Lawrence Krauss: desperate for a Nobel?


Legendary member
I have been watching youtubes of Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss.
They generally debate, either individually, or together, matters of cosmology, evolution, and science against theists, and other religionists.

One thing I noticed was Kruass' reference to "good friends" who have won a Nobel in Physics, etc. (he, himself, is a theoretical physicist).

Hope I am not being in any way dismissive of Krauss, as he is an impressive speaker on many subjects, but he seems to be desperate for a Nobel, and almost every one of his lectures, a reference is made to people whom he knows who have one.

Or is it that he works in a field that attracts the best, and works amongst the modern greats of science.

Or maybe I have too much time on my hands.

edit: for examples, just go onto youtube and search for Lawrence Krauss. (actually, search on Richard Dawkins, and some of the late Christopher Hitchens!)