Mobile charting/ dealing


Well-known member
I am currently trading currencies and use saxobank internet based java charts for charting.

I use cmc for trading. I have their trading software on my home PC and you can also use an internet based system for dealing (ie no software required).

I do not need constant or high speed access. However, I would like to be able to check charts and have the facility to deal whilst out and about say two or three times a day. (I have to work for a living). Access would only be required for 10-15 mins at a time to monitor positions etc. Iam looking for the best/ cost effective way of doing this.

Should I go for a laptop, coupled with a mobile phone to gain internet access?

Can this be done with some kind of palm top computer or even some kind of fancy mobile phone?

I am not much of a techie as you may gather.

Am open to suggestions.

Many thanks in anticipation.
talk to cantor index - they have some deal about an XDA with live charting... seems interesting.. find out if they will be able to provide the data info / charts u need.
I think it's like £30 a month....

could be what you're looking for