approve/moderate first few posts by new users?


Experienced member

I signed up for ET recently, for my first couple of posts the mods/admins needed to approve them before they were put live. This would be an *excellent* improvement to the t2w forums to prevent spam users signing up and posting junk links or resurrecting years old posts with spam.

Apologies if its been asked for already, I just saw red mist this morning

if the mods have time its a good idea ...........also they can see if its a multi nic as well........but those guys seem to be pretty smart .........
...maybe they can create a new "admin level" and assign it to a bunch of regular/respected posters, and all new accounts need 2 "votes" from these existing users before their post/account is activated?
Hi f2calv,
I signed up for ET recently,
You did WHAT?!!!
This is an outrage and a serious betrayal of your fellow T2W members. On this occasion, your admission is viewed as an act of contrition and a sentence of death by firing squad will be commuted to life imprisonment at T2W.

. . .for my first couple of posts the mods/admins needed to approve them before they were put live. This would be an *excellent* improvement to the t2w forums to prevent spam users signing up and posting junk links or resurrecting years old posts with spam.

Apologies if its been asked for already, I just saw red mist this morning
In principle, this is an excellent idea and gets my full support. The issue will be just how practical it is to implement given how thin on the ground the Mod' team is.

The idea of devolving such powers to regular users is a route that we went down six or seven years ago. In fact, it was the first big project that I implemented when I joined the staff. Sadly, it was a bit of a disaster, so I suspect Sharky won't be overly keen to revisit the experiment. That said, times are different now, so let's see what he and the Mods have to say.
@Sharky @Trader333 @counter_violent - your thoughts?
We aleady have the ability to spot multi-nics and we just don't have time to approve all posts made by new members. We also get a fair few who post normally to start with and then post adverts later so they would fall through any initial screening. Many threads / posts already have to be approved by us which is determined by an automated system so it is partially working already. For the rest I know it relies on them being reported and that has been a good way to deal with it in my view.
We have an automated system in place as Trader333 says, so approval does sometime take place. If spam on the site becomes a bigger problem or we get some extra moderators on the team, perhaps we'd reconsider things and consider requiring approval for all new members. Thanks for the suggestion all the same!
How about eliminating or minimizing the time allowed between reporting posts. Trying to report a few or handful of posts is too aggravating and time consuming.
Would a separate spam button be an improvement? So with just one click each from a few members these posts are flagged up
We see them anyway and the proposal suggested will work so let's see what happens.
if the mods have time its a good idea ...........also they can see if its a multi nic as well........but those guys seem to be pretty smart .........

Yep. And if they get the break-in manual from Fibo, Trader333 and don will applly for Unemployment Insurance

I signed up for ET recently, for my first couple of posts the mods/admins needed to approve them before they were put live. This would be an *excellent* improvement to the t2w forums to prevent spam users signing up and posting junk links or resurrecting years old posts with spam.

Apologies if its been asked for already, I just saw red mist this morning


They already have the report button = Snitch Central, a vessel for sea going snitches! Nice! Such ambition! Soon more snitches will arrive by the truckload and T2W will be totally feminized 100% = current Trend in the West with America leading the charge
approve/moderate first few posts by new users?

Magna, Admin. at ET was already doing this fervently but then in 2019 stepped it up to 15 posts after I broke in for the 2nd time after being banned.

He got so good at detecting overly holy, seemingly harmless posts that I had to step up my game and throw in real content (without charts). I beat him a total of 9 times despite 7 of them being after he required 15 posts.

Recently he has blocked all PMs from newbies indefinitely although rumor has it that its 50.
Mods are unpaid so being unemployed is not possible.

Like I said, sad, sad, sad. Why do you do it, chief? Its not court ordered community service, or HE has something on you, or ................... which leaves only altruism.

Just superficial observation .......... work online approx. 4hrs per day, forums do 7 days/wk, = 1/6th of one's life devoted to the endeavor. Why chief? What's so compelling?


ET top-notch moderator, amiable, loved by ALL, named TGREGG was fired by Baron because a c*nt named Nine_Ender threatened Baron with lawsuits. Baron caved in. TGREGG got the axe. Baron's caved in before at the first sign of a lawsuit threat and done stupid sh*t.

Read the 7th post down by Clubber Lang, ET's longest oldtimer who is qualified to know who is who, that is how long he has been around ..................

Sissy dbphoenix is also in the thread

Hi f2calv,

You did WHAT?!!!
This is an outrage and a serious betrayal of your fellow T2W members. On this occasion, your admission is viewed as an act of contrition and a sentence of death by firing squad will be commuted to life imprisonment at T2W.

In principle, this is an excellent idea and gets my full support. The issue will be just how practical it is to implement given how thin on the ground the Mod' team is.

The idea of devolving such powers to regular users is a route that we went down six or seven years ago. In fact, it was the first big project that I implemented when I joined the staff. Sadly, it was a bit of a disaster, so I suspect Sharky won't be overly keen to revisit the experiment. That said, times are different now, so let's see what he and the Mods have to say.

@Sharky @Trader333 @counter_violent - your thoughts?

Circular motion with the right hand. Pay the boys, for cryin out loud. Problem solved.

Is the worth of T333 and Rambo Mcqueen worthless that they don't gt paid for their gobs of time plugged in daily?

STINKS! Excuses\right-click\out the friggin window.

Worse than Uber and Lyft that underpay drastically, now these moderator cats work for free
Make FT a moderator .....that will teach him ...hahahahaha
Make FT a moderator .....that will teach him ...hahahahaha

If that were to happen then, within 6 months, saint/bishop/parish-priest/beats-Jesus Trader333 would be coaching new younger moderators like this ................ like this in video and all bannings would be a thing of the past. What's more, a severe dent in the disgusting, sickening, stifling level of political correctness at T2W will have been earned/won.
