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[DARWIN] PDC and VDC by Emanita & Pure Pip Producer

Darwinex Positive Balance.jpg
Your statistic is misleading trash, you know it and I assume, you want it to be, as your Darwin does not exist since 3 months, not even your trading account for full 3 months.
You did not get even one of the promised ATHs until today on the realistic weekly chart since your Darwin is visible, the top high on the left side before publishing a Darwin in the weekly chart is 0.5 % higher.
Your Darwin is still in the latest filter which means your Darwin is less than one week old. The return in that week is not exciting:

And that is your trading account for that week:

And the trading account since it exists:
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I can observe frequent rule change for PDC, VDC and other closed darwin by PPP. When a trader change trading rule frequently then It means the trader is trading without any rule.
No trading rule always result in random risk and random profit/loss.
I confess this is on of the Darwins I check more frequently. Could we open a poll for how many months it will remain open? 😇