Donderdag 13 juli 2006..

The Dutch Clown

Established member
Hoe zit het nu met die trading range.... en hoe zit het nu met dat gap.... en als we het er dan toch over hebben hoe zit het met een mogelijk island reversal.... en de daarop volgende mogelijke positive reversal..... en is er in de gedefineerde Range niet een Negative Reversal waar te nemen......

Het staat allemaal in een grafiekje en pfff wat een grote onzin weer in de KK,,,,, het belgenlulletje kleunt wederom helemaal mis... zouden papa zijn centjes nu ook verdwenen zijn....


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How it sits now with those trading range.... and how sits pinch it now with that.... and if we have it then nevertheless how it sits with possible island reversal.... and then the following possible positive reversal..... and there are observe not Negative Reversal..... in the gedefineerde range. It stands all in grafiekje and pfff what a large nonsense in the KK,,,,, the belgenlulletje kleunt again entirely wrong... papa its centjes would be now also disappeared....
The Dutch Clown said:
Hoe zit het nu met die trading range.... en hoe zit het nu met dat gap.... en als we het er dan toch over hebben hoe zit het met een mogelijk island reversal.... en de daarop volgende mogelijke positive reversal..... en is er in de gedefineerde Range niet een Negative Reversal waar te nemen......

Het staat allemaal in een grafiekje en pfff wat een grote onzin weer in de KK,,,,, het belgenlulletje kleunt wederom helemaal mis... zouden papa zijn centjes nu ook verdwenen zijn....

Goede Morgen Clown,

Welcome back ! Nog even terug komend op het vergaren van betrouwbare data, we hebben wat suppliers "besproken" , heeft u al eens gekeken naar Saxo bank ?

Have a nice day..........!
Beste Manubiae,

Wel heb ik contact gehad met de Plus gasten van Adje N... man man wat een nietweets zijn dat zeg... DDE dat was doorverbinden naar de technische afdeling ?!... nietweet twee.... wat biedt u nu wel en wat nie... ??? naar een andere afdeling.... u begrijpt.... niet echt sterk die gasten..... hebben AEX realtime en dax en US met 15 min vertraging... niks waard dus....

Saxo website even bekeken is zo te zien aan een account gekoppeld... zo iets als Interactive Brokers dus......

We zitten trouwens in het gap(blauwe stippellijntjes) ... vertwijfeling in de KK... zouden er een paar long zitten..... had nog zo gezegd... GEEN BOMMETJE..... het is die mercurius retrograde... heb dat nu al een paar keer gezien

He Clown,

FF weg maar weer terug als vanouds? :))

Had paar dagen terug al naar GJ gesteld dat het erg op een Island Reversal begon te lijken. Toen nog niet echt mee eens. Een paar zaken die mij ook opvielen.
Tussentop 26 mei en de laatste 4 july geeft negatieve reversal.
Het blijven hangen onder de 446 was geen teken van kracht.
Viel ook nog eens samen met bovenzijde bollinger bands.
De ADX ging naar een dieptepunt.
Nu oog gevestigd op trendlijn bodem 14 juni 28 juni
Samen met RSI bodems lijn vanaf 22 mei
En het bollinger VG op NU 433,44

Voor de langere termijn nog niet gerust op een en ander. De beleggerswereld laat de oren hangen naar de stand van de DJII. Zie ook vandaag weer. Waarom zouden wij [europa] wel fors kunnen stijgen terwijl ze over de plas niet boven de meerjarige toppen komen?

Een hete zomer ? Back in september?

We zijn lekker bezig. En nu dan maar even in de KK kijken.

Beste Cold or Warm,

Uit de EOD grafiek is de bijgevoegde Negative Reversal te herleiden. Verder mag het geleerde mbt de Range Rule een paar bouwlampen bij u doen oplichten.... Aan de andere kant hebben we natuurlijk ook nog een Positive Reversal (zie eerste draadje) ... ben bang dat het boekje van mevrouw Brown al weer tekort schiet en ik me op specifiek onderzoek moet gaan storten.... lastig hoor..

Meneer Gann zijn bevindingen maken melding van het feit dat als de 50% retracement niet genomen kan worden de belletjes moeten rinkelen want de 50% is volgens hem de belangrijkste.......

Dan was er gisteren nog een relevant punt in de EOD grafiek waar de 409 trend lijn de koers ging ontmoeten en we vandaag dus onder schieten..... maar we zitten nog boven de trendlijn van 478,44.....

