Sandy J - is he that brilliant?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zenda
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Well-known member
Call me a cynic (with 4 points warning) but the last 3 reviews of this mans course Nearly 100% five Stars (WOW) - (is it the Free one or the pay one!) have been downright outstanding and all from brand new members to the site! what a coincidence- The last one dwijen is highly qualified as a newcomer (see pic) - ?? Sharky I know your at the Christmas Party today but you really must not allow this blatent abuse of this very good website. Can other members comment!!


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Thanks, Zenda, it is under investigation, as are some other anomalies with reviews. Please be aware that we are able to identify those that try to dupe us by registering twice or more... and no, I can't tell you how. I'll give you some bonus point but I don't know how. 🙁
Do you know what - I am sick and tired of all you suspicious people on this Bulletin Board. I attended Sandy Jadejas day course yesterday and I found it to be an extremely well thought out method of trading. Sandy made no outrageous promises of how you can make your 1st million - in fact he goes the opposite way by advising you to take out only very small bites from the market with your trades by using a price action method supported by Fibonnacci, which is the method he teaches you.

He has an excellent section on money management which shows you how to calculate the exact amount of your capital to risk on each point (for spread betters). This money management section will probably be a life saver for newbies. For me personally the course pressed all the right buttons because I have been trading for nearly a year now and have found myself the victim of Information Overload eg do I use this indicator or that one? etc etc. I have now been introduced to a price action method which has done away with all my confusions and one which I am sure is going to positively benefit my trading. Sandy was also an excellent presenter and very patiently explained any queries in easy to understand language.

I am the person responsible for this BB getting the latest reviews on Sandy's Course because during introduction time we were asked where we had heard about his course and I told everybody that I had read a very negative thread on the Trade2Win BB but that the negativity hadn't put me off making my own decision to invest in myself for learning purposes. After all we don't all have the luxury of having a 1:1 mentor such as
Skimbleshanks. Incidentally it has always been Skimbleshank's thread on trading by price action & not indicators that I have related to as being the way that I would like to trade and if you are reading this Skimbleshanks it was very informative - thank you.

Sandy has now shown me a method that I am very happy to take forward and use and of course I will keep all you negative people happy by letting you know how I get on be it good or bad. At the end of the course Sandy asked us if we had thought the course had been good value for money and the unanimous decision of all 11 delegates was "YES IT WAS". So I said to the other delegates that in view of the negative thread I had read then why not post the Trade2Win BB with their reviews of the seminar hence I presume the seminar reviews that some of you are now wingeing about.

I have nearly finished now for people that have read this far.

Sharky I have nothing whatsoever to do with Sandy Jadeja apart from attending his course so if you remove my post I will be furious ! I am also going to post a report on the Seminar Review tomorrow and I can assure you all it will be a highly rated one and I do not want that removed either. I am writing this at 01:35 in the morning having just got home from London - Home being not that far from where Sharky lives which I am sure he can verify from my Registration details.

So to sum up for all you doubting Thomases out there I probably initiated the responses you have seen today and yesterday but these people are only expressing their experiences of Sandy's course and I understand they have every right to do so on this board.

Myself - I thought the course was a well thought out method of trading, excellently presented, 11 candiates in all so a nice size of class. We also have a 1:1 follow up with Sandy in a couple of months time and unlimited access to his e-mail address, his home phone no and his work phone no and incidentally there was a guy on my seminar who was doing it for a 2nd time and he confirmed that Sandy does indeed answer his phone & spends as long as it takes to explain your query. All in all excellent value for money.

So come on all you knockers I'm waiting for your usual negative comments but to be quite honest I don't really care! Why can't you just let people who want to learn invest in themselves. By the way how about a bit of brain surgery - I haven't trained but I've read about it in a book........

Jay Kay3 :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
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JK (just returning to t2w after an absence of over 2 months...) why was the guy attending the same course for the second time?

I'm not trying to insinuate anything, I'm just curious.

TheBramble said:
JK (just returning to t2w after an absence of over 2 months...) why was the guy attending the same course for the second time?

I'm not trying to insinuate anything, I'm just curious.


Firstly who has just returned to t2w after an absence of over 2 months you or me ? If it's you then welcome back. If it's me - then let me correct you - I joined in August 2003 and have never been away ie have been a regular reader of the BB since my registration and posted my first post on 01/11/03 (not that posting is a requirement of membership ). So sorry I can't understand what the relevance of your 2 month absence comment is apart from re-iterating "Welcome Back".

