You can get something very similar from Commodities Research Bureau called CRB TrendTrader. At considerably lower cost.
They also provide daily updates, as opposed to weekly, and much more detail. If you are into medium to long term trading of commodities, forex, indices, interest rates, and a few ETFs, then this seems to me to be a good service, with a sensible strategy. You can also get subscribed, for a little more, to their Futures market service, which provides news, including COT positions/changes of large specs etc.
CRB are one of the most highly respected outfits in this business and have been in operation since 1934. They publish the CRB commodity yearbook annually. TrendTrader was launched in 1964, but still seems to do well. They provide P/L information in the daily report so you can see what is doing well or badly.
Of course, all the usual caveats apply in trading commodities, the most important for me being never to risk too much on any one trade (1-2%), and never to take on too many positions (10-15% of total bank at any one time).