Het Mercurius sausje eroverheen....

O ja de 4 jaars Cyclus zit ook nog te prutten...

Dus blijft het moraal van het verhaal toch maar even kort op de bal te blijven zitten en te speuren naar meer van al dit moois. Het blijft mooi om de KK-schreeuwertjes op de zeephelling te zien glibberen.



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Owna, hista sia hatwa Ia allca aa rivatepa oardba!

Ona estrictionsra taa llaa, llaa ouya aveha ota oda sia earnla aa ewna anguagela!

Asyea easypa!!!
Well Mr Walker you have had a nice try...

The AEX was trading in a range from july 5th but as it was forming lower highs in the RSI the trending direction continued to be down.... Mr Gann states that the 50% retracement level (april top - june bottom) is by far the most important level and since the AEX fails to take it down we have to look down again..... in the States one has an expression something to do with a fan and ****..... picture that.....

Have a nice day.
Beste Manubiae,

Voor u een eurusd plaatje met RSI op EOD basis.... de tip staat er al in ben benieuwd ....



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The Dutch Clown said:
Beste Manubiae,

Voor u een eurusd plaatje met RSI op EOD basis.... de tip staat er al in ben benieuwd ....


Mijn dank is groot...........!

Voorlopig toch maar even de focus op de AEX houden.........
Het gap is gesloten een island reversal is van de baan... de focus ligt nu op andere signalen welke in de maak zijn...... kijk maar eens goed naar de uitgezoomde grafiek .... enne think out of the box.....

It is the right time for a drink... cold beer from the home draft....

Pas op voor jonge belgen die nu al de dag laag als bodem verklaren.... wat een onderbouwing weer.... geen wonder dat ie keer op keer de mist in gaat....


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Heer Clown,

De gap is gedicht, nu een terugtest van de bodem op 409 ? Mijn laatste speurwerk is begonnen... Brown ...

Wie zijn die jonge 'belgen' waarover U steeds Uw gal uitspuwt?... De vlag dekt de lading niet...

Nog steeds op zoek naar een goede data provider... Sommige kunnen wel erg prijzig zijn...Begrijpen wie kan? Men zou verwachten dat beurshuizen deze info kosteloos zouden veschaffen... Hoe meer handel, hoe meer vreugde...

Nog een fijne zwoelige avond...

Beste Gogo27 Didi059,

Veel lees plezier al is het soms taaie kost even doorbijten.... desnoods even wegleggen en later weer oppakken..... momenteel heb ik echter een hoop vragen nav verschillende hoofdstukken waar geen antwoord op gegeven is... maar ja mevrouw Brown heeft een voorkeur voor Gann van al de door haar gebruikte methoden en technieken .... ze verwijst dus regelmatig naar zelf studie en onderzoek ......

Vergeet die paar jonge belgjes maar het zat er weer helemaal naast gisteren met het verklaren van de bodem die er volgens het echt stond..... laten we zeggen afrekening een sukkel blaast altijd zichzelf op....

Eurobench heeft een brief gehad maar ja Belgen he.... nu een week geleden... taal noch teken..... die plus van adje dat is een joke.... tel. contact gehad maar daar is niets mee aan te vangen.... zit dan eerder aan Interactive Brokers te denken en manubiae gaf Saxo als suggestie mee....

Het was verre van zwoel net boven de belgische grens en nu nog aangenaam... het weekeinde beloofd warm te gaan worden....

Goede dag is het goed om wat Nederlandse bespreking te zien over deze raad, hoop ik u ocassionally in het Engels zult posten zodat anderen in uw kennis kunnen delen.
Goede handel.

Did that make any sense at all?
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Dear Mr Twalker,

In the Thread about the Holy grail, which by the way is nothing more than an add from somebody who wants to sell poor trading advise... I have put some TA into the discussion.... also I have looked at a discussion about Gann and Astro but I am sorry to conclude that the level of discussion is quite poor....let me try to return the issue... what I would like to see is constructive discussions based on General and Advanced TA (Elliott wave, Gann, Cyclus Analysis, Astronomy on finance, etc)

Since I make my money on the AEX futures that's where to focus will be.

Regards and Trade to Win...
It's a pity you choose to restrict your posts (for the most part) to the Dutch language. Your posts both in English and Dutch have been interesting and I'm sure the wider English speaking audience would benefit from your thoughts, as do you presumably benefit from some of their posts (forgetting the Holy Grail thing of course!). Perhaps a little Latin as we're all so multi-cultural - quid pro quo?