Regarding the guy attending the course for the 2nd time - Sandy's method of teaching is price action without the use of indicators but this guy had gone away after the 1st time and added lots of indicators to the recommended method. He then got himself totally confused by trying to combine what he had been taught with his own ways of trading hence slipping back into his old ways. After ringing Sandy on the support line it was then suggested by Sandy that he came back for a refresher (and I believe it was at no cost to himself but I am not 100% certain on that as there is only so much you can talk about during your tea breaks !) But I do remember the guy in question telling Sandy that after the 2nd time around it had all fallen into place. I do not know if this guy was one of the delegates who posted a Seminar Review and I would not know his User Name but Paul from Potters Bar if you are reading this some time then maybe you could let the very negative people on this BB know what you thought about the course.

As for your "I'm not trying to insinuate anything" comment - Yawn! Yawn! Of course you are but you strike me as one of the petty minded people who populate this board and who seem to have an attack of the sour grapes whenever anybody else may want to try and learn a better or more successful method than what they have currently been doing.

I still stand by all my original comments - the course was excellent & I would most certainly recommend it to others. Whether the methods teached are going to produce succesful trades for me then obviously I have yet to find that out but the method teached pressed all the right buttons for me and I will be giving it a damn good try !

I said I would report back but I may decide to have a 2 month break from trade2win (just like you) because today I am finding the suspicious, narrow minded attitudes of certain negative people regarding trainers just so very slightly irritating. Keep up the good work Sandy, Naz, Mr Charts, John B and any other trainer who has had a good review on here. There are some of us out here who positively benefit from your teachings. Cheers Guys !

Jay Kay3 :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
I went on Sandy's course in November and yes I am also a newbie to this board, but I have nothing to do with JayKay3 or Sandy. I did not see the negative thread regarding his seminar, he did ask me to give him a fair review, and I did. I knocked one point off his teaching abilities and that was because he is quite quitely spoken and I couldn't always here him, ( I haven't got the best hearing either)

If you wish to wipe my assesment of the board because a member of a TA society has got out of the wrong side of bed then do so.

The only reason I haven't gone completely live with his teachings is because I want to make sure I have fully aborbed it and that it suits me, as sometimes it can be rather uncanny, or to put it another way, one of Sandy's techniques would have said that the Dec Dax would meet resistance at around 3927 or 3937 take a look at the 2 minute chart this morning.

So Zenda, if you thinks it's a load of old tosh DONT GO TO A SEMINAR, it's as simple as that. :cheesy:
I am neither a knocker nor detractor, but I admit the reviews appearing all at once from people with no, or little history here looked a little strange. I think that's the point Zenda was making. That doesn't make them wrong though.
Pleased you all found it useful and good luck in your trading.
The problem we all saw was there suddenly appeared, out of the blue, loads of glowing reports. It was almost as if SandyJ was offering a money-back offer in return for posting an excellent report (only a joke). And that is why all the negativity started to appear.

Jaykay3 is the only person to have given even the slightest inkling as to what it is that SandyJ teaches - again, when people write reviews but fail to give the foundation on which the review is based, then it does appear to be 'invented'.

But finally you have given all the facts that were missing from all the reviews, so thank you for that. I had no idea that SandyJ taught price action, so I too have now learnt something.

It will be interesting to see how you all get on now that the course is over, and you're on your own. So do keep posting on these boards, as you obviously have something good to share with us all (without giving away the good juicy secrets, of course!).
Oatman's observations ( and others) is correct. We ( the mods) keep a careful eye on things on this BB. One of the topics is pumping, and it was seen that a number of new members had posted about Sandy's course at the same time. It is clear from your posting's, JK that this was clearly a coincidence and not a "put up job". Please understand our desire to maintain this BB at a high standard of integrity. Sometimes we get it wrong. Appologies to those concerned.

So - you liked the course then 😀

If it was based on price action then you should find it very useful.
The course price is not outrageous either.

Hope all you attendees post up your experiences in the near future which means we might be able to include on our site another tried and tested course providor for new to trading persons.

Good luck.
jaykay3 said:

Firstly who has just returned to t2w after an absence of over 2 months you or me ? If it's you then welcome back. If it's me - then let me correct you - I joined in August 2003 and have never been away ie have been a regular reader of the BB since my registration and posted my first post on 01/11/03 (not that posting is a requirement of membership ). So sorry I can't understand what the relevance of your 2 month absence comment is apart from re-iterating "Welcome Back".

It was my absence. I was apologising for responding to an 'old' thread, but one that I felt was worth a response. You seem a little tetchy, not to mention defensive, but I guess given the treatment you feel you've received - it's understandable.

As for your "I'm not trying to insinuate anything" comment - Yawn! Yawn! Of course you are but you strike me as one of the petty minded people who populate this board and who seem to have an attack of the sour grapes whenever anybody else may want to try and learn a better or more successful method than what they have currently been doing.

