Swing-Trading.com Stock Picks for Feb 2, 09


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(NKE) - buy
Nike CEO sees big jump in online sales. "We've seen a dramatic increase in online sales," Mark Parker told a panel at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

(BBT) - buy
BB&T Corp. is not paying an annual bonus to its executive-management team for the second time since 2003 even though the bank outperformed most of its rivals during a down year for the industry. The 10 executives will not receive money from BB&T's short-term incentive plan for 2008 even though the bank posted a $1.5 billion profit in 2008.

(DNA) - buy
Roche Holding, took its bid for Genentech Inc. directly to shareholders, offering about $42.1 billion. Roche is now offering $86.50 a share for Genentech.

(PFE) - short
Pfizer Inc, announced late Friday the discontinuation of a Phase III study of its investigational agent axitinib for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer.

(PC) - short
Panasonic Corp, will report a consolidated net loss after tax of about 350 billion yen ($3.89 billion) in fiscal 2008/09 due to restructuring charges and weak sales of consumer electronics, a Japanese daily said on Sunday.