cheerful and respectful to me than to the maid, whereas she deserves to be greeted much more than I do. Yet another confirmation that he's an asshole: incapable of being nice, incapable of showing affection. If you ask him how's the pasta, he'll tell you at best that "it's a bit cold" but never that he likes it, or even just that it's fine.

I am considering postponing my ticket by one week to spend more time with the maid, because I fear this is the last time I am seeing her -- I don't wanna cry when she is dead, while doing nothing when she's alive, after having already experienced that with my grandmother. She has swollen feet from not walking much any more, and she's letting herself go, and most of all, all my uncles and aunts, mostly doctors, are letting her have her way. She's only 83, and my grandmother died at 96, and she was still walking and cooking and shopping.

Yeah, I am going to postpone my ticket and spend another week here. At work, I'll tell them I am both sick and taking another week of holidays, so if they object to the holidays, then I am sick and got the medical papers from my uncles, and if they object to my being sick, then I am on vacation. Whatever they like better. I'm ok with being fired as well.


Ok, I got my refund for the ticket, all done online. However, the fact that I am assessing about myself is that I always need some time for myself, and each time I spend all day long keeping the "maid" company (of course I have a nickname and don't call her "maid" or anything formal), each day I do that, and each night I cannot go to bed right away. She goes to bed at about midnight, and I have to stay up another 4 hours to just think and write like I am doing now.

So the consequence is that I get up at noon, and cannot help her in the morning, and this is bad, but sorry -- I don't feel like doing more, because I would rebel and hop on the first plane I can find. My mom instead she does more, much more.

She doesn't care if she doesn't get enough sleep. When she's needed, she gets up. That's why I could never have a family. I would let my family die, if they bothered me while I am writing the journal or trading.

I guess I am a decent person, but obviously not a hero, and quite selfish, especially if compared to a bunch of saints and nuns like all my relatives are. The least decent relative is as good as I am, if not better -- my cousin. He lives in London, and doesn't work (pension from UK government). He didn't come to visit his dad when he was sick, because he was sick, too -- very sick. That's the worst thing he did. I would have done the same. And he asked me for advice, and I said it was ok to not come. Also because they wouldn't have let him leave, with one manipulation or another by this or that relative.

Yeah, I am quite selfish, yet I am aware that I am still better than average, because my family is just that good. It is so good that despite being the black sheep of the family, and of all 30-some relatives, I am still in the top quartile of nicest people in the world. For one thing, most of my relatives get ripped off by just about everyone, just to make sure they don't do anyone anything wrong. They keep getting ripped off and they're ok with it. Just like my mom with the maid in rome. She most likely stole 40k of jewelery six months ago, but since we're not positive about it, she's still working for us and we never blamed her or questioned her about the theft. Personally, I am peaceful, but if I could push a button and make her disappear and not get arrested for it, I would probably make her disappear, that ungrateful whore, after everything we have done for her. She's so stupid that she took us for idiots and thought she could get away with this theft, but we're not idiots. We just don't know if it was her, and we respect her, despite suspecting her, and being 95% sure that it was her. And if we were positive, we would simply say to her that we do not need her any more. Yeah, that's the way we are. But I am just like that superficially, whereas in reality, unlike all my relatives, I would have her slaughtered, if I could get away with it. Stupid bitch... she looks like a pigeon and she reasons like a pigeon.

See, keeping this maid company made me realize what a whore that other maid is. She's been with our family since 1949. With that romanian bitch instead (nothing against romanians) she's now down to 4 hours once a week, and soon hopefully they'll set the weekly hours to 3, 2, 1, 0. No more romanian maids. Everyone is telling us they're renowned for stealing. Hey, my best friend in luxembourg was romanian, so obviously I don't have a prejudice against all romanians -- just the romanian maids who work in italy.

Just like I will also tell you to not trust people from Naples and the south as a rule, while my father is originally from that area. In fact, I could be romanian and have a prejudice against romanians. For example, I live in rome, and I definitely have a prejudice against romans, and I am a human being and yet I have a big prejudice against human beings - i believe most of them are worthless idiots.