Well, you do seem to be able to read an awful lot into a simple statement. I hope you're better at interpreting your course notes than you are my posting...My intention was precisely to avoid implying anything as you already seemed a little prickly. Seems all I did was irritate your already hightened state of resentment toward the world and his wife on t2w.

I said I would report back but I may decide to have a 2 month break from trade2win (just like you) because today I am finding the suspicious, narrow minded attitudes of certain negative people regarding trainers just so very slightly irritating. .

I didn't have a break for that reason - I just ran out of pocket money for trading.

I'm sure you'll find a (lengthy) break useful. I know we will.
Skimbleshanks, Chartman and Neil - thank you for acknowledging that I am a genuine poster with something positive to report about a training method that I have identified with.

The Bramble - I'm not even going to waste any energy on you - I didn't join this board for slanging matches and it is something that I actually dislike about BB's in general.

Skimbleshanks - I have drifted for some time now and hold my hand up to a string of very unsuccessful trades - I have tried this, that and the other. I love reading Chartmans thread re the Dow and Bonsais thread re the FTSE but I cannot seem to trade successfully myself with these methods. I think I have already mentioned a few times that the more indicators I use the more confused I get so when I discovered your thread on price action without indicators it definitely touched a chord with me.

I phoned Sandy Jadeja before I committed any money to his course and he assured me it was not another 'crossing of moving averages' course but that it involved price action with fibonnacci. I am in full time employment and another attraction to me was to be able to set up my trades using EOD data for position trades - ideal for me. Although for all the Day Traders out there Sandy does cover day trading with his method.
I am not going to say much more about Sandy's course otherwise you will be thinking I have had a backhander so I will end up by saying that until I trade for real with his methods then I cannot say how good the course truly was (or wasn't) but what I can say is that between you ie Skimbleshanks for the thread and Sandy for the course it has definitely given me the leg up I needed. Thank You.

JayKay3 😛

Have you used the Sandy J strategy yet. If yes, with what result.


the moderator responses explain the problem - the reviews mimic typical 'scam' postings designed purely to dupe gullible newbies... thankfully they were actually legit, and all you had to do was explain that. A subsequent apology from one of the concerned was, I thought, well put. The Bramble made one ambiguous point that you took wrongly, and I would suggest your main argument ought to be with the tone of the original posting - which was incautious but not surprising (9/10 times this WOULD have been a blatant rip off attempt - it's happened plenty before and it'll happen plenty in future).
Since you first told everyone that the posts were legitimate I've seen nothing but interest expressed, I for one have a mental 'tick' against this guy as a result of this thread. Knowing you are a legitimate poster, and not the result of one trickster generating multiple IDs in a bid to trick newbies, is all it took.

Just give me a little bit of time on this one. I only attended Sandy's course towards the end of December then Christmas and now flu ! I am also in full time employment so learning time is limited to evenings which with a 2 year old daughter isn't proving to be very easy. Obviously the next step for me is to practice, practice, practice but I have said all along that I will let people know the outcome of my trades whether they be good or bad. But I am afraid you will just have to persevere until I am ready.

I can only remember the name of one other person from my course which was Paul from Potters Bar but a few of them said they were going to post on here so maybe any of those who have been quicker off the starting blocks than me may like to let Bracke etc know how they have been doing.

I still have faith in the method taught and it is still the method I feel is most suited to me ie price action without indicators and preparation using EOD prices which is ideal when you work full time (assuming I can lock my daughter out of the computer room long enough ! lol ) :cheesy:

Dave JB,

Yes, I probably did take the ambiguous point from The Bramble the wrong way but I expect I was feeling cross at the time due to all the negativity directed towards Sandy's course when the majority of people moaning did not even know what he teaches or how well he teaches it. Just as an aside I have attended other courses, not I might add by the usual suspects (VS & DW), and whilst not a complete waste of time they didn't teach me how to enter or exit a trade and can be best described as glorified TA courses. The reason for telling you this is to illustrate I have had other courses from which to draw a comparison for usefulness of teaching methods.
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Proof of the pudding is in the eating ! Post a few of Sandy's trades and we'll give you an honest opinion as to whether you've been duped or not.

jslee said:

Proof of the pudding is in the eating ! Post a few of Sandy's trades and we'll give you an honest opinion as to whether you've been duped or not.



And what qualifications would you have to decide whether I have been duped or not when you blindly follow cj12 & Index Kings' trades. You also admit to purchasing Juanbytes Spreadbetting book but haven't as yet posted any of your trades from his teachings. When you do we will let you know whether you have been duped or not.

By the way I will not be posting any of Sandy's trades nor will I be posting any of my own trades (past, present or future) - what I said I would do is to let people know whether or not the course has taught me a successful method which I will not know until I have done some live trades. Oh and don't start asking me for trading records etc.......