Imagine a situation whereby you discovered a very profitable system that you could easily automate.
What would you do:
a: keep it secret, and trade it like a bandit;
b: keep it secret, demo to a fund, and get some kind of big-figure price, and commissions / royalties;
c: make it available to every regular joe, for a "small" fee, and then have to answer every tedious email asking why it wont work / how to install it / how to change the bar colours / can I have a refund (after 4 days) / have someone copy it and sell it for a cheaper price?
Unfortunately, any good idea is likely to remain secret.
Anything not secret, requires a lot of learning, understanding, practice, followed by a moment of revelation.
Asking for a robot, almost by definition, is asking for instant profits without having to make any effort.
good luck anyway.
You already answered this here:
I think Sharky is way ahead of you here.
He is beta-testing a Fibo_bot amongst us here.
I loved it and wanted to reply but dig this, Rambo McQueen blocked me with "insufficient privileges to post in this thread"
I thought that was mighty peculiar given I had never posted to that thread before. On closer inspection it became clear why. Rambo McQueen had the best/only lafffff ever.
So to protect his Brits from just ONE American he locked me out.
Just one guy and still cannot get a fair fight LOL