I was watching, with the maid, a movie about saint francis of assisi and the Franciscan friars. I definitely need to buy, being in rome, one of those... habits: they're comfortable, and I like being a Franciscan at least at home, because I like the Franciscans. And Saint Francis. The pope does, too.
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resuming from post #3774

page 64:
It gave back to the Poles the lands, some of them only
after a plebiscite, which the Germans had taken during the partition of Poland.
This was one of the stipulations which infuriated the Germans the most, not
only because they resented separating East Prussia from the Fatherland by a
corridor which gave Poland access to the sea, but because they despised the
Poles, whom they considered an inferior race.

page 65:
Relieved at having the Army’s leaders take the responsibility – a fact that
was soon forgotten in Germany – the National Assembly approved the signing
of the peace treaty by a large majority and its decision was communicated to
Clemenceau a bare nineteen minutes before the Allied ultimatum ran out. Four
days later, on June 28, 1919, the treaty of peace was signed in the Hall of Mirrors
in the Palace of Versailles.

From that day on Germany became a house divided.
The conservatives would accept neither the treaty of peace nor the Republic
which had ratified it. Nor, in the long run, would the Army – General Groener
excepted – though it had sworn to support the new democratic regime and
had itself made the final decision to sign at Versailles. Despite the November
”revolution,” the conservatives still held the economic power. They owned the
industries, the large estates and most of the country’s capital.

page 66:
The Army began to circumvent the military restrictions of the peace treaty
before the ink on it was scarcely dry. And thanks to the timidity and shortsightedness
of the Socialist leaders, the officer corps managed not only to maintain
the Army in its old Prussian traditions, as we have seen but to become the
real center of political power in the new Germany.

The Army did not, until
the last days of the short-lived Republic, stake its fortunes on any one political
movement. But under General Hans von Seeckt, the brilliant creator of
the 100,000-man Reichswehr, the Army, small as it was in numbers, became
a state within a state, exerting an increasing influence on the nation’s foreign
and domestic policies until a point was reached where the Republic’s continued
existence depended on the will of the officer corps.
Hitler's rise to power can be explained partly by this, too: the republic was weak (with left split in two, and right against the republic), and the army wasn't loyal to it, and Hitler came from the army. He joined the DAP as an infiltrator from the army, and only when he took control of it, and renamed it as NSDAP, did he quit the army, seven months later.

page 56, Hitler ceases to be a shill, less than a year after he infiltrated the DAP:
On April 1, 1920, the day the German Workers’ Party became the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party – from which the abbreviated name ”Nazi”
emerged – Hitler left the Army for good. Henceforth he would devote all of his
time to the Nazi Party, from which neither then nor later did he accept any
page 42:
One day in September 1919, Hitler received orders from the Army’s Political
Department to have a look at a tiny political group in Munich which called itself
the German Workers’ Party.
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Obama White House Assault and Coup D’état Attempt Likely Within Next 90 Days:
An Obama White House attack, should it happen, will most likely be executed by U.S., NATO and/or Israeli Special Forces which will be dressed up like policemen. An unprecedented “fake police” attack was just witnessed on January 4, 2013, when terrorists dressed up as police officers attacked a secure Mexican prison, ultimately killing 9 people. Coincidentally, a day prior on January 3, 2014, it was reported that a legally insane man was arrested in Florida with 36 guns in his van, potentially foreshadowing an upcoming gun-related assault emanating from the South.

As highlighted in the December 21, 2013, article entitled, “U.S. Coup D’état Warning—December 20, 2013 through January 6, 2014”, a state sponsored Obama coup d’état is imminent. A week later on December 30, 2013, it was reported that the Secret Service were investigating a drive-by shooting just steps from the Obama White House, another sign that White House violence is being planned. That same day, it was reported that the man who was shot dead in Arizona after a bank robbery in Missippi was convicted of threatening Obama in 2010, further indicating that white homegrown criminals/terrorists from the South want to attack Obama...
In the aftermath of a staged coup in Washington, D.C., the alleged attackers will most certainly be white gun owners from the South, possibly Texas, who just happen to be veterans or active-duty U.S. military personal such as Navy SEALs. The reasoning behind this particular coup narrative is simple—it will allow for the Obama administration to simultaneously demonize American gun owners and military veterans. The coup will then be used as a political wedge to create unprecedented racial division within the Unites States, possibly even a civil war.

A staged coup d’état, should it happen, will most likely involve assault weapons such as the AR-15, explosives, and a biological agent (i.e., anthrax or smallpox) which will render America’s capitol city a biohazard for months to come. A state-sponsored bio-terror attack could be delivered aerially or conventionally, and would most likely spark the bio-terror pandemic planned for 2013.

