New Tool : Volume , Selling / Buying Pressure ..


New Tool : Volume , Selling / Buying Pressure ..

honestly I have some idea to distinguish the Selling/Buying Pressure on each bar .. and I really hopefully looks for a help to code it for MQ4 ...

How we can distinguish and seperate the UP-Ticks from DOWN-Ticks in the Tick Volume Indicator in order to measure the Selling/Buying Pressure on each bar , by drawing such that as a Histogram showing the Upticks amount above the zero line while the downticks below zero line , where upticks+downticks = Tick Volume on that bar ?

P.S : BTW there is no history @ MT4 ( TICKS ) so each time you restart it will start over as newly ; I mean : it does not store the previous bars activity as you restart . the code shall have some kind of database to store its history in the future.

hope i got the help ..
I think MT is not the tool to do things of this sort. You'd better go for WealthLab or eSignal, at least for any software which has a database engine for storing and hadnling ticks history data. Believe me, if you don't have enough experience with DB programming and apps interoperability (for using a database with MT) you'd better stay away from the idea since otherwise it will defeinitely turn a pain in the ass.
And you will need a database because text files are not suitable for working with really huge arrays of data, as tick data are.
Best of luck.
PS I've successfully implemented an ATS which is based also on tick data, it's written in Python fully and doesn't use any 3rd party software except for Tenfore's datafeed.