ForexMorningTrade System

FMT has been a good system always with different settings.. i usually prefer the 30 tp and 40 sl with 24be.. i dont have that much losing trades..

FMT has been just a supporting tool in my trade since i using the forex profit multiplier(FPM) by bill poulos launched a month ago.
when there is a signal in FMT, i jus cross check with FPM.. if it shows the same trend i just bag the pips..
i have never lost a trade in the past one month..
Ofcourse with FPM, i average 200pips everyday and some good days it may go to even 400pips..
FMT combined with FPM is a grand success..
But unfortunately, the FPM sale is closed.. i was lucky to get that one even though the price is much higher..but its worthy!!
Happy trading..

that's great suresh, is FPM also a robot?

Its not a robot. Read Reviews on FPM from ForexPeaceArmy. One reviewer was having crash issues with this software. Other than that I do not use it or know anything about it.
FMT 4.1 had No Trade
0 pips

Total: +15 pips since 11-07-2010
Stats: 5 BE, 5 No Trades, 4 Gainers, 3 Losers
Broker: FXSolutions
that's great suresh, is FPM also a robot?

Iam currently using FPM software and i dont find any problems with that..
its not a robot.. its a trading software which generates automatic signals every 4hours..
it trades only the 6major pairs..
the results are awesome..
when a signal of buy or sell comes, its upto u to decide whether u take it or not..
its like spoon feeding.. takeprofit, entry price and stoploss are given.. just u enter the trade..
no worries abt support or resistance n all..
'when the setup condition is satisfied, the software alerts u..
need not be staring the PC all the time..
once every 4hours u check the software for signals..
amazing discovery..
FMT 4.1 had No Trade
0 pips

Total: +15 pips since 11-07-2010
Stats: 5 BE, 5 No Trades, 4 Gainers, 3 Losers
Broker: FXSolutions

how do you respond to these results, +15 pips in 3 weeks... There has to be a second trade with this system sometime during the day...
how do you respond to these results, +15 pips in 3 weeks... There has to be a second trade with this system sometime during the day...

=15 pips? looks like a big difference from Mark's report results from the website, see below. Nov 8 thur Nov 30 @ +60

8th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.6137
PT: 1.6137
P/L: 0 pips

9th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.6120
PT: 1.6084
P/L: + 36 pips

10th November- NO TRADE

11th November- LONG
Entry: 1.6142
SL: 1.6142
P/L: 0 pips

12th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.6048
SL: 1.6048
P/L: 0 pips
Weekly summary
1 profit, 0 losses, the week ended with +36 pips profit.
15th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.6116
PT: 1.6080
P/L: + 36 pips 16th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.6044
SL: 1.6046
P/L: - 2 pips
kicked out at BE, with some slippage 17th November- NO SIGNAL 18th November- LONG
Entry: 1.5931
SL: 1.5889
P/L: - 42 pips 19th November- LONG
Entry: 1.6039
PT: 1.6075
P/L: + 36 pips Weekly summary
2 profits, 1 loss, 1 no trade, the week ended with +28 pips profit.
last two weeks are not extremely profitable, but we still made some small profit.
With 2% risk per trade we made slightly less than 2% gain per week, still much better than in any bank. 22nd November- LONG
Entry: 1.6020
PT: 1.6056
P/L: + 36 pips
quick profit today, nice week start 23rd November- SHORT
Entry: 1.5905
PT: 1.5945
P/L: - 40 pips
it was going against support, but I had to take the signal, it was according to the rules 24th November- NO SIGNAL 25th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.5757
SL: 1.5757
P/L: 0 pips
it seemed we’ll end up in stop loss, then it returned back to profit and at last we were kicked out at BE 26th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.5716
SL: 1.5716
P/L: 0 pips Weekly summary
1 profit, 1 loss, 2 times kicked at BE, the week ended with -4 pips loss.

29th November- NO SIGNAL 30th November- NO SIGNAL
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how do you respond to these results, +15 pips in 3 weeks... There has to be a second trade with this system sometime during the day...

It's been worse if you look back in time. Just the nature of the beast. :|

Ride it out for a year and see how many pips you have.
See #4211 re: Nov 25 - what a difference a trade makes in tough(er) conditions (+/-40 pips from 60). Redguerilla gives a hypothesis as why hit SL/Mark didn't - brokers' 4 or 5 dec. pl. FXSolutions (Redguerilla's broker) on 4 dc. pl. so if hit 1.57965 on 4 dec. pl. that would round to 1.5797 thus hit SL, whereas on 5 1.5797 not hit until 1.57969 exceeded.
However Mark posts 4 dec. pl. figures so if this were the reason would expect Mark to experience same? I think Mark uses Alpari UK? Don't know if 4 or 5 dec. pl.
Redguerilla - may I ask are you following Mark's November revised BE rule of 20 rather than 24?
I wondered if BE rule of 20 was triggered, but 24 not, then kicked you out at original SL? That could fit with Mark's narrative.
Hi mate, i trade manually im 120pts up for the month some thing to think about

We talking about the results of FMT, some of us trade manually too, or use FMT in very different way. But what does our own system have to do with FMT rules?

Let's try to not get off topic here.No offense meant.I am also glad to see you end this month of Nov on the positive side.
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We talking about the results of FMT, some of us trade manually too, or use FMT in very different way. But what does our own system have to do with FMT rules?

Let's try to not get off topic here.No offense meant.I am also glad to see you end this month of Nov on the positive side.

Hi Deati i am trading FMT
Hi Mario

Did you modify your take profit and Stop Loss and also you move to BE, to achieve your posted results? Care to share any improvements which you may of found?

No mate original method i risk 40pts to win 40pts,this break even business only happened cos alot of people asked Mark if he could reduce losses, so Mark backtested the system with the EA and found results not such a bad hit for the ones that wanted it that way,its down to you my friend which method of trading you use,i like to enter and leave go to work,
Hi Mario

Did you modify your take profit and Stop Loss and also you move to BE, to achieve your posted results? Care to share any improvements which you may of found?

ForexPeaceArmy FMT EA beginning Nov, using 40/40 per Mario here
Presumably matches Mario's 120 pips?

Redgorilla's 15pips since 7th not what it should be due to one 40pip loss (FPA demo didn't get it either), - I for one would like to understand why/how.

At Mark's 60 pips with current settings, pro-rata for the month will be 80+. Not a disaster.
120 from 40/40 rule c/w 60 is at expense of forgoing BE SL 'protection', but as Mario points out Mark's back testing indicates BE/SL rule gives less drawdown AND better returns - just not so far this month!. Past performance, short term and all that.
So Mark's 60 is what it is 'cos of the changes for BE/SL asked for, Mario's is also Mark's settings, and Redgorilla's is probably not what it should be but don't know what caused it.