It sounds reasonable. The problem is that if they predict it, then it won't be done. But then again some, like bill cooper, predicted 911, and that it would be orchestrated by the US government, but they still did it. So this might very well happen. We'll see.
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excellent list of assassinations in last 50 years by the powers that be, mostly Americans:

One day people will open their eyes, and, just like today we know who was assassinated by the Nazis, one day we will know who was assassinated by the US powers that be (which I already know, cfr. list above).
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Nazi leaders and daughters

Adolf Hitler with Emmy Sonnemann and Edda Göring in 1940:


Gudrun Himmler with her father:

Gudrun with Father and Karl Wolff.jpg


While searching for these nazi daughters, I also came across this picture of Hitler at the presentation of the Beetle:

Hitler at the presentation of the Beetle.jpg

It's quite amazing, to think that nowadays we're seeing in the streets a car that was commissioned by Hitler in 1934:

In April 1934, Adolf Hitler gave the order to Ferdinand Porsche to develop a Volkswagen (literally, "people's car" in German, pronounced [ˈfɔlksvaːɡən]). The epithet Volks- literally, "people's-" had been previously applied to other Nazi sponsored consumer goods such as the Volksempfänger ("people's radio"). There followed, in May 1934, a meeting at Berlin’s Kaiserhof Hotel at which Chancellor Hitler provided Porsche with more details, insisting on a basic vehicle, capable of transporting two adults and three children at 100 km/h (62 mph) while not using more than 7 litres of fuel per 100 km (22 mpg US/27 mpg UK).[7] The engine had to be powerful enough for rapid sustained cruising on Germany’s new Autobahnen. Everything had to be designed to ensure worn out parts could be quickly and inexpensively exchanged. The engine had to be air-cooled because, as Hitler explained, not every country doctor had his own garage.[12] The "People's Car" would be available to citizens of the Third Reich through a savings scheme, or Sparkarte (savings booklet),[13] at 990 Reichsmark, about the price of a small motorcycle. (The average weekly income was then around 32RM.)[14]

So the Beetle was ordered by Hitler. But then...:
A handful of Beetles were produced specifically for civilians, primarily for the Nazi elite, in the years 1941 to 1945, but production figures were small. Because of gasoline shortages, a few wartime "Holzbrenner" Beetles were fueled by wood pyrolysis gas producers under the hood...
Only after the war...:
The re-opening of the factory is largely accredited to British Army officer Major Ivan Hirst.[28] Hirst was ordered to take control of the heavily bombed factory, which the Americans had captured. His first task was to remove an unexploded bomb that had fallen through the roof and lodged itself between some pieces of irreplaceable production equipment; if the bomb had exploded, the Beetle's fate would have been sealed. Hirst persuaded the British military to order 20,000 of the cars,[14] and by March 1946 the factory was producing 1,000 cars a month, which Hirst said "was the limit set by the availability of materials". During this period, the car reverted to its original name of Volkswagen and the town was renamed Wolfsburg. The first 1,785 Type 1s were made in 1945.
After World War II, it was known as the Volkswagen Type 1, but became more commonly known as the Beetle.

Following the British Army-led restart of production, former Opel manager (and formerly a detractor of the Volkswagen) Heinz Nordhoff was appointed director of the Volkswagen factory.[14] Under Nordhoff, production increased dramatically over the following decade, with the one-millionth car coming off the assembly line by 1955. During this post-war period, the Beetle had superior performance in its category with a top speed of 115 km/h (71 mph) and 0–100 km/h (0–60 mph) in 27.5 seconds with fuel consumption of 6.7 l/100 km (36 mpg) for the standard 25 kW (34 hp) engine. This was far superior to the Citroën 2CV, which was aimed at a low speed/poor road rural peasant market, and Morris Minor, designed for a market with no motorways / freeways; it was even competitive with more advanced small city cars like the Austin Mini.

My grandfather had one, I rode in it for hundreds of hours, and I held the wheel as well, while sitting on my aunt's lap.


Pathetic how on their website they make sure to skip the part about how Hitler commissioned the first model of Volkswagen and basically started the company himself: history/0

Everywhere on the website, the history of volkswagen does not start in the 1930s but in the 1940s. Hitler was efficient. Sure he caused the death of over 50 million people, but he was efficient and he is definitely the one who got this car started (the beetle), the company, too. There's just no way around it.

They try to make it look like the company's history started in 1945:

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