Daily Pick 3 Challenge

Day 73 = Decent Day

Total +0.70%

Total +18.65%

Another good day 2 Trade.

Let's close out the week with a success this Friday. Hard to believe it's going on day 74.

Day 74 = Big Down

Total -0.80%

Total +17.85%

Day 75 is here & the start of a new week.

GL 2 Everyone.
Great start to the week!

Total +1.59%

Total +19.44%

Nice work folks.

We are looking good again.


Day 75 Totals

AAPL +0.47%
MSFT +2.62%
NVDA +4.52%
ADBE +1.07%
JPM +0.42%
DIS +1.11%
V +1.60%
NKE +0.58%
COST +0.05%
AMZN +2.63%
TSLA +3.10%
BA +2.35%
SEDG +1.97%
ORLY +0.93%

SHW -0.05%
GM +1.84%
GOOG +1.99%

All -0.39%
GLPG +2.95%
MA +1.00%

F -0.62%
FCAU -0.45%

BAC +0.23%
HD +1.39%

LOW -0.22%
DTE -0.11%

XEL +0.51%
BLDP +6.23%
ENPH +1 47%
PLUG +3.06%
Adding 2 new transactions.

Sun Power

Renewable Energy


Playing the new 30 today.

Total +0.30%

Total +19.74%

Now I feel bad losing ORLY & SHW. Maybe we can play them again in the future.

GL 2 Everyone today.
ORLY was down like 12% since December.

SHW was down 1.5%

I'm not good at this part of trading. I'm going to stay watching the 2. I am really excited for sun power and renewable energy. I can always expand the 30. Place ORLY & SHW back into the rotation.

Hope SPWR & REGI turn out to be great additions to the 30.
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I have all the numbers since December. The numbers since the 30 was placed together. I will post them today when I have a chance.
AAPL +19.59%
MSFT +21.84%
NVDA +23.60%
ADBE +19.30%
JPM +4.74%

DIS -6.97%
V +10.53%
NKE +6.98%
COST +3.63%
AMZN +19.44%
TSLA +134.70%

BA -5.94%
SEDG +29.92%
GM -2.75%
GOOG +14.26%
ALL +13.58%
GLPG +24.87%
MA +15.37%

F -12.29%
FCAU -10.42%

BAC +0.88%
HD +10.88%
LOW +3.11%
DTE +4.16%
XEL +8.67%
BLDP +59.65%
ENPH +35.17%
PLUG +15.45%

ORLY -12%
SHW -1.5%

7 down
23 up

Since December 2nd we are up 15%

It was a total team effort of 30 picks which performed great. Sure we had a few down. But we had quite a few more up then down. It's hard not to mention Tesla, Ballard, Enphase & Solar Edge. Great job 2 everyone. May we have continued success moving forward in 2020.

It's a nice feeling to post up some good green numbers & positive progress.
Hey, I think we are at day 77.

Wensday turned out to be a nice solid day.

Total +1.49%

Total +21.23%

Sun Power had a great first day.

Up over 10%

It looks like we are starting the day on a low. Maybe a great chance to buy low and sell high. Feels good to post up some green figures. Good luck 2 Everyone today.

We are up over twenty percent.

Let's keep the momentum positive.

I'm glad people are becoming interested in trading stocks & helping to mold our future into something awesome.

Keep up the good work.

It's a nice feeling. Doing something great for our future and at the same time returning an investment. 20% in 77 days is pretty decent. I'm really glad we are able to do something awesome for the planet while making money at the same time.

= )

Returning an investment while improving the planet makes me feel really good inside.

Hope we all have a great day.
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Happy Valentine's Day

Feels nice to be around an awesome group of people & to share the holidays together.

Let the ones you love know you love them.

Should be a cool day today.

On to trading.

Day 77 = Small Setback

Total -0.44%

Total +20.79%

Hope we fare better today.

Unfortunately sun power was down close to 20% yesterday.

SPWR -19.38

Maybe it's a good time to buy at such a low.

Anyways, everyone have a nice Valentine's Day. Its freezing cold up here in Michigan hope everyone stays warm & safe.

Valentine's Day

Day 78= A Pretty Good Day

Total +0.28%

Total +21.07%

We had a really nice Valentine's Day here where i stay. Our group leader Tina organized a great event. We are a cool motley crew. 1 big and awesome family. A place I can call home.

Hope everyone enjoys the holiday. Stay safe & keep warm. Because its cold outside.
I apologize in advance if I offend anyone by my post. I promise my intentions are only for good.

Presidents Day 2020

In America we come together on the 3rd Monday of every February to celebrate Presidents day. A day to celebrate George Washington's birthday, the 1st President in US history.

To me its a day to celebrate the leaders of our American society, both past & present.

This year it feels kinda weird celebrating Presidents Day with our current leader in so much controversy.

It's really easy to criticize people who are in a leadership role. Like the quarterback or coach of a football team. They take most of the heat from the media when the team is under performing. They also take most of the credit for all the success when the team is performing well.

I guess that's why we select our leaders the way we do. We all vote to make sure we have the best people in place to face the heat and handle the pressure when faced with adversity. A humble & compassionate human being, to me would be ideal.

Myself, personally, I do not like to get involved with politics. This being Presidents day in America its kinda hard not to be involved. With all the trials and impeachment talk.

