andrewmooton - training with insight experiences

Zenda said:
Incidently - I sent out 12 full courses (value £275 each) to members of Trade2Win to test and try my beginners Forex course- Privately - both here in the UK and overseas - and took their comments into consideration before finalising the course. I would hope that those wishing to purchase it can do so in the T2W shop at a generous discount - and if they require the Free inrto CD they quote T2W (5001) Thanks to the 7 who have already done so. ;)

Zenda, I dont understand your logic. You object to our so called advertising and then you go and so something like the above.
Zenda said:
Incidently - I sent out 12 full courses (value £275 each) to members of Trade2Win to test and try my beginners Forex course- Privately - both here in the UK and overseas - and took their comments into consideration before finalising the course. I would hope that those wishing to purchase it can do so in the T2W shop at a generous discount - and if they require the Free inrto CD they quote T2W (5001) Thanks to the 7 who have already done so. ;)

If you wanted to promote your own course then wouldn't it be better to start your own thread about it instead of hijacking ours?

Could you also please realise that its the moderator who decides what can be posted where and so far, I havent heared him/her object.
andrewmooton said:
If you wanted to promote your own course then wouldn't it be better to start your own thread about it instead of hijacking ours?

Could you also please realise that its the moderator who decides what can be posted where and so far, I havent heared him/her object.

let it be....i find this stu's thread,interesting... :p

That's a much better results page - although I still didn't give you permission to take it from my site. However, that as an aside. The results show all the recent information of analysis posted on my site. If someone was to click on each of those company names they can see the date, the analysis and a video. Unlike some, I show the good, the bad and the downright ugly ones. The whole point is to show that by using the techniques and methods that I teach, that just trading a handful of trades, one can pull in a good profit and if you scroll down to the bottom of the list you can see that for yourself in a points total which is over 2000+ Any one can see it properly at the website and clicking the results - as your picture is missing alot of content. I think the point you are missing, is that the results are from analysis that I show on the member site is part of their training, where the trainer shows how to analyse in a real life situation and we monitor that analysis. The results you see is the end result of the ones we closed. The spreads used are taken from IGIndex btw.

I realise that everyone has nik names, and I am also fully aware that the likes of Naz, Sunseeker etc. provide their services to others with those identities - the difference is, that they are providing a service to others where as Zenda is simply trying to find fault or has issues with one that is very successful. Again, would you be so vitriolic in your comments if you didn't have your assumed identity on this forum. I would have a higher regard for you if you simply stated who you are, rather than find fault where there is none and hide behind a veil.

As I have said in one of my recent posts. If anyone has issue with this thread being here, then I have no problem with it being moved. All I am doing is answering the comments made by others, none of the threads have been started by me. It would be pointless to answer a comment relating to my training and use a nickname, as this would only cause confusion in my opinion. It's much like replying to a letter without saying who you are.

I like you realise there are a great many trainers out there. The difference I feel is that most have a professional regard for each other and for the services and support they provide. The posts made by those undergoing training from me, post their experiences and that is the whole point of this thread and perhaps there is a few others elsewhere also. The aim being that normal, genuine people are telling it how it is, which is great. Sadly, there are some who see that the thread is popular and decide to detract and add spin - through either a lack of professional regard or simply the green eyed monster appears. Which says more about that person than anything. Intelligent people can see through comments like that.
andrewmooton said:
If you wanted to promote your own course then wouldn't it be better to start your own thread about it instead of hijacking ours?

Could you also please realise that its the moderator who decides what can be posted where and so far, I havent heared him/her object.

Hear Hear

This is bizarre!!

Can we just stick to reviewing the course, I for one am interested in the feedback. At least Stu has the balls to come onto this site and answer his critics by offering the free courses when challenged.

