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[DARWIN] PDC and VDC by Emanita & Pure Pip Producer

Good Morning Darwinex People,

I will not speak so much on forums/social network. Probably, once a month or once a quarter. But i wish a long life to this new forum... hope all will be better here. With a biggest visibility and a freest speech than the Darwinex forum

So... just few words to explain the difference between how a pip is extracted from a Financial Market by ourself and how a pip is extracted from a Financial Market by the rest of the World.

Thus, everybody will all be able to notice by themselves that the base of the Darwin PDC is one of the most solid ever built for a Darwin.

As we can see on screenshot 1 (Darwin PDC trading account), the Profit Curve is exactly the same as the Accumulated Pips Curve :

même courbe.jpg

But, what we can see on the screenshot 2 (99.9% of the trading strategies), the Profit Curve is going up while the Accumulated Pips Curve is going down :

pas la même.jpg

This is how most of the traders win... Their base is build on shifting sands.

I challenge everybody here to find a track-record whose the profit curve is exactly the same of the accumulated pips curve... I've found none until now.

Here is the link to fxblue : https://www.fxblue.com/users/darwinpdc

To sum up... to achieve the level « Pure Pip Production » we must work very hard for a very long time. Then, we can do it. That’s why i don’t like to read something like « keep up the good work » or the kind of things like that. Because the work has already been done. It has been done during years and years by modifying the mental structure that treats the informations. In other words, instead of coding a computer, coding a brain.

To those who believe that I am pretentious, you are mistaken. I am realistic.

The base is solid, so we can count on the Darwin PDC to probably be a « game changer » in the Darwin Exchange and target the next level : the Private Label.

Once the Private Label achieved, we will have more a free hand to manage a Darwin like a "little hedge fund".

Anyway, do not hesitate to ask/speak with my amazing Risk Manager Emanita.

Be sure that nothing would be possible without her...

Pure Pip Producer
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Hello everybody,

As you know, Darwinex mentioned the possibility of benchmarking the Darwins to S&P500.

That‘s why we‘ve decided to publish every quarter a report card in order to compare our
Darwin PDC to other assets.

We chose to add CAC40 too, as PPP and I are french.


See you at the end of October for the monthly review 😀
A great PDC, so far.
But, just 03 months in profit.
Nothing to conclude at all.
I've seen a lot of Darwinian with a better consecutive months in profit such as ZAI, HFD, SCS, SUG ... but at some point they all crashed significantly.
Except, THA. It's the only one I think I can believe now.
Yes, you're right @TrungLN. That's a great Darwin. But it's because we have built very solid underlying strategy.

You know, it's not really about the length of the track-record (i have 2 years of Native track-Record at Darwinex if you go to check my profil), it's about the trading process.

Please, try to find another trader on Earth who has a track-record whose the profit curve is exactly the same of the accumulated pips curve. I challenge you 😉

Thanks for your comment anyway.

Have a nice week-end.
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You know, it's not really about the length of the track-record (i have 2 years of Native track-Record at Darwinex if you go to check my profil), it's about the trading process.

Sorry you don't have 2yrs track record on 1 account.
Cut and paste of accounts do not count as track record.

Yes of course! you are right... and so?

I had to proceed that way to learn how to dominate the Darwinex VaR. I had to start again, to a new account each time i've failed.

The reason is simple to understand : The VaR model take a lot of time to decrease/increase. So, in order to win a lot of time in my life, i've decided to proceed that way.

It's my choice and i assume it totally because by proceeding that way, we could develop The Polyphasic Defense of Capital concept.

As everybody can see, it seems that when we "decompose" the things, in several sequences, we are more capable then to take the right decisions... simply because we have the luxury to have more time to decide.

That's our way to work.

And we are not waiting any judgment about that.

Ultimately, our goal is simple : To spend more days at the top of the Equity Curve than in Drawdown.

In total opposition with other track-records that never stay at the top and prefer to keep going to operate, doing so, spending the majority of their Time in Drawdown.

People can like or dislike, that will not change anything about the way we think the trading.

Only our Equity Curve speaks for us.

Thanks for participating anyway...