In my own opinion, I wish government & politics would get back to its roots. I believe it was written in the constitution the only aim of government should be to serve & protect its people. Serving & protecting it's citizens. Have talks about more meaningful matters.

Energy Crisis, Health Care Affordability, Foreign Oil Addiction, Global Warming & Cleaning up coal.

It can be very misleading at times. If you are told "clean coal" most people believe that mining for coal can be clean.

The definition of coal is a charred piece of wood.

Not very clean at all.

Actually coal in my opinion is the opposite of clean.

Affordable Care Act.

Another very misleading choice of words.

One would think that health care was affordable or at least becoming more affordable. The sad truth is it's becoming less & less affordable.

The act does right a lot of wrongs. But still the principal of the matter is flawed.

It's almost like they try to mislead you into believing things that are untrue are the truth.

Some people may resort to telling people what they want to hear. Much easier than discussions about a potential crisis. You can see why.

Discussing the truth can be extremely difficult to talk about. People can become highly emotional & easily offended.

I try & stay out of political talks because it's so challenging 2 me. If you set out to try & please everyone you will fall short. Some people seem almost impossible to please.

Anyways, this post is getting off course.

To our current leaders, I would like to say thank you.

Please don't ever give up on changing the earth for the better. Dont quit on raising awareness & supporting positive changes for our planet when times get tuff.

When it gets tuff you tuffin up.

Stay focused on what matters most, serving & protecting the people. Its the people who matter most. The people elected or placed you in your seat or leadership position. This is your chance to make a difference.

Our leaders have the ability to lead people down a path. You are the ones who create the path for the team to follow. Please make it a peaceful path 2 prosperity. What a beautiful idea.

We can all come together & support positive changes where everyone wins.

A big Thank you to everyone who cares about our planet & would like to make a positive difference.

A big Thank you to all our current leaders who make today awesome. Please place people back as the #1 priority.

Most people want to change for the better. Our leaders have the ability to help guide people down a new & awesome road. Where we all find peace, prosperity & happiness.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts & ideas.

Hopefully no one becomes upset with me.

I'm only attempting to help.
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My apologies for such a long post.

I can assure you my ideas & intentions when posting are only for good.

I'm not always going to get it right. But I will place 100% of myself & effort into attempting to get it right.

I spent quite a few hours on all my posts. I like being alive & living on planet earth.

Its my unique attempt to inspire people to care about the world. Nothing wrong with a pursuit of prosperity. That 2 me sounds amazing. Let everyone have a chance to achieve success & thrive.

I believe a transition of wealth will be made while we convert to clean renewable energy. It may be a slow change. I believe we have already began to change.

Sorry If this is a weird comparison...

Remember standard definition tv's. Before high definition we all watched SD. Before standard definition we watched black n white! HD is an awesome improvement.

When it first came out, people were slow to change. The new technology wasnt popular and was really expensive. As time past HD became more popular and the cost came down. Now we all have HD tv's & even HD phones.

I think that as clean renewable energy gains popularity the cost will come down. For investors, what an awesome opportunity.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread.

Pick 30 today

GL 2 Everyone
Day 79

Total +1.33%

Total +22.40%

Hey everyone,

It just makes you feel good 2 achieve great success. What an awesome way to start the week. It brings me great joy 2 see such a nice site.

On paper you have your green and you have your red. Your ups n downs on the graphs.

All those numbers & figures.

Don't you believe, to us, there is more to it than that. Finding stocks which can make a difference. I feel really good about investing in our future.

Making money is a great thing! We can create new buildings. We can improve our current homes. Look after less fortunate humans. Help others in their time of need.

What a decent day!

I wish I new more about investing in clean & renewable energy. How awesome is that! You get to improve the world and return a nice size investment at the same time.

Did we do good today?

Yes we did. Yes Indeed.

Ballard Power
Plug Power
Sun Power

Thank you

Hope everyone has a great night.
Day 80 = Huge Success!

APPL +1.45%
MSFT +0.30%
NVDA +6.11%
ADBE +1.17%
JPM +1.36%
DIS +1.55%
V +1.00%
NKE +1.45%
COST +0.30%
AMZN +0.67%
TSLA +6.88%

BA -0.17%
SEDG +17.94%
GM +1.48%
GOOG +0.46%

ALL -0.03%
GLPG +1.00%
MA +0.97%

F -0.74%
FCAU +0.30%
BAC +1.31%

HD -0.12%
LOW +0.17%
DTE -0.43%
XEL -0.52%

BLDP +13.12%
ENPH +42.44%
PLUG +17.94%
SPWR +13.14%
REGI +4.15%

Total +5.19%

Total +27.59%

What an amazing day!

Today, we did really good.

Thank you!
What a great success!

It is a beautiful thing to me, investing in alternative energy. A great way to improve the planet in so many ways. I don't want to say too much. So I'll keep it short.

Regardless of our beliefs of previous wars fought in the Middle East. If we become independent of foreign oil there could never be a future war fought over foreign oil.

We, in America, also celebrate the 4th of July as our Independence Day. We can start to free ourselves from our dependency of foreign oil. Become more independent, avoid possible conflicts in the Middle East, lower pollution, help save the ice caps & protect the environment.

Not only is it good for the planet earth & our people, you can return a nice investment at the same time as well.

What a great way to spend a day! Save & protect our planet while returning an investment on our future.

It's like a big bowl of good.

Until tomorrow, have a great night.
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