UK Politics

Good lord no.
Has to be Sunak.

What this country needs is intelligence at the top and a team behind them who are in position on merit.
There has been far too much attention paid to ensuring that minorities and deviants get their share of the limelight. All that nonsense must end pronto. There's a serious job to be done and little time left to do it.

Imagine this.

Sunak PM and Reece Mogg.
Dream team.

Could even bring back Cummings to sort out the civil service.

Country is failing. Nothing works.

Railways, teachers, doctors, nurses, care workers, police numbers and salaries all below par.

NHS doomed. Elderly rotting vegetables. Universities with no money. No grants for research.

Whats the solution.

More tax cuts for the well off to cause more inflationary pressures.

Tory g8 minds leading the UK to mini Island status for laundering wealth to other mini islands in the sun.

Crazy sh!t IMHO. Tories have fooked up Great Britain for 2 or 3 decades.
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Tax cuts have historically been shown to be an excellent way to promote growth in a national economy.

BUT, only if they are awarded to all earners. And the tax regime has to be adjusted as a whole - e.g. Income Tax cuts are ineffective if National Insurance is increased, or duty piled onto petrol and diesel. Tax cuts are also ineffective if the lower threshold is not raised - this has been frozen for years, so more and more lower paid earners are paying tax on more and more of their income.

Sadly, weak administrations have taken easy routes on this in the past, as this one does. They cut Income Tax for a few people (to fulfil a Manifesto pledge for example, and to maintain the government's total tax take) but leave it unchanged for the great majority (or even increase their total tax burden). All behaviours of Johnson's administration, which is all about image of doing something good for the UK, rather than doing something which is good for the UK but risky for them.
Tax cuts have historically been shown to be an excellent way to promote growth in a national economy.
The problem is not growth. It is double-digit inflation.

We are looking at food inflation.
Energy inflation.
Soon coming to us all... wage inflation against poor productivity output.

Tax cuts would be like pouring more gas into the fire of inflation. Very bad idea imho.
The direct benefit of reduced taxation is of course that every person or financial entity impacted by the cuts has more to spend or invest.

A great benefit from reduced taxation is indirect. It provides the government with less money to spend. Which, if you distrust governments and assess them as economically pathetic, is a good thing isn't it?

Who amongst us has so much faith in any British government's competence and goodwill that we would like to give them more money?
The direct benefit of reduced taxation is of course that every person or financial entity impacted by the cuts has more to spend or invest.

A great benefit from reduced taxation is indirect. It provides the government with less money to spend. Which, if you distrust governments and assess them as economically pathetic, is a good thing isn't it?

Who amongst us has so much faith in any British government's competence and goodwill that we would like to give them more money?

Well all the public services will start to fail that's for sure.

Without a corresponding increase in productivity output that extra disposable income will feed inflation.

UK will also lose international competitiveness.

The extra disposable income for the rich and wealthy will be mostly spent on imported goods and services or holidays or multiple property investments. That will lead to a deteriorating Balance of Payments and fall in sterling which will further be reflected in imported food and fuel prices.

If you want to balance books, then cut in taxation should be met by cuts in public services and privatisation of those services. How do you think that'll fly with the majority of the UK public.

We've been here before. Thatcher comes to mind. Look at the Railways. Private monopolies which the tax payer still pays money into with subsidies. The mind boggles.
Yes indeed, I would love to see cuts in multiple public services. Starting with the biggest, the sacrosanct NHS.

But tax cuts must not be directed at minorities for political kudos and the perception that a manifesto pledge has been met, or to prove conservative credentials. Tax cuts must be across the board and the entire taxation burden should be reduced, not just headline tinkering with this Tax or that Tax. There's no point tinkering with Income Tax alone, or NI alone - its got to be a review of these plus corporation tax plus inheritance tax plus fuel duties plus VAT. Otherwise we end up with one hand receiving tax rebates and the other paying it out. Which results in bigger state with more money, more power and more cock-up.

Johnson has no political ethos beyond, 1) get power, 2) keep power. I hope for his early replacement and the launch of policies good for the UK, not just BJ.

The Snake...

Just remember these are the people who sold you Brexit to get into power.

They will do anything to seek power and stay there.

The problem is not growth. It is double-digit inflation.

We are looking at food inflation.
Energy inflation.
Soon coming to us all... wage inflation against poor productivity output.