It's a lot more than I have seen from others who promote trading courses. (VS etc)


As someone who has paid for my course I feel I must say that as a relative newbie I have personally found Stu's guidance and support excellent. I am genuinely grateful for such help at such a reasonable price. So thank you very much Stu!
I am only looking to become competent as trader and I'm sure that Insight is helping me in heading in that direction.
ok peeps...think ole Zenda has finally got the message and has retired (dis)gracefully, with some nice BLATANT publicity of his own ;) Praise be! Everyone's happy!

Didn't have time to checkout the new modules over the weekend. Unlike poor Zenda, I wasn't
"bored whilst waiting for the markets to open Sun nt"

Will update soon as!
What I have read so far has been a good introduction to the markets in general and financial spread betting in particular.

Nothing earth shattering, but if I were a total novice wanting to 'get into trading' this would have been good value so far and I would have been pleased with what I had received.

The web site has some excellent content.

Alliance - How come you have got a Scotland flag and I`ve got to have a UK flag. A St.George or a Yorkshire flag would be very nice - Can anyone help?
Lambchops said:
Alliance - How come you have got a Scotland flag and I`ve got to have a UK flag. A St.George or a Yorkshire flag would be very nice - Can anyone help?
LC - Sharky posted yesterday on this I think.

Change your 'Country' in your profile to England.

There was one for Wales also, but the EU have decided it doesn't exist anymore. :cool:
DaveJB said:
I also commented in my emails about the feedback - I agree, they are pre-recorded correct answers and they do not reflect whatever you actually submit... sorry Stu, I said this myself in emails, the training modules return obviously stock answers, I agree with 'alliance' here. This doesn't mean they don't work - seeing the correct answer isn't bad, but educationally (I'm a teacher, by the way) supplying a stock answer regardless of user input is not a good way to teach - as a customer I had expected some human being to read and critique my answers, this is obviously not the case.

Hi Dave

Thanks for detailed comment of which I include the above remark, just so that I can answer it in detail here.

The modules that are submitted are personally checked and assessed by myself. I provide comments on what the correct answers to those questions would be as well as providing further information should the student need it.

You are correct, this is a small part of the training. However, the key part of the training is that after the initial modules are completed and the student has a then good understanding of the techniques - I then ask the student to supply various sample charting analysis. Simply a symbol, what type of trade and more importantly why! The key part of this stage is that I then provide a video of my own analysis of that same chart and cross reference that with their analysis of the same. We keep doing this until the student is happy and secure in their own ability in their analysis. I personally would say, and many students have too, that this is perhaps THE most beneficial part of the training - having someone analyse your own analysis and foster and guide improvement.

Further from that, there is of course all the additional services that members get to use. Including a quality charting package and end of day data feed, search and scan which analyses the exchanges for quality trades and so on.

I am not saying that your review is bad, far from it. I just wanted to add a key part of the training and explain the process a little more.

I personally dont see anything wrong in providing model answers to the questions i've answered so far. If Stu was going to provide a personalised answer to what i've written then he'd just be saying more or less the same thing in his model answer anyway. I think the important thing is that you've actually thought about what you've written and learnt from your mistakes.
with respect, the first example - 'Name Two Events That Can Have An Adverse Effect On An Index?' was the question, I picked 'change in interest rates' and 'change in oil price' ... the insight answers were 'War' and 'Company Scandals' and the insight reply did not mention either of the two examples I gave. I happen to think interest rate changes affect businesses more than Wars as they tend to occur a bit more often, and a petrol price hike affects transport costs for a great many companies - however, no problem, two different ones were picked. Feedback on my answers usually would involve reference to what I'd actually submitted - sorry, but feedback in an educational setting involves actually commenting on a user's submission in some way . Some answers touched on areas I sumitted, many others did not - that suggests I got 'stock answers' back rather than a 'tailored' reply... personally that doesn't particularly bother me, but I agree with the reviewer who felt the same.

This isn't meant to be a huge carp, however it was and remains, in my opinion, fair comment - if you are reading and commenting in reply then your feedback needs to align more with the submission, it currently looks very very much like a 'lecture' rather than a discussion.

