get the facts right........
PitBull said:
I thought I would keep everybody informed of the latest news from Sandy jadeeja. who runs free workshops at Finspreads to promote his course. Another so called shark baying for your money
He has his new website up and running which is called
Check out the previous threads also.
Happy Trading and have a good weekend.
I saw your remarks and to put it politely ........ maybe finding out something about Sandy's course before putting derogitory remarks on a public forum would be in order?
I did his course in the summer and it turned my trading around. I make good / increasing and regular profits using the methods he taught me.
I did a more advanced course yesterday and it just blew me away how accurate his methods are (and yes, I have been going over lots of charts testing things!).
Books are invaluble but not in the same ballpark as face to face instruction.
Sandy is anything BUT a shark and indeed is quyite the opposite ......... a case in point was aq coversation I overheard him having with a person who was arguing a point with him that they did not want to use his method of choosing when to get into a market (and out) and how to use money management. He listened patiently then simply asked "why?" . The reply was "I don't like losing" (This was in reference to getting out of losing trades). He then simply said "My advice to you is to stop trading and put your money in a bank account. If you don't like losing you will not get out of the markets at the right time if they go against you and you will lose everything."
I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him there, but the point is he doesn't just take the money and run, he genuinely cares about his students and whether they succeed or lose.
I've done a lot of seminars this year (some free / some paid) and his course and methods are superb.
The only drawback is that he can SHOW you what to do, but you've still got to put in a bit of effort to put it into practice ............ it never ceases to amaze me how much time people spend TALKING about things rather than just DOING..........