Tax cuts would be like pouring more gas into the fire of inflation. Very bad idea imho.
All stems from energy inflation because of the climate change agenda, which the politicians have either driven or jumped onboard.

There are proven new oil and gas fields all around Britain and indeed onshore. None of which are moving forward yet, but they will eventually when the politicians realise that energy independence is critical for the UK. Given that Russia is currently exploiting this situation, I suspect it won't be long before we change direction and a new energy policy is put in place.
Just remember these are the people who sold you Brexit to get into power.

They will do anything to seek power and stay there.

I remember Jeremy Corbyn campaigning for decades that we should get out of the EU. He suddenly changed his mind when it seemed this was a vote-loser amongst Labour voters.

So surely, was he not likewise prepared to do anything to seek power?
All stems from energy inflation because of the climate change agenda, which the politicians have either driven or jumped onboard.
Very true, c_v.
There are proven new oil and gas fields all around Britain and indeed onshore. None of which are moving forward yet, but they will eventually when the politicians realise that energy independence is critical for the UK. Given that Russia is currently exploiting this situation, I suspect it won't be long before we change direction and a new energy policy is put in place.
I wish that were the case. Sadly, for whatever reason(s), politicians of all hues are totally committed to the 'green' net zero bollox which means that we're never going back to fossil fuels. It's a crazy objective that will make little difference to carbon emissions - not least because the likes of China and India will take up the slack to generate the power to manufacture the goods we all buy. It's so utterly batshit crazy that I struggle to find an alternative explanation that it's a deliberate policy by the west to scupper their own economies in order to usher in a new world order and 6uild 6ack 6etter with central bank digital currencies. Even if that is just a tin hat conspiracy theory, the powers that be are completely in the grip of the climate change cult and show no sign of moving away from it.
I have to think the western policy of struggle to eliminate fossil fuel usage is more to do with politics, diplomacy and international relations than protecting and repairing the environment.

In that context it is completely rational that western democratic governments move in step. Whether its right or wrong in terms of environmental science is not the question.

Until the scientific community pronounces the emergency over and the death of the planet is not going to occur imminently, we are forced to go through a lot of green-induced pain and self-damage. Its the membership fee.
Just remember these are the people who sold you Brexit to get into power.

They will do anything to seek power and stay there.

This is factually wrong, Brexit had already been decided before Johnson got into power and have you forgotten that Cameron was very pro EU. It was the British people who brought the UK Brexit and before the campaign even started pretty much everyone had already made their mind up. The alternative in 2019 was to have Corbyn who hates the UK and everything it stands for and people realized this and it was more an aversion to having a move towards a socialist state that got Johnson into power.

There is also a fallacy that Johnson somehow managed to persuade a lot of people to vote for Brexit when it has since been shown that as soon as Cameron set the date it was already decided.

Anyway now that Johnson has gone it will be interesting to see what happens.
I remember Jeremy Corbyn campaigning for decades that we should get out of the EU. He suddenly changed his mind when it seemed this was a vote-loser amongst Labour voters.

So surely, was he not likewise prepared to do anything to seek power?
You are right in that Labour was always anti-EU and Conservatives pro-EU back in the 70s and 80s until Thatcher initiated the clawback of some UK contributions, which set off the EU-sceptics in the party.

However, the change in shift for Corbyn is more to do with EU labour laws supporting worker rights than a mad desire for power.

I also believe Corbyn is a far more principled mad; rightly or wrongly and stands by them whether they cost him votes or not.

As we all know, his views have cost him votes and he is now an independent.
This is factually wrong, Brexit had already been decided before Johnson got into power and have you forgotten that Cameron was very pro EU. It was the British people who brought the UK Brexit and before the campaign even started pretty much everyone had already made their mind up. The alternative in 2019 was to have Corbyn who hates the UK and everything it stands for and people realized this and it was more an aversion to having a move towards a socialist state that got Johnson into power.

There is also a fallacy that Johnson somehow managed to persuade a lot of people to vote for Brexit when it has since been shown that as soon as Cameron set the date it was already decided.

It is not wrong.

They were the key leading spokesman campaigning for Brexit.

Boris whilst London Mayor was also pro-EU. In fact, he took a long hard weekend break, whilst all the papers discussed what he would say as he kept quiet for a while not disclosing his views and negotiating with the sceptics behind closed doors.
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