As for inviting us to learn your native tongue as you did in one post on one other thread - you do have the advantage of learning English as a second language from about age 8 in the Netherlands and the benefit(?) of US and UK TV channels to assist in that process. The number of Dutch TV channels available to us are somewhat limited and those that we can receive via satellite contain very little in terms of speech content. :LOL:

As you all seem to enjoy and appreciate the extra functionality of t2w over the IEX forum from which you have all migrated, perhaps you would consider doing us the favour of the occasional English language post just to keep us tagging along with you?

My Dutch is a little rusty having not needed to use it since leaving your delightful country some years ago, and I find the effort in effectively translating your posts a richly rewarding experience. Others may find it simply irritating. I'm sure that isn't your intent.


edit: afterthought. Especially as you appear to have a interest in the more esoteric aspects of applications to trading...
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Point taken,

Although I have to honestly remind you that you initial approach could be considered not as constructive and mind you Twalker did outstanding work in his post which I accept can not be asked from all of you English tongues. If you will accept the fact that English is not my native language and I cannot put all the responses through the help of my friend Bill G his products I will make an effort.

It’s only fair to introduce myself especially to the non Dutch readers since I started to post on this forum. In the 80’s I just used fundamental data to back-up my investment decisions and all went fine since markets knew just one direction and that was up and only up. At that time I was making a career selling complex IT solutions to primarily financial institutions in Europe making an excellent living with extra money to stack away in stock. At the age of 40 I retired due to circumstances, basically there were no interesting distribution deals left and a Dutch Clown does not settle for less. A friend of mine introduced me to Technical Analysis and I bought a Dutch made piece of software and started trading based on that.

Well what to say, I lost a bundle in a less than a years time and concluded that something had to change since I was in the direction of getting bankrupt soon ( by the way my friend is still a friend). So I got my introduction to Elliott Wave by reading Mr. Bob Prechters book “ Elliott Wave Principle” Key to market behavior and since I have a technical education background it appealed to me. Changed my trading system using more and more wave based decisions and the losing money stopped, let me send a clear message here at this point that a lot of hard work is involved and there is no such this like an easy ride.

In the market there are a lot of so called specialists active who sell their services presenting you with trading signals you can base your market moves on. Basically I feel , having tried a number of these sites, that they generally are more concerned with making money out of you and not as much caring about a solid quality research so I must conclude that they ( fair enough there are exceptions) are a waist of money and the trading advise becomes expensive by huge loses. At that time I started educating people at a Dutch forum, using the alias Clown, on alternatives and explaining that one can very well obtain the needed skills by reading a number of books. The bottom-line is that a pay-service will typically offer you market analysis in the widest form of quality but one will have to realize that trading and therefore the decisions to be made to trade is a hole different ballgame and has to be played accordingly.

As time progressed I came across some documents written by a Mr. W.D. Gann and was fascinated by the fact that this man was introducing a number of issues I knew were TA even before the TA hype started in the second half of last century. And so I introduced a number of this traders idea’s into my own trading and found that , providing applied correctly, they work out astonishingly well in plain English it makes money. And yes I do agree with most of the critics on these techniques, to much alternatives in Elliott Wave counts, a huge number of lines in graphs and it dazzles one if price and time targets come along. But the trading results over the last year are respectable.

At that time I got a renewed introduction by a Dutch analyst on using the ever so known TA indicators like RSI and very much to my own surprise using the indicators differently they were able to become predictive in stead of my previous lagging findings. So an other part of the puzzle was added to the picture and I started to combine the different techniques and the evolution still continues. No Sir there is no such thing as the Holy Grail and I am not looking for it, it’s more like Mr. Gann explains: “I am not so much looking for the exact price and time targets and trend changes, I am in it to make money”.

Reading a lot of critics on Mr. Gann’s work I found an exceptional approach by the link to Astronomy in trading. Mind you I am not talking here about the Astrology (“nomy” versus “logy”) you read about in the tabloids, that’s something totally different. And no Sir I am not looking at the sky to back-up my trading decisions it’s just a simple database check on how the ( in my case Amsterdam AEX) did perform in the past 30 years or so in the identical physical planet situation. Again it’s not the answer it is just an other piece to the puzzle and works out very well.

