my journal 3

Getting the milk back in the diet, because it solves all my calculations:


It gets me the b12, the protein and many other things, that make my whole table turn green, on the "%" column. I'll see in the future if I can find a substitute, but for now, since it works so well, I'll have to keep it. Besides, i've been drinking one liter per day my whole life, so if I cut it down to half a liter, I can only improve. And I am still vegan for every other aspect of the diet.

Furthermore, with the milk in the picture, I can use the cereals, which provide the fiber and the other things... basically I am all set. Better than nothing. If in the future I can replace milk, then I will, too.
Paul McCartney Really is Dead? - YouTube

Damn, this is so convincing, and yet it is listed as a mockumentary on the website of the producer:
Spoofs / Mockumentaries | Store | Highway 61 Entertainment

Furthermore, the director is Joel Gilbert:
Joel Gilbert - IMDb

The same director as "Dreams from my real father" (and "Elvis found alive"), and he seems so sincere just two posts ago, where I posted his video. This one:

Dreams from My Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert at National Press Club, Washington DC - YouTube

So he either changed genre, they're all true documentaries, or they're all mockumentaries.

My review of Dream's from my REAL father by Joel Gilbert - YouTube

It is crazy: when you follow mainstream, you're being fed lies. Then when you go off the mainstream, you're being fed just about everything, the truth is there, but you don't know which one it is: certainly not the things told on mainstream media.

You know what the answer could be? That Joel Gilbert is cointelpro. He's so good at making mockumentaries, that he was hired to distract the "birthers" from voicing out their truths about obama not being born in Hawaii. If it's for that reason, then it worked. Or, he's telling the truth, and then he's risking his life.

Kind of like many say the reptilians theory was created to distract the conspiracy theorists and lead them astray.

This is like a chess game, where we're trying to figure out the powers that be, and who they are, while the rest of the population, 99% of them, keep sleeping. The game is lost, if there is a mastermind and a united powers that be. If instead there's no mastermind, there isn't a game either.

Paul is DEAD - YouTube

Paul Mccartney is dead?!? Is it real? (Part 1) - YouTube

Changing Paul - YouTube
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A few more hours, and they'll be gone on vacation, finally. My roommate, and a few other rude and unpleasant people (almost a synonym for "colleague"). And finally I'll be taking a break from... people. Then my vacation will be in September, when they'll all come back. I just have to resist for another two days.

In the meanwhile, while I suffer, while I have to be a slave here at the office, I learn. That's the only thing I can do: learn. Enjoying myself with these people, talking about their stupid soccer games, is impossible and out of the question. It's like avoiding unhealthy foods. These are unhealthy topics and unhealthy rude and stupid people. Nothing good can come out of them.

Let's read some news instead, some real news:
Image Database
Chemtrail Central :: Album

Pic Description: This is a picture of a billboard on the side of Highway 54 that leads into the town of wichita. I travel back and forth to work everyday and the just put this up last night. This is in your face brain washing. Im really hot about this. Can you believe how stupid America has really become. Propaganda is running rampant in this country and no one is doing a damn thing to stop what the American govt. is doing. We are on the brink my brothers and sisters.
Massive Chemtrails Appearing « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
The chemtrail war on our skies continues unabated. Strange phenomena are being reported, such as new types of sprays, dispersal patterns and configuration techniques.

This massive tanker and spray filmed just recently (late July) in California below shows how confident they’re feeling and the degree they’ve stepped up the program.
Chris Hedges: The Perversion of Scholarship - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
Fraternities, sororities and football, along with other outsized athletic programs, have decimated most major American universities. Scholarship, inquiry, self-criticism, moral autonomy and a search for artistic and esoteric forms of expression—in short, the world of ethics, creativity and ideas—are shouted down by the drunken chants of fans in huge stadiums, the pathetic demands of rich alumni for national championships, and the elitism, racism and rigid definition of gender roles of Greek organizations. These hypermasculine systems perpetuate a culture of conformity and intolerance. They have inverted the traditional values of scholarship to turn four years of college into a mindless quest for collective euphoria and athletic dominance.
True, but it's not a problem with colleges. It's the general cultural level of the country.

» Death From Above: Navy Drone Logo Features Grim Reaper Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The US Navy, which has just revealed the latest development in stealth drone technology, is using a logo for its unmanned aviation program that literally features the angel of Death, clothed in a black cloak with a hood, holding aloft a large scythe.

» Author Fritz Springmeier: Batman Massacre Has Hallmarks of A False Flag

Author Fritz Springmeier: Batman Massacre Has Hallmarks of A False Flag - YouTube

FBI Agents Raid Homes in Search of “Anarchist Literature”
When FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force agents raided multiple activist homes in the Northwest last week, they were in search of “anti-government or anarchist literature.”

The raids were part of a multi-state operation that targeted activists in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. At least three people were served subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury on August 2nd in Seattle.

In addition to anarchist literature, the warrants also authorize agents to seize flags, flag-making material, cell phones, hard drives, address books, and black clothing.

The listing of black clothing and flags, along with comments made by police, indicates that the FBI may ostensibly be investigating “black bloc” tactics used during May Day protests in Seattle, which destroyed corporate property.

