
He will just teach TA. I've seen some DVDs. All this info is in the links above and below.
Search on youtube - there's plenty of snippets of vince on there

You will notice he gives good advice - but most importantly he doesn't actually tell you HOW to trade .
I've seen the neighbour's £300 course. It is just a crossover moving average system - kid's stuff !!
As far as I remember it was 20 and 200
ihve been trading with vince
i can only say that he makes money in RE and lose it in forex
and he didnt pay me for the successful signals i gave him
By all accounts, I suspect he's a very smart individual. He sees a market for those who want the easy way to stock market millions without having to work for it. He's playing on their greed.
ok so vinces course is expensive but does it work.he must no what he is doing ig index offer vince settings on there charts so cant be a scam