As this is a project it should have a defined ending but somehow I find myself in moving the goalposts further away from making more winnings than loses into making more win trades than lose trades into making just win trades into finding turning points in value and time more accurately. These updates are for educational purpose only and with the right attitude you will learn how to improve your trading results by making solid decisions, while in the mean time I hope to learn something as well, writing these thoughts down makes me think them through even further for the ones who are wondering what Clown is getting out of all this.

An other area of interest is Cycle Analysis but I have to say that my findings so far are that they workout very well as a sort of overview of the whole picture and need fine tuning desperately because a couple of years off in a 90 years cycle due to different sub cycle division is seen often. An other issue here is the availability of quality data, I have an EOD data file of the DJIA starting in 1897 but most database entries provide 30 years max so studying 90 years cycles becomes somewhat a challenge here.

The provided Clown’s weekly update for the week is in Dutch and focused on the Amsterdam AEX index simply because it has been for months and months and there will be a number of Dutch readers looking for it. Also the index data in extreme detail has been checked and corrected by me personally over the last couple of years, changing to other markets would mean finding high quality data files and that’s not so obvious as it sounds. Anyway there is still a long way to go.

In the mean time I would be happy to join discussions in English as they arise.

Yours Sincerely,
The Dutch Clown.
Heer Clown

Gann wheel testing : steun op 424 en weerstand op 444.8 . Dit komt bijna overeen met U laatste grafiek. Trendlijn is duidelijk maar discrepantie op 426 ... U ziet... nog veel werk aan de winkel voordat ik hier een zinnige bijdrage kan leveren... Hard werken ... Welke conversie factoren gebruikt U ? Een tipje van sluier?...Tijdsmeting blijkt niet eenvoudig... Blz152 en verder van Brown zijn verhelderend qua Uw standpunt...

Het zonnetje schijnt maar de wind komt op... Tijd voor een uitstap op zee...

Fijn weekeinde


(Didi vindt U in de KK... af en toe, steeds minder... veel gezeur, te veel emoties, weinig wetenschap ...maar dat wist U al...)
Thanks for the overview DC. An interesting path on the way to trading.

My 'initial response' in this thread as you term it, was just a topical aside relating to the privatisation of another forum. Sense of humour gets the better of me sometimes.

Your comments on many expecting Elliott to be an 'easy ride' is quite correct. It's always a lot easier to count the waves after they've occurred :rolleyes: . As with every other piece of TA, when you're up against the hard right edge, it doesn't ever look quite the same. I've studied Gann far more than Elliott yet paradoxically, find there is an inherent simplicity to Elliott that seems to provide a more usable basis for trading, especially day trading. Perhaps it is the seeming complexity of Gann that requires the additional effort. But as you say, when faced with the multitude of angles and intersections, it's impossible NOT to see the price running nicely aliong one of the angles, and turning equally nicely at one of the many intersections. But having a high probability of confidence in any one over any other is the part that largely eludes my efforts. Be glad to hear how you tackle Gann.

You may find you generate some interest with your comment "known TA indicators like RSI very much to my own surprise using the indicators differently they were able to become predictive in stead of my previous lagging findings". While the premise of TA is that market action, or rather the probabilities of future market action can be deduced from past action, I think it's a brave soul who suggest any indicator can become truly predictive to any large degree of confidence. Do you use these well known indicators with Gann/Elliott or standalone?

I knew you and I were looking at the same stuff. Your comment about the Amsterdam AEX and planetary configurations is right up there with a bunch of research I started 3 years ago. Albeit on the NYSE. I have an on-going argument with anyone who divorces astrology from astronomy. Yes, I agree the tabloid 'astrology' is just a bit of fun (quite stupid, but then stupid people have to buy a newspaper of some kind...). They started off as one and the same discipline. The same root science. It is only recently that they have become different streams. You may have read Louise McWhirter's book "Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting"? Published in 1977 I managed to get a 2nd hand copy and found it tough going. She basically works a horoscope type approach to EVERYTHING, and a far more hocus pocus approach to use of empirical information which I find quite unusable. But what I did find useful was here approach to setting a base date for instruments and exchanges. Makes it a little difficult to with ECNs and individual traders with Direct Access, but for the major exchanges such as that which you are interested in, perhaps an avenue of research to follow?

You don't mention which cycle analysis you use. Ehler?

Thanks for taking the trouble to respond with such a comprehensive post. Always good to get a solid background.