If that is true, how are books and literature evidence of criminal activity?
Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America
The US government has been scheming on how to provide for continuity of government for many decades now. According to Peter Santilli, an informant who is an ex-marine and worked on portions of the contingency plans known as Rex 84, civil unrest will come after a financial collapse.

The Readiness Exercise 1984, a.k.a. Rex 84, outlines continuity of government wherein the US Constitution is suspended, martial law is declared and the US military command take over state and local governments in order to ensure stabilization of our nation at any cost. Any American who is deemed a “national security threat” would be detained in an interment or FEMA camp.
When identifying yourself as a White, helps
...The way it works, the critics believe, is that Asian-Americans are evaluated not as individuals, but against the thousands of other ultra-achieving Asians who are stereotyped as boring academic robots.
Now, an unknown number of students are responding to this concern by declining to identify themselves as Asian on their applications.

For those with only one Asian parent, whose names don’t give away their heritage, that decision can be relatively easy. Harder are the questions that it raises: What’s behind the admissions difficulties? What, exactly, is an Asian-American — and is being one a choice?

Olmstead is a freshman at Harvard and a member of HAPA, the Half-Asian People’s Association. In high school she had a perfect 4.0 grade-point average and scored 2150 out of a possible 2400 on the SAT, which she calls “pretty low.”

College applications ask for parent information, so Olmstead knows that admissions officers could figure out a student’s background that way. She did write in the word “multiracial” on her own application.
Still, she would advise students with one Asian parent to “check whatever race is not Asian.”

“Not to really generalize, but a lot of Asians, they have perfect SATs, perfect GPAs, … so it’s hard to let them all in,” Olmstead says.

Amalia Halikias is a Yale freshman whose mother was born in America to Chinese immigrants; her father is a Greek immigrant. She also checked only the “white” box on her application.
“As someone who was applying with relatively strong scores, I didn’t want to be grouped into that stereotype,” Halikias says. “I didn’t want to be written off as one of the 1.4 billion Asians that were applying.”

Her mother was “extremely encouraging” of that decision, Halikias says, even though she places a high value on preserving their Chinese heritage.
A Chinese-Canadian Timeline
The first Chinese gold-miners arrive in British Columbia from
San Francisco. Chinese miners join thousands of other prospector
in the trek northward along the Fraser river. Many Chinese people
who came to Canada in the nineteenth century are from Guangdong
province in southern China. Their historical arrival marks the
establishment of a continuous Chinese community in Canada.

1860 … the UGLY Chinese Canadian - © : : a banana bites back : : : :
Mrs. Kwong Lee, the first Chinese women lands in Victoria, B.C.
She is the wife of the owner of the Kwong Lee Company.

The first Chinese community organization is formed,
the Hong Shun Tang, in Barkerville. A booming little town with
the largest Chinatown, including 300 Chinese residents.

Won Alexander Cumyow is born in Victoria.
He is the first Chinese baby to be born in Canada...
Fishing Cops With Doughnuts (GIF Animation)


Overly Attached Girlfriend (GIF Animation)


Overly Attached Girlfriend


Abbey Road (GIF animation)

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press review

Awesome website (but only as far as mainstream media):
euro|topics - Press review

Great resources here, as far as alternative media:
End the Lie – Independent News | Alternative News Sources

Today's press review:
Twitter Censors User for Opinion
» FBI Admits Pentagon Dinner Guest al-Awlaki Worked for Them
Feds Target Largest Medical Marijuana Dispensary Operation in CA
Arkansas Police Claim Man Shot Himself in Head Despite Handcuffs | Video Cafe
Activist Post: Geoengineering for Financial Gain: A History of Weather Derivatives
Todays Stock Market Activity Is EXACTLY What Happened Days Before 911, - Video | Economy

More articles:
Surviving the Death of the Constitution (Ad) | American Free Press
It’s a terrible thing to fear your government. For the past 65 years, we’ve deluded ourselves into thinking that our government is a benign entity which only has the best interests of its citizens at heart. After all, our government is all about freedom, civil liberties, justice, and constitutional rights… right?

We’ve turned a blind eye to Washington’s increasing isolation from the rest of the governed. We’ve ignored Congresses that have enacted laws from which those very members were exempt...
Six Things You Should Know About the $21 Trillion the World's Richest People Are Hiding in Tax Shelters
Work Sucks: How the Movie "Office Space" Proves Radicalism Lives in the Mainstream
LIBOR - Insider Trading on a Massive Scale
Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation « Set You Free News
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation ~

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Become incredulous and indignant
Create rumor mongers
Use a straw man
Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
Hit and Run
Question motives
Invoke authority
Play Dumb
Associate opponent charges with old news
Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
Enigmas have no solution
Alice in Wonderland Logic
Demand complete solutions
Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
Vanish evidence and witnesses
Change the subject
Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad
Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs
False evidence
Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor
Manufacture a new truth
Create bigger distractions
Silence critics

Eight Traits of The Disinformationalist ~

Artificial Emotions
Newly Discovered: Time Constant
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