Nominate WTF post of year

I nominate everyonerich before he got dull. almost any post would do.

Or Socrates.

Or Spanish.

Can't be @rsed to find specific posts just this second - got stuff to do.
Pretty much every post by Depth Trade qualifies.
But the saga about him wanting to release a raccoon from a cage was other-worldly.
What about the one about Trendie, the Vienna boys choir, and the industrial sized tub of swarfega.

Oops - didn't see you there mate, sry..... ;)
There is a post, but i can't be bothered to find it, it was posted in Mr. Firewalkers forum. A Dow trade posted in a Fed announcement whipsaw. This person posted the entry level with a 10pt stop, as soon as the post hit the screen the market was 80 pts against the guy. His next post read...

Stopped out -2...

And i thought.....WTF!!! Chat forum Tomfoolery eh? You can't beat it.
Now being in my be-nice-to-Aaron-because-I-am-feeling-forgiving mood, I'll have to nominate fcta's disgusting "Christian Traders........." thread where he tries to sell financial interpretations of the bible to the gullible and brain dead.
Kar Key Boi's posts were awesome. Legendary stuff. Strangely enough every so often he'd actualy come out with something interesting about trading. But usually it was insane stuff loosely 50% divided between talking about his hot caribbean woman and keying peoples cars (because they deserved it usually).