my journal 3

I was so enthusiastic about veganism that I had to double-check and see if I could find anything against it and 1) I found that whereas it's healthier overall, it could cause some deficiencies in vitamin b12 (which is not as bad as the damage caused by eating the animal-based diet) and 2) I found this related conspiracy theory, that says a lot of interesting things, whether you believe there is a vegan conspiracy or not:
The Vegan Conspiracy - David Icke's Official Forums
Some quotes:
The International Vegetarian Union was founded in 1908 and set out to become a template of high-minded global governance, its membership going on to establish offshoot organizations like the World Union of Vegetarian/Vegan Societies, founded by Alex Hershaft, who claim of their "promoting vegetarianism worldwide since 1908". Interesting year, 1908. The U.S. federal government passed the draconian Quarantine Act, the first human virus, poliovirus, was "discovered", and Eugenics was legalizing its criminal practices. Feeding experiments on animals in private laboratories were proving that meat and fresh milk would help the animals recover from the traumatic treatments of surgery, irradiation, and chemical poisoning. Victorian hospitals had already noted the added susceptibility of patients to drug uptake when deprived of fat and protein-rich foods, which must have delighted the charity institutions who could feed people cheaply and get a bonus of better drug response. It surely plays a part in the institutional human experiments covertly carried out with vaccines and pharmaceuticals and explains much about the reasons why healing foods were not served in hospitals. By extension, it explains much about why drug-pushing doctors finish medical school ignorant of nutrition.
Dr. Stanley Bass illustrates the dilemna on his website in a particular interview with the Essene Brother John. Brother John is now a contented lacto-vegetarian after losing his health from 5 years of veganism with a cautionary tale to tell. Once a professional vegan proponent, Brother John relates the rampant cheating he witnessed among other professional vegan proponents, people who write and sell books on the benefits of veganism, sneaking around to eat pizza and other savory unmentionables.
Interesting, this former vegan is now critical of veganism:

The Vegetarian Myth - YouTube

Very interesting. She's saying things that are the opposite of what Dr. Klaper said. I'd like to see a debate between the two. I wonder who's the incompetent one.

Lierre Keith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This reminds me of what happened with 911. There was 1) the official version (bin laden, ha ha), then 2) the people saying the government did it, and 3) the 911 conspiracy debunkers (a few sellout pseudo-scientists from popular mechanics). Then of course 2) were the only ones who were right.

Now it's like this. 1) the official version ("milk does a body good", or "eat a steak for proteins"), 2) go vegan because you'll be healthier and 3) Lierre Keith saying that you won't get the proteins... but I don't believe her, because she's the only one, and she went over the medical details too fast and focused on many other unrelated things. The point is if the diet is healthier or not and she talked about it for less than one minute out of 30 minutes. When people talk as fast as she does, it makes me feel like she wants to prevent the interviewer from asking questions, because she's incompetent. Let's see what this guy has to say about her book, "The Vegetarian Myth":

Reviewing a review of The Vegetarian Myth - YouTube

Yeah, I agree with this guy. He's polite and knowledgeable. He mentions Ginny Messina:
Review of “The Vegetarian Myth” | The Vegan RD
Lierre Keith suffers from numerous chronic health problems. Unable to secure a diagnosis for most of them, she decided that the vegan diet she had followed for twenty years was to blame. But she wasn’t content to add a few animal products back to her diet. Instead, she set out to prove that healthy diets require copious amounts of animal foods and that small-scale animal farming is the answer to sustainability. To prove it, she has cobbled together information from websites (yes, she actually cites Wikipedia!) and a few popular pseudoscientific books.

It’s next to impossible to review this book; it is so packed with misinformation and confusion that refuting the claims could be another book itself. This is a long post, and it doesn't begin to address all of the problems in The Vegetarian Myth.

I read the section on nutrition first. Since it’s my area of expertise, I figured it would give me some idea of the quality of her research and analysis. But quality isn’t at issue here because there is no research or analysis. Keith doesn’t bother with primary sources; she depends almost exclusively on the opinions of her favorite popular authors, which she presents as proof of her theories. For example, when she writes about evolution as it affects dietary needs, and suggests that “the archeological evidence is incontrovertible,” she is actually referencing the book Protein Power, written by two physicians who have no expertise in evolution or anthropology.
I am satisfied with her comment on that incompetent book (it's longer than what i quoted).

Here's another skeptic of veganism:

Proteins -- Debunking Myths & Are Vegans Healthier? Balanced Health - YouTube

Yeah, but he's selling his products. Can't trust this guy, due to his conflict of interests.

Healthy Living, Holistic Lifestyle & Nutrition Supplements ? Kylea.

What's up with this other guy, Zak Martin-Kilgour:

Vegan Goes Paleo and Gets Healthier! #289 - YouTube

He's sincere. "He's not dogmatic", he says. He's got a website, don't know if he sells, but he might, and yet he said he's changed his mind about being vegan... pretty good sincerity.