The more we speak, the more people will see who is right and who is wrong...
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As an investor’s point of view, the plateau period of PDC, for the rest of the month once the objective is achieved, is really comfortable for peace of mind. It’s a simple but effective idea so everyone can relax and develop extra abilities outside the danger of the market exposure, thus not under stress.

Opposed to robots which trade daily like it’s a war zone at any moment, clearly overtrading so-so if not poor signals, relying on volume and probabilities (supposed edge, laughs!), it’s night and day.
Typically, after a week this month, you beat all the other Darwins of my portofolio (all negative) and now they are all crawling under water to get their decline back but there’s no guarantee that they won’t achieve the exact opposite goal.

Also, I got the trick that it works out the time drawdown cause when positive you stop the strategy at a peak and it extends “frozen”, whereas when negative, there’s room to recover. The actions modulate around time spans sliced equally. Every month, we expect a pre-announced return. The trader disposes of the best conditions to achieve it. Overall, smart ! And fine-tuned for Darwinex imho
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Please, try to find another trader on Earth who has a track-record whose the profit curve is exactly the same of the accumulated pips curve. I challenge you
I'm not clear why you so focus on the consistency between profit curve and accumulated pips curve.
It means nothing, except that the trader traded with consistent lot size. (No martigale).
And, in case of your challenge, I think I also achieved that with the underlying strategy of KSX. Because, I only trade with one consistent fixed lot size.
That's pure alpha producing.

Read my bio, you will understand what i mean :

Pure Pip definition : A pure pip is a pip that has been extracted from a financial market to a trading account without using any artifice.

Without using any artifice means without averaging down, without using leverage, at constant lot and at constant risk.

If you do that, i applaud.

But now, try to have the same perfomance.

Anyway, you are on the right way.

So, congrats!
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Without using any artifice means without averaging down, without using leverage, at constant lot and at constant risk.
Yes, I understood same as above definition.
4 years in forex world, I tried, tested and practiced a lot of methods (grid, scapling, martigale ...) . None of them can result in a consistent winning. Sooner or later they will be all crashed by Mr great Market.
So, I learned to trade in consistency and accept that some loss days is a part of trading. Want to be survive until becoming 5% forex winners, try to keep our capital and high discipline is a MUST.
If you do that, i applaud.

But now, try to have the same perfomance.
After some more consideration on your nickname "pure pips producing", now I'm clear what you mean.
If a profitable strategy can show that its profit generated with the consistency of profit curve and accumulated pips curve, the strategy itselft is real and awesome.
Otherwise, the profit is the result of some manipulation method (average lose, martigale ..), will be crashed someday (low reliability).
A better translation : « I transfert my « purs pips » to Darwinex only at the beginning of the month... »

It’s implied that, yes i keep going to trade but not at Darwinex.

The Darwin project is to build a solid track-record with the first purs pips of the month.

My month as a trader is shared in 3 parts :

First part of the month, Darwinex Darwin PDC.

Second part of the month, Trading somewhere else.

Third part of the month, Total rest (No trading) 😉
Hello everybody,

We’ve noticed on Darwinex that, in some case, investors can avoid to pay the management fees.

We charge 1.2% annual management fees on invested equity (1.85% for 10% VaR DARWINs during phasing out) (...)
No management fees are charged during inactive DARWIN periods. We identify inactive periods based on the DARWIN's behavior over the previous 6 months. (...)
An account is inactive if it's true that it currently has no exposure (it is in a gap) and that this gap is greater than or equal to the gap we use as a reference. An additional factor of the formula is that if the current gap is greater than 2 weeks, the DARWIN is considered inactive independently from the reference gap

After checking with Darwinex’team, we can announce that from today, October 22,2020, all our investors (old one and the new one from today) won’t be charged of the 1.2% management fees until the first working day of next month.

To be clear... for the next 10 days you could park your money on Darwin PDC for free 🙂

Yes, you're right @Viro Major

As explained by Emanita and confirmed by the Darwinex Team, a Darwin do not withdraw the management fees anymore after 15 days of inactivity.

That's an advantage... a small one... but nevertheless an advantage 😉