I'd also disagree with Andrew on whether this matters - education is a 2 way process, you cannot teach unless you receive accurate feedback and actively respond to it... the actual teaching process isn't too effective when the 'lecture-question-analyse-response' style circuit works perfectly, we actually retain quite a small percentage of what we are taught (interestingly we retain far more if we are doing the teaching). When the feedback isn't noticeably in phase with the student's thought processes you might as well be making paper jets because very little will be retained.

On a more positive note, ignoring this small area of disagreement, there is plenty on the site to watch and learn from - not having done the 'personalised video' bit I can't comment, but I've no reason to doubt it and it sounds like an excellent facility for newbies or those wanting to brush up on their skills. I'll shut up now (at last), I tend to bite when the cynicism starts as it's counterproductive to automatically assume everyone is out for what they can get - many T2W users, and not a few of those selling services, are very keen traders who are more than happy to pass gems along for minimal (if any) outlay... we must avoid ejecting baby along with the bathwater,. for every Doji Darren there are several hard working individuals who aren't out for all they can get!

Glad to see u got your flag sorted out :)

With respect, I disagree!

Well said, my sentiments exactly :)
Hi Guys,

I think one of the other key issues that maybe needs re-iterating is the fact of the support in all of this. Yes, the modules have a degree of stock answers, but these aren't automated and I read every module sent to me. There is also the personalised analysis videos, where we look to see how your analysis can be improved upon. As well as all the other training and trading tools found on member site.

However, the key aspect of what I provide is support every step of the way, from student to trader. Obviously it is up to the student to request this and I do try my best to look to see where it maybe needed for that student also. But a student knowing that they can request support, help and guidance quickly and easily from their tutor is key, throughout their training and beyond. It was this that lead me to create Insight Support Ltd - as I felt that there was a need for someone that could provide cost effective training with a solid and secure support structure behind it. Training courses are a plenty - that we know, support for that training sadly is limited and so was borne Insight to provide a solution to both training and support.

Finally, what I want to assure everyone is this. Part of reason of having four people of varying trading skills try out the course, was to provide everyone with a inside view of the course itself - but to also allow me to see which areas could be improved upon and WILL be addressed and improved upon. The courses thankfully aren't set in stone. Which at the end of day, allows me to take everything these guys tell you (and me) and I improve the course as a result.

I see all this as good - you benefit by reading about a training course, the reviewer benefit from receiving some good solid free training and support, and finally I benefit from knowing which aspects of the course need improvement and will be improved and changed as a result of this exercise :)
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yep - the 'stock answer' bit is just how the replies come across, I find myself in agreement with most of the review material I've seen, we pretty well think this is a good site and service. I can understand that maybe it's the way the replies are crafted that gives the wrong impression, and you are quite right to point out that this is only a small part of the service anyway - I wouldn't want anyone reading my comments to think I consider it a huge problem and it would perhaps be productive to draw a line under that issue.

I completely agree on the final part - I can see no problem here at all, and I was far more irked by the automatic machine gun fire the reviewers were subjected to. I can see no downside to having genuine T2W members reviewing things like this, be it services, software, books... hence the review section on this site in fact, which I for one refer to when choosing what to go for next on my Christmas list! I picked my SB company based on the reviews here having read a few of the company specific threads - that was far more use to me than the semi advertising of the average magazine review. The only issue is whether the reviewers are truly independent in such cases, and I think you'd have to be seriously paranoid to doubt that in this case.

ok, finally got around to the next 2 modules!

Again, fair to say that most of the content I had already picked up over the last 6 months, but I repeat if I was totally new it would be an excellent resource. The latter part of the modules covered other types of trades and tho I was aware of the names i.e. binary, boundary, fixed odds etc, I wasn't fully aware of the detail. I know that your SB/broker would explain these to u on request, however again I would say it is the easy writing/explanation style that make these modules appealing. I have submitted my "coursework" online and await the reviewed answers.

so far good...