Very interesting: he says we should be mostly vegan, but also bend it to our ancestrial diet. It could make sense, because even as humans, we're not exactly the same animals.

Hmm, this guy knows his ****:

How to Reverse Hair Loss Naturally #294 - YouTube

I do have an extreme tolerance for milk, and can drink one liter per day without any side effects. I am wondering if I should really stop it. In fact, I have stopped it already.
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The best explanation on reptilians David Icke on The Alex Jones Show - YouTube

With all of the interest by Dept. of Corrections officials throughout the U.S.A. to log all sexual offenders on to a public database, essentially for life, I have concluded that a database should be compiled for the many reptilian child molestors who exist within our society, non-human parasites posing as humans within the CIA and other agencies such as the CIA-connected FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION. These draconian pedophiles sexually abuse and torture their young victims, and in so doing siphon the life-force from these innocent ones in vampirial fashion, while at the same time compartmentalizing their minds in order to conceal their atrocities. Many of the victims of CIA-Reptilian child sexual abuse are sabotaged emotionally, mentally, and financially throughout their lives... and statistically 80 percent of all 'human' sexual offenders have experienced such abuse within their own livetimes. Not all of these are victims of CIA-Reptilian emotional-mental-sexual abuse, however enough of them ARE to warrent the existence of a database which will specifically target those reptilian child molestors which masquerade as human beings. Such creatures operate ABOVE THE LAW, and therefore they will not be brought to justice through the "official" legal systems which THEY control. Therefore "other" methods of bringing these inhuman pedophiles to justice should be considered. This database is a beginning...



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This documentary is great because it puts together everything I've learned in the past four months:

The Science and Politics of Cancer, G. Edward Griffin (2005) - YouTube

Awesome speech, throughout it, but best part from minute 47 to a few minutes later. Also great answer to question at 1:03 (one hour and 3 minutes). And question at 1:10. Pure gold. Another american hero. Too bad everyone around me is too stupid to understand anything I have to say about these topics, such as 911, cancer cures, and all the lies they've been feeding to us. I really live among sheeple, regardless of their... actually because of their degrees and academic backgrounds. I believe a taxi driver is more likely to understand me.

Ernst T. Krebs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search Ernst Theodore Krebs, Jr. (May 17, 1911 – September 8, 1996) was an American biochemist. He is known for promoting various substances as alternative cures for cancer, including pangamic acid and amygdalin. He also co-patented the semi-synthetic chemical compound closely related to amygdalin named laetrile, which was also promoted as a cancer preventitive and cure. His medical claims about these compounds are not supported by scientific evidence and are widely considered quackery.
Which pretty much means laetrile works.

I had a small lump on my arm, and after two weeks of eating seeds (from apples, peaches, pears, apricots, watermelons) it has gone. First time in about ten years, ever since i've noticed having it.

I also felt some side effects, the dry mouth mentioned here: - reactions to taking apricot kernels
The majority of people have no adverse reaction when eating apricot kernels, or taking laetrile tablets, but for some there may be a reaction in the body as it responds to cancer cells dying off and has to handle flushing out the resulting toxins.

This is a well-known phenomenon, not only relating to vitamin B17. When people are put on a diet to beat candida together with anti-yeast supplements, often they get worse before they get better as they experience 'die-off' symptoms. The more candida is destroyed the worse people are likely to feel as extra toxins invade the bloodstream, leading to a worsening of previous symptoms, including aches and pains, muzzy head and depression. These people need to have 'die-off' explained to them so that they see these unpleasant symptoms as an encouragement, and they also need to be told ways of alleviating the symptoms of die-off reaction. (See Erica White's Beat Candida Cookbook p15-16, p31ff, p39-40. Having a problem with yeast often goes hand in hand with having cancer: see Chris Woollams The Tree of Life: Everything you need to EAT to help you Beat Cancer, p108).

People who take glyconutrients to boost the immune system to help them in the fight against many diseases and conditions, are also warned about possible uncomfortable reactions. These reactions are associated with fever, rash or hives, excessive gas, running nose, headaches, insomnia, increased thirst, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, fever blisters, dry mouth...
On the same page ( above), it says I should drink. I will. I guess this means I had some sort of cancer in me.

And if it is so, I wouldn't be doing it if I hadn't gotten sidetracked with my discretionary trading on NG, because I would not have studied the fundamentals of natural gas => then oil => big oil abuses => government abuses => 911 => matrix in which we live => big pharma => suppressed cancer cures. I know this is likely to be wishful thinking, and I could have done all these things while doing automated trading - actually even more. But I would not have done them, because at the time I was watching movies. Let's say that for sure I tried to make the best of my mistakes, as I always try to make the best of everything I do.
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