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Join this weekly competition, buy indexoptions and win the title* "The optiontrader of the week!".

Starting 3: November 2014 and runs as long as there is an interest.

****** SHORT FACTS ******
- Anyone can join anytime.
- You can do ONE buy of indexoptions each week, any tradingday, by writing in this thread. Then you either hold the options or sell by writing in this thread.
- The winner is presented on Sunday each week in this thread.

****** PLACING ORDER ******
BUY: Write in this thread when the market is open,: "I buy S&P-500 1900 W07, because of a double top in chart.".

SELL: Write in this thread when the market is open: "I sell my 4000 November calls of Nasdaq-100 because lost of momentum".

****** READ CAREFUL ******
- You MUST write WHY you buy or sell the options.
- You can only make ONE buy and sell them each week.
- 3-20 traders can join each week.
- Monthly and weekly indexoptions of index below.
- Buy and sell to day-end-data.
- Buy at ask-price, sell at bid-price.
- The winner must have a positive result.
- If two traders make the exact same trades, the second buyer can't win.
- I do the work and collect data with this competition at start and I will join too.

****** INDEX TO TRADE ******
Index Link Hours Timezone
S&P-500 cboe.com 08.30-15.15 Chicago
Nasdaq-100 cboe.com (same)
OMXS30 nasdaqomxnordic.com 09.00-17.25 CET

Suggestions, questions and comments* about the competition are welcome

Place your orders!!!
So for example we can make any play (buy/sell) on any underlying in those indexes....or just the index themselves?
So for example we can make any play (buy/sell) on any underlying in those indexes....or just the index themselves?

You buy options of OMXS30, Nasdaq-100 or S&P-500 any trading day. Then you either hold them to Friday close or sell them.
Haha...ye I read that in the initial post. My confusion lies in the fact that those indexes have derivatives of themselves....ie. SPY and QQQ for example(and there are others). So you might be saying that we can only trade derivatives of those indexes....or you might be saying that we can choose to trade any derivatives of stocks that are listed in those indexes.

Also how will the winner be determined? Will it be based on "return on capital" or ?

And I hate be be a pain but am I to understand that you are confining the picks to "Buy to Open" and "Sell to Close". Or can we also "Sell to open" and Buy to Close".
why only one trade per week and not one per day, is it to keep the trading to a minimum?
Only calls and puts of three index. Nasdaq-100, S&P-500 and OMXS30.

No stockoptions.

To win, your indexoptions must raise in value. The most persent raise of indexoptions will win.

The link is to Stockholm Stockexchange as it used to be called.

1. Click on "Options & futures", at top.
2 Choose "SEK Indexoptions & futures" in scroll-list.
3. Click on "OMX STOCKHOLM 30 INDEX".
I have no idea what you mean. You're going to have to spell it out.

The weekly optiontrader-competition starts next week, 3 November 2014.
The traders who joins do ONE buy of indexoptions. Indexoptions, they don't need to sell. If they want to sell before Friday they write sell order in this thread. The execution of order at the days close of bid- and askprice.

I hope I dont annoy any by repeating my self.

I want to see what the real optionpros can do in the long run by one buying a week. Traders like you ac. I think its easy to relax and chill out if there aint no competition. Your knifes get sharpened and you feel you have to be better if you wanna be in top of a competition. And, "kvack, kvack", who doesnt wanna be "The optiontrader of the week". At least one time in life.

Nice catch of your puts BTW.
The weekly optiontrader-competition starts next week, 3 November 2014.
The traders who joins do ONE buy of indexoptions. Indexoptions, they don't need to sell. If they want to sell before Friday they write sell order in this thread. The execution of order at the days close of bid- and askprice.

I hope I dont annoy any by repeating my self.

I want to see what the real optionpros can do in the long run by one buying a week. Traders like you ac. I think its easy to relax and chill out if there aint no competition. Your knifes get sharpened and you feel you have to be better if you wanna be in top of a competition. And, "kvack, kvack", who doesnt wanna be "The optiontrader of the week". At least one time in life.

Nice catch of your puts BTW.

K...but just for the record. Options traders like me almost NEVER buy an option to open a trade. And there are those would absolutely would never Buy To Open an option. Off the record I'll confess to having bought a couple either as a lark because it was cheap and I was throwing my money at a lottery ticket...or very deep in the money at near 100 deltas as a stock replacement for a scalp. (this is off the record right....because I'll deny to the end.) But for probability traders buying an option as a directional play is a suckers bet. Just for the record.
Only calls and puts of three index. Nasdaq-100, S&P-500 and OMXS30.

To win, your indexoptions must raise in value.
Damn, there goes any chance of me getting a win as my options almost never go up in value

And AC your credibility as an option trader just took a hit
I don't know what yer on about. :whistling
ha ha OOOO...K

well that makes two of us... but in my defence let me say I need the AUD/USD to drop in value and well umm errr I just always thought it was natural for my option prices to do the same thing...
No. Here's not an interest of a competition in this format, in this thread and ran by me.

I don't run the competition. Others can run the competition if they want.