Competition Entry List is HERE


Legendary member
Ok the game starts Monday 5th. Feb. All entries in by Midnight Sunday 4th.Judges descision is FINAL.Pick your stock- no reason required, and say Long or Short. We will allow duplicate picks.
Best of luck to you all!
Please restrict the entries on this thread to STOCK and LONG/SHORT


[Edited by ChartMan on 30-01-2001 at 11:39 AM]
And I'm working on having the competition entries as a portfolio of stocks on its very own page on the site, so you can check how everyone is doing at any time of the day, and hopefully close when you want.

Should also be useful when we put some of the diferent trading systems head to head.


[Edited by Sharky on 30-01-2001 at 09:56 PM]
Don't forget to think about your selections for next week...

[Edited by ChartMan on 01-02-2001 at 07:44 PM]
OK i'll be the first,
EPF..............Long please
EPF...............Short please

[Edited by waldorf on 04-02-2001 at 02:20 PM]
The problem of choice - but then I have a whole list good enough to see off you lot.

Hoping its not too early it has to be :-

ITE - (on the nose) - Long

If it goes It'll wipe you all out!

The gauntlet has been thrown down.

To battle........

Hi Martin

I will have Autonomy (AU.) as my short

I will have City Centre Rest.(CTC) as my long


Let me have my favourite Marconi

We love you moni we do
we love you moni we do
we love you moni we do

oh moni we love you.
A test of my Omnitrader settings

AL Alliance & Leicester LONG mid 715

BP BP Amoco SHORT mid 587

Head to Head with Cookie

Long WMG - Weston Medical - then its two bottles of champers he will owe me!!
To any beginners who don't understand "shorting" and don't want to be left out, a possible suggestion might be to pick something in the Tech stocks.........