Tottenham Riots

"On one occasion I paid £180 for three crates of champagne and at the same time nicked £4 of stuff - how ridiculous and how stupid”

Antony Worrall Thompson

BBC News - Why do well-off people shoplift?

I reckon the looters can learn a thing or two from these politicians and celebrities and well to do people.

If you make your self presentable, smile and talk politely and avoid physical assault whilst proceeding to fraud, steal and effectively take what you desire then you will be treated with kind tenderness, be invited on talk shows and get paid more money for interviews.

Amazing what sort of justifications these psychologists can come up with.

Can just see the well paid defence council in suits defending some petty criminal. Sob story so saaaadddddddd!

Research by retail consultants Global Retail Theft Barometer and Checkpoint Systems has suggested a new wave of middle-class shoplifter is targeting high-end delicacies from supermarkets in order to maintain a lifestyle they could no longer afford. These are people who appear to be reputable and often justify their actions by arguing that they have become victims to the economic recession.

Sooooooooooooo not funnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
"On one occasion I paid £180 for three crates of champagne and at the same time nicked £4 of stuff - how ridiculous and how stupid”

Antony Worrall Thompson

BBC News - Why do well-off people shoplift?

I reckon the looters can learn a thing or two from these politicians and celebrities and well to do people.

If you make your self presentable, smile and talk politely and avoid physical assault whilst proceeding to fraud, steal and effectively take what you desire then you will be treated with kind tenderness, be invited on talk shows and get paid more money for interviews.

Amazing what sort of justifications these psychologists can come up with.

Can just see the well paid defence council in suits defending some petty criminal. Sob story so saaaadddddddd!

Research by retail consultants Global Retail Theft Barometer and Checkpoint Systems has suggested a new wave of middle-class shoplifter is targeting high-end delicacies from supermarkets in order to maintain a lifestyle they could no longer afford. These are people who appear to be reputable and often justify their actions by arguing that they have become victims to the economic recession.

Sooooooooooooo not funnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

Yeah, this is what happens when normally fair, tax paying, law abiding citizens feel they are being systematically robbed by the govt etc (which of course they are). They probably decide it's fair game to do a little robbing themselves just to even the score. So given that they cannot rob from those who rob them, they pick an easy target like a shop,(who in another way are also robbing them) as documented recently in the battle of the supermarkets and their phoney offers.

So some of it may be absent mindedness, some of it wil be opportunistic (a situation presents itself and they just take advantage) but I suspect a great deal more of it is willful.
A mixture of the " pigsty culture " from the USA of " greed is good " etc and local " chav culture " of " what's innit for me ".
Likely to consume everything possible and turn the planet into one big garbage heap.
The Empire Strikes Back

BBC News - Former RBS boss Fred Goodwin stripped of knighthood

This guy is such a jerk.

Buys a bank worth **** without doing any due dilligence. How much of an idiot do you have to be to lead this kind of outfit and be paid a fortune for it? He is reportedly to have had backing by the people in the know who believed - hey it's ok. Fred has done this sort of thing before. Oh yes jolly good, bank is in experienced hands... What a load of pricks the lot of em...

About time some action is finally taken by her majesty in recognising disservice to the the empire by these greedy fockers who deserve the dungeons for their greed. :clap::clap::clap:
dont know why but i always have some respect to people who lose that kind of money, takes real skill lol
I respect anyone who can snake their way to multi million pound remuneration packages without having a clue what they're doing.
I respect anyone who can snake their way to multi million pound remuneration packages without having a clue what they're doing.

Well you know who they are?

They are the ones walking around with plackards round their kneck;

Stop bank bashing today!

Pay more tax...

Receive less dividends...

Rich banker needs your help now!

What a whitewash - taking away his tin star !!

They should strip him of his assetts . OK let's not be too harsh - so leave him with£500 and the clothes he stands up in !!