Futex 1st interview

Hey Skill, it's obvious you've been promoted to PR consultant for Futex, which is OK I suppose.

Yes I can qualify 'chumps' for you:

Futex are chumps, period.

Don't mean to be rude but you say you worked at futex for a year and it obviously didn't work out. What makes you think you can be profitable in this instance?

Also does the backer really understand the chances of him making/losing money from this?

Best of luck with whatever you decide.

Fair comment, however when I was there they were keeping trainees on the simulator forever, I started with TD and I understand he has only rescently come off the sim! With no salary and no chance at making I could no longer afford to live especialy with a £100 a week train fair to Woking! However with this I will not be on a sim and I can walk to work so the pressures to make money from the start will be a lot less. When you have no pressure to make money, it's a lot easier!

What's so bad about keeping people on a sim until they're ready for the live market? Seems a bit silly to give people real money to bin in the live market when they've not yet shown they can make consistent money on a sim.
What's so bad about keeping people on a sim until they're ready for the live market? Seems a bit silly to give people real money to bin in the live market when they've not yet shown they can make consistent money on a sim.

Sim trading, mmmmmm not quite the same as a live market. Very different in fact. Not much is said about their retention/success rate of training new traders but why should they care when there are always a fresh set of grads to choose from every three months that they can cherry pick to keep. We will never be able to get an independant/unbiased view point about these issues. Forums like this are the only source of info for potential failed traders at Futex.

As you were.
Sim trading, mmmmmm not quite the same as a live market. Very different in fact. Not much is said about their retention/success rate of training new traders but why should they care when there are always a fresh set of grads to choose from every three months that they can cherry pick to keep. We will never be able to get an independant/unbiased view point about these issues. Forums like this are the only source of info for potential failed traders at Futex.

As you were.

We should rename this thread 'Post here if you want to rant after failing your assessment', that's all it seems to be good for
I have the test tomorrow, what do I need to know for the occupational and financial section?
I like how you said yes it does then underneath it says only morons take my advice!

On a serious note, what will come up on the financial section, will I need to know things like current market prices and interest rates?
Also do do they hire people that havent been to uni. I have been spread betting since the age of 13, so I have a fair amount of experience...
I have the test tomorrow, what do I need to know for the occupational and financial section?

What to know for your test is the least of your problems. You need to make sure you have deep pockets and can stand being stuck on a simulator for until they think you are a profitable trader. Your experience will help you in this regard somewhat.

By the way, don't mind Skill Leverage's lack of assistance, he's a PR consultant for Futex, although on this occasion he has failed miserably. I suspect he is also a hack. You may have seen him today at your test. How did you get on by the way?

The UK is littered with failed alumni from this prestigious (read Mickey Mouse) institution. Your best bet is to trade your own account.

As you were.

Thanks, I hope I get through to the first interview. The test was fine (I hope) they had questions like what's rsi and the prices of a few things.

The guy was honest and said that lots of you wont make it. They have about 50 traders in woking, when you first start it will be a 50:50 split, if you have a million in your account it goes to 90:10.

You have to sign up to a 4